How to choose a watermelon: tricks, which I told the farmer

Watermelon ... Everyone loves those huge emerald and pink berries. Sometimes it seems that choosing a good specimen of a very difficult and it is only by, for example, our grandfather, gardener. But actually it is not so difficult, because of the maturity of striped fruit can be determined without having a seasoned eye and without removing the peel.
We are in the Website signs collected by farmers is generally determined that in watermelon juicy and delicious.
In ground spot

Yellow (otherwise earthy) spot - a place that watermelon lying on the ground, when keeping up. In the mature fruit is the spot to be brownish-yellow or orange-yellow, not white.
By "bee cobweb"

These are not very nice brown spots on the watermelon say that bees are often touched fetal ovary during pollination. The more pollination occurred, the sweeter watermelon.
by gender

Among gardeners spread division watermelon fruit on the "boys" and "girls". "Boys" have a more elongated shape, the taste more watery. A "girl" is more round and very sweet.
By weight and volume of

It is best to choose not the largest, but also not a small watermelon. The best - average. And it should be remembered that a good watermelon is always quite heavy for its size.
By ponytail

Dried tail always indicates that watermelon has reached the desired degree of ripeness. If the tail of green and fresh, the fruit is not yet ripe.
fifteenspatulas.com Source,
Photos on the preview O.Bellini / Shutterstock
See also:
18 ingenious tricks that will keep the freshest vegetables and fruits
12 secrets from the farmers to choose ripe fruit and berries
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/12-sekretov-ot-fermerov-chtoby-vybrat-spelye-frukty-i-yagody-1315115/