Surprisingly useful summer berry - watermelon

Summer is hard to imagine without watermelon. But do you know much about this berry? We decided not to stop the well-known facts, and directly asked the doctors, who, when and how to eat it.

Moms - necessarily Watermelon contains antioxidants such as carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and ascorbic acid. They help keep our body healthy and young. Some of these antioxidants strengthen vision and have anti-cancer effects. But not antioxidants rich in watermelon, and the content of folic acid. Vitamin B9 (aka folic acid) has unique abilities, since it is with its help that RNA and DNA are built. The vitamin is able to regulate the absorption of proteins and their processing, and also takes an active part in cell division. External manifestations of the action of foliacin are expressed in improving digestion, normalizing the color of the skin, as well as enhancing lactation in new mothers. B9 positively affects the formation of the nervous system of babies, so pregnant women are recommended to eat foods with a high content of this vitamin. Consumption of watermelon by pregnant women in late pregnancy is fraught with increased urge and uncomfortable sensations. The same applies to the intestine, since abundant gas formation from the use of watermelon can cause pregnant women not only discomfort, but also pain. Both the heart and kidneys 60% of the daily dose of magnesium is contained in only 100 grams of watermelon. This is incredibly pleasing, especially considering the fact that magnesium helps other micronutrients and vitamins to be absorbed. Extremity cramps, weakness, tingling, and feeling tired are often triggered by a lack of magnesium. Also, magnesium deficiency can affect the heart in the form of arrhythmia and increases the likelihood of a heart attack. For this reason, you need to carefully monitor the daily rate of magnesium. The benefits of this trace element will be felt by the kidneys, as it can prevent the formation of stones. Get the necessary vitamins from different products, properly balancing your diet. One watermelon is not able to provide the entire range of useful substances. Up to 90% of watermelon is water, for this reason, the berry is often consumed instead of a drink. This helps to maintain a normal water-salt balance and does not harm the kidneys. It also does not contain heavy sugars that provoke insulin production. For this reason, even diabetics can consume watermelon in moderate doses. For people with gastrointestinal problems, excessive consumption of watermelon can play a cruel joke. A large amount of berries can start diarrhea, which leads to dehydration. Due to its sweetness, watermelon provokes a feeling of saturation, so it is easier for a person to sit a day on watermelon than on kefir or cucumbers. Also, hunger is suppressed due to the filling of the stomach, despite the fact that it contains a minimum number of calories. Another plus of watermelon in the desire to lose weight is that it perfectly removes excess water, and this, in turn, will immediately remove a couple of kilograms from the scale. The watermelon diet is very simple. In addition to watermelon (1-1.5 kg) you can eat crackers and rye breads. Coffee and tea are strictly prohibited. In addition to the effect of losing weight, watermelon diet helps to cleanse the body, renew and “recharge” immunity. Watermelon diet should be carried out no more than two days in a row. If you want to increase the effect or, in principle, lose extra pounds, you need to repeat the diet every 4-5 days. It is worth remembering that in the interim days you do not need to lean on other products and you can not overeat. Do not rush to extremes, remember your health.
Chemical and biological weapons watermelon can be a potential threat to your body. This is due to the fact that the concentration of nitrates can exceed the norm. Nitrates poison the body. Microbes are also dangerous. To use watermelon brought only benefit, you need to follow certain rules:
  • You can not buy watermelons with a carved triangle, cut or cracked.
  • Cut into pieces and wrapped in film watermelons are also best left on the counter.
  • Once you have purchased watermelon and brought it home, wash it well under running water and only then put it on the table. Thus, germs from unwashed watermelon lying on the table will not “mov” to other products.
Alternative use of watermelon
  • Instead of makeup.
Watermelon has excellent cosmetic abilities and has a wonderful effect on the skin of the face. Try making a watermelon mask. Wrinkled or simply sliced watermelon apply to the face and leave for 15 minutes. To improve the effect before applying the mask, the face can be wiped with honey or olive oil.
  • Instead of Viagra
Cirtulin, which in the process of metabolism is converted to arginine, perfectly dilates blood vessels. Thus, the action of watermelon is better than that of Viagra.



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