I asked the peach merchant how to find the ripest ones in a second.

A ripe peach is every sweet tooth’s dream. This juicy and aromatic summer fruit attracts every buyer. You only need to choose peaches very carefully. It is easy to get on a sour or not enough sweet fruit. In addition, in supermarkets you can often buy immature fruits. So what should you pay attention to, to savor only parchment? We are ready to share this useful information with you.

The ripe peach is believed to come from China. Locals have long believed that this fruit can give a strong healthThe tree itself grows in the Garden of Eden. Legends say that it is peaches that are treated to all divine creatures, and this gives them eternal life.

There is certainly some truth in these tales, because ripe peach contains enough. plentiful. For example, vitamins A, B and C, iron, potassium, and antioxidants. All these components have a positive effect on the cardiovascular and digestive system, improve the external condition of the skin, help fight stress and bad mood.

Sure, you definitely paid attention to the fact that every decent peach should be a little “fluffy”. In fact, this is not a banal whim of Mother Nature, but extremely crucial his defense mechanism. The fact is that the peach has a very thin peel, unlike, for example, an apple. This small velvety fluff protects the fruit from excessive moisture, which can be destructive for it.

If you do not like peaches precisely because of the presence of additional “furnishing”, then look at the nectarine. It is no less useful, juicy and sweet fruit, but, most importantly in this situation, it has absolutely nothing. smooth-skin.

When choosing peaches in the store or in the market, you should not completely rely only on the color of the fruit itself. Some people think that the sweeter it is, the sweeter it is. But that's not exactly true. It is much better to go for the smell.

Ripe peachsmells delicious. This should be the first sign that the fruit tastes good. Moreover, such a fragrance can attract more competent “experts” if you buy fruit on the market. Of course, we are talking about bees and wasps. Believe me, these insects will want to eat only the sweetest fruits.

If you are used to paying attention to the color of the fruit, it is better to look at the place. where the peduncle is. Depending on the variety of peaches, this place may have a rich yellow or red tint. But not green. Not sufficiently mature peaches are better to choose for jam - during cooking they will not turn into porridge.

Another way to check the level of ripeness of a peach is slightly juicy fruit. If a slight dent appeared, and then gradually disappeared, then you can take it. If the peach is hard, then there is a risk of buying a little green fruit. This is not so scary, because imported peaches are brought to us still unripe, so that they do not deteriorate along the way. If you buy one, you can leave it in a warm place for a couple of days.

The color of the peach pulp also helps to choose your ideal fruit. For example, a peach with yellow pulp inside may be more fragrant but less sweet. But its relatives with a white and pink hue of flesh, on the contrary, can boast a large amount of sweetness. Choose what you like best.

The summer fruit boom treat yourself to enough of these wonderful fruits, because the end of the summer season tends to creep up suddenly and unexpectedly. Experienced gardeners are also advised to look at peaches from slightly skewed. They are also often very fragrant and sweet.


We hope that our article will be useful for you. We sincerely wish you to make only successful purchases. Share your personal impressions and tell us where you tried. The sweetest and most fragrant peaches.


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