Watermelon diet— minus 7 kg in 2 weeks
Twenty six million six hundred twenty four thousand five hundred fifty four
If you still feel uneasy go to the beach in a swimsuit, the best solution would be to watermelon diet.Delicious, bright, juicy and very satisfying diet will allow you to lose two weeks of 7 kg!
Day 1Завтрак – dairy oatmeal, a glass of orange juice
Lunch – salad with watermelon and feta
Salad recipe (for two portions): 250 g of pulp of watermelon, 100 g feta, fresh Basil to taste, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
From the pulp of watermelon and remove seeds. Chop the watermelon and feta in small cubes, add chopped Basil, season with oil and vinegar and stir
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, 100 g of cottage cheese
Day 2Завтрак rice without salt, a tomato, a glass of Apple juice
Lunch – salad with watermelon and chicken
Forty two million eight hundred fifty eight thousand seven hundred ten
Salad recipe (for two portions): 1 boiled chicken breast without skin, 80 g of low-fat solid cheese, 200 g of pulp of watermelon, 1 tsp olive oil 1 tsp grated fresh ginger, juice of half an orange, 10 g of pumpkin seeds
Chicken & watermelon cut into cubes, add ginger, oil, seeds and mix. Place on a plate, season with orange juice and sprinkle with grated cheese
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, 100 g of boiled chicken fillet
Day 3Завтрак – buckwheat porridge without salt, 4-5 pieces of prunes, tea without sugar
Lunch – a salad of watermelon with tomatoes
Salad recipe (for two portions): 250 g of pulp of watermelon, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tsp olive oil, herbs, salt and pepper – to taste
Watermelon, tomato and cucumber cut into cubes, add chopped greens, mix, fill with juice, oil, salt and pepper
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, a Cup of yogurt
Day 4Завтрак – red rice without salt, 100 g of boiled beef, a glass of Apple juice
Lunch – 100 g of boiled beef, a cocktail of watermelon and blueberry
Cocktail recipe: 100 g of blueberries (or blueberry), 200 g of pulp of watermelon, 450 ml fresh orange juice, ground cardamom – to taste
Sixty five million seven hundred fifty eight thousand six hundred twenty six
Grind all the immersion blender products
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, 100 g of cheese with herbs
Day 5Завтрак – oatmeal with raisins, glass of orange juice
Lunch – fruit salad with watermelon and nuts
Salad recipe (for two portions): 100 grams of melon, 100 grams of watermelon, a small bunch of grapes, a 0.5 cups of blueberries, 5-6 plums, 50 g walnuts, 2 tbsp lemon juice
Watermelon, melon, grapes and plums chopped nuts advanced with a knife, add the blueberries and mix products. Lay on the salad and season with lemon juice
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, 100 g of cottage cheese
Day 6Завтрак – buckwheat porridge without salt, 100 g of boiled chicken, pomegranate juice
Lunch – flavorful watermelon slices
Thirty nine million five hundred sixty six thousand six hundred thirty nine
Recipe slices: frozen watermelon, some fresh mint, 2 lime, 1 tsp sugar (or fructose).
Watermelon cut into slices. Cook the fragrant mixture with lime to remove the zest; mint chopped with a knife, mix with the zest and sugar, mash these in a mortar until smooth. Watermelon slices drizzle with lime juice and sprinkle the mint mixture
Dinner – watermelon in any amount, 150 g of boiled chicken with herbs
Day 7Завтрак rice without salt with herbs, 100 g of peeled boiled shrimp (or fish), tea without sugar with lemon
Lunch – gazpacho of watermelon
Eighteen million six hundred fifty five thousand one hundred thirty one
Gazpacho recipe (for two portions): 1 kg of pulp of watermelon, 0.5 glass of cranberry juice, 1 cucumber, 1 red bell pepper, 3-4 stalks of celery, handful of mint leaves, small bunch parsley, lemon juice – to taste
600 g watermelon and cranberry juice blend with immersion blender and strain. 400 g watermelon, cucumber, peppers and celery cut into cubes. To connect products, spill soup on plates, season with chopped herbs and lemon juice
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, 100 g of peeled boiled shrimp
On the 8th day, repeat the diet from the beginning.
*Have watermelon diet has contraindications. If you have kidney disease, digestive disorders or diabetes, first consult with your doctor. Listen to your body. If there unpleasant symptoms, immediately stop the diet.
Have a good August and only bright summer emotions!
Source: domashniy.ru/
If you still feel uneasy go to the beach in a swimsuit, the best solution would be to watermelon diet.Delicious, bright, juicy and very satisfying diet will allow you to lose two weeks of 7 kg!
Day 1Завтрак – dairy oatmeal, a glass of orange juice
Lunch – salad with watermelon and feta
Salad recipe (for two portions): 250 g of pulp of watermelon, 100 g feta, fresh Basil to taste, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 tsp balsamic vinegar
From the pulp of watermelon and remove seeds. Chop the watermelon and feta in small cubes, add chopped Basil, season with oil and vinegar and stir
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, 100 g of cottage cheese
Day 2Завтрак rice without salt, a tomato, a glass of Apple juice
Lunch – salad with watermelon and chicken
Forty two million eight hundred fifty eight thousand seven hundred ten
Salad recipe (for two portions): 1 boiled chicken breast without skin, 80 g of low-fat solid cheese, 200 g of pulp of watermelon, 1 tsp olive oil 1 tsp grated fresh ginger, juice of half an orange, 10 g of pumpkin seeds
Chicken & watermelon cut into cubes, add ginger, oil, seeds and mix. Place on a plate, season with orange juice and sprinkle with grated cheese
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, 100 g of boiled chicken fillet
Day 3Завтрак – buckwheat porridge without salt, 4-5 pieces of prunes, tea without sugar
Lunch – a salad of watermelon with tomatoes
Salad recipe (for two portions): 250 g of pulp of watermelon, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, 2 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tsp olive oil, herbs, salt and pepper – to taste
Watermelon, tomato and cucumber cut into cubes, add chopped greens, mix, fill with juice, oil, salt and pepper
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, a Cup of yogurt
Day 4Завтрак – red rice without salt, 100 g of boiled beef, a glass of Apple juice
Lunch – 100 g of boiled beef, a cocktail of watermelon and blueberry
Cocktail recipe: 100 g of blueberries (or blueberry), 200 g of pulp of watermelon, 450 ml fresh orange juice, ground cardamom – to taste
Sixty five million seven hundred fifty eight thousand six hundred twenty six
Grind all the immersion blender products
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, 100 g of cheese with herbs
Day 5Завтрак – oatmeal with raisins, glass of orange juice
Lunch – fruit salad with watermelon and nuts
Salad recipe (for two portions): 100 grams of melon, 100 grams of watermelon, a small bunch of grapes, a 0.5 cups of blueberries, 5-6 plums, 50 g walnuts, 2 tbsp lemon juice
Watermelon, melon, grapes and plums chopped nuts advanced with a knife, add the blueberries and mix products. Lay on the salad and season with lemon juice
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, 100 g of cottage cheese
Day 6Завтрак – buckwheat porridge without salt, 100 g of boiled chicken, pomegranate juice
Lunch – flavorful watermelon slices
Thirty nine million five hundred sixty six thousand six hundred thirty nine
Recipe slices: frozen watermelon, some fresh mint, 2 lime, 1 tsp sugar (or fructose).
Watermelon cut into slices. Cook the fragrant mixture with lime to remove the zest; mint chopped with a knife, mix with the zest and sugar, mash these in a mortar until smooth. Watermelon slices drizzle with lime juice and sprinkle the mint mixture
Dinner – watermelon in any amount, 150 g of boiled chicken with herbs
Day 7Завтрак rice without salt with herbs, 100 g of peeled boiled shrimp (or fish), tea without sugar with lemon
Lunch – gazpacho of watermelon
Eighteen million six hundred fifty five thousand one hundred thirty one
Gazpacho recipe (for two portions): 1 kg of pulp of watermelon, 0.5 glass of cranberry juice, 1 cucumber, 1 red bell pepper, 3-4 stalks of celery, handful of mint leaves, small bunch parsley, lemon juice – to taste
600 g watermelon and cranberry juice blend with immersion blender and strain. 400 g watermelon, cucumber, peppers and celery cut into cubes. To connect products, spill soup on plates, season with chopped herbs and lemon juice
Dinner – watermelon in any quantity, 100 g of peeled boiled shrimp
On the 8th day, repeat the diet from the beginning.
*Have watermelon diet has contraindications. If you have kidney disease, digestive disorders or diabetes, first consult with your doctor. Listen to your body. If there unpleasant symptoms, immediately stop the diet.
Have a good August and only bright summer emotions!
Source: domashniy.ru/