18 ingenious tricks that will keep the freshest vegetables and fruits

sometimes look in the refrigerator or in a box with potato and see the sad spectacle of stale, begins to deteriorate vegetables and fruits. They seemed waiting to be sent to a garbage can. We're wasting money on purchasing and time.
That it was not so dispose of spoil excruciatingly painful, Site has collected the most valuable advice that will keep fruits and vegetables for a long time, and in the fresh form.
before storage is not my personal

Even perfectionists have to get used to the fact that fruit and vegetables before storing it is better not to wash.
If the dirt is irritating, it can be wiped with a dry cloth. Otherwise you risk to wash off the protective film, which prevents mold and rot.
Fruits and vegetables prefer dry

Humidity promotes the emergence of mold. It is best to wipe dry before storing foods.
At the bottom of boxes or containers for the storage of fruits and vegetables can lay paper towels. They will absorb excess moisture and prevent rot.
Put avocado in a paper bag

Unripe avocados are best stored to mature at room temperature wrapped in paper or thick paper bag.
After maturing store it in the refrigerator, put in the bag.
Some fruits vegetables stored in the refrigerator

Only store at room temperature, bell peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes. The refrigerator Pepper loses flavor and firmness, and cucumbers and tomatoes become unpleasantly slimy substance.
Any unripe vegetables and fruits and do not store in the refrigerator. Only after ripening at room temperature, they can be there to shift. Otherwise they will rot and immature.
Film for stalks of bananas

Bananas in the refrigerator to quickly turn black and lose their flavor. They really need moisture, so keep them best by wrapping the base of the bunch in plastic wrap.
Chopped and peeled vegetables retains water

Unusually long it can be stored in the refrigerator fresh peeled and sliced radishes, carrots and celery.
However, to store them should be placed in a container with a small amount of water. It is very convenient for this purpose to use plastic containers for food or conventional banks with lids.
Vegetables and fruit put in a warm area of the refrigerator

The lower the storage temperature, the less retained flavor and freshness. If you want to enjoy them longer, it is best to store fruits and vegetables, where a higher temperature.
Some fruits and vegetables do not store near

Matured, some vegetables and fruits are more active than others begin to allocate ethylene gas. For example, bananas, apricots, melons, pears, plums, mangoes and tomatoes.
Sensitive to its effects apples, eggplant, cucumber, watermelon, potatoes, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, getting close to the first group, begin to deteriorate and become overripe. These two groups are best kept away from each other
Onions and potatoes -. On different boxes

If you put the onions and potatoes in one box, then soon enough, even the young potatoes begin to sprout and stop suit for cooking vkusnyashek.
Garlic and onions like darkness

< br>
The Darkness - a friend, not only young people, the garlic and onion. Our grandmothers preserved garlic, braided it into a "braid", and onion -. Hanged in nylon stockings in the subfield
Now you can buy special containers and put them in any convenient dark and dry place. How long can store the onions and garlic in paper bags, making holes in them.
Potatoes spoil the light

Potatoes, you should not be stored in an open sunny position, he does not just spoil the light, and becomes dangerous.
It is best to place it in a dry, dark place or in wooden, plastic boxes and baskets.
To put potato apple

If you put one or a couple of apples in a box with a potato, it will take longer to maintain the freshness and all their properties.
Asparagus keep a bouquet of

Bringing the asparagus out of the store, put it in a container with water. So long as it remains juicy and fresh.
Broccoli and cauliflower love moisture

Stem broccoli store, dropping into a container with fresh water and having covered inflorescences with a damp towel. Water regularly change and towel moistened.
Cauliflower is also stored in a damp towel or plastic wrap, which is done in a few holes for ventilation.
Vegetables during indoor storage needs

< br> Do not keep them in a drawer or cupboard covered basket under the sink. they rot faster than needed during such storage.
They are best put in wooden or plastic boxes with ventilation in the spacious pantry or in a place where there is air flow.
Celery wrap in foil

< br> Celery is well kept in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil. If you store it in a plastic bag, then it quickly loses elasticity and bright flavor.
Tomato put up a pedicle

The most tender and weak spot in tomato - around the stalk. This is where the start is usually all the unpleasant processes. So just put a sprig tomatoes up, and they keep longer.
Grapes remain fresh in polyethylene

Soft grapes generally better not to keep, but hard to continue without rot, if tightly wrap it in a plastic bag or plastic wrap and place in refrigerator. So he stays juicy, firm and fresh.
And it is better not to keep large portions of grapes, under the weight of it will choke. Conveniently expand it in grozdochke in small packages.
Photos on the preview: Marin mama cooks
See also:
Here's how to clean fruits are people who can not wait to eat them
15 practical advice, how to clean the onions without tears
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/15-sovetov-kak-pochistit-luk-bez-slez-1300365/