Loganberry — a hybrid of blackberries and raspberries

BlackBerry — a wonderful creation of nature. There seems to be no advantages that matter in this plant. It is decorative, flowers large white or pink flowers, gathered in large clusters. Yield BlackBerry will leave far behind any sort of raspberries. No wonder Shakespeare is found: "Prolific as blackberries".
Berries good varieties — large, high taste and medicinal qualities. Unfortunately, this plant is still Cinderella. Therefore not surprised when I read: "I Planted blackberries and LOGANBERRIES".
And what is Loganberry? It is also a BlackBerry, only obtained by crossing with raspberry. Foolishly, once try to call Mattila-BlackBerry hybrids. Michurin called his phoenicea BlackBerry TEXAS isolated from seedlings, Loganberry eyewitnesses raspberries. Now sometimes includes the use of the word egemarine. Some are called hybrids malinovskyi the blackberries.
All of these names is incorrect, because it does not reflect fact. Interspecific hybridization in plant breeding — a frequent occurrence. Therefore important not the details of the selection process, a properly evaluated result.
Blackberries and raspberries are two separate species belonging to the genus Rubus of the family Rosaceae. However, despite the close relationship, between them there are large genetic differences. This is the reason that the BlackBerry bushes are much more powerful, productive, and the weight of the berries of some varieties reaches 12 g. the raspberry it does not exceed 3 — 3.5 g Mutations towards enlargement of raspberries — a very rare phenomenon, therefore, to obtain high-yielding large-fruited varieties of raspberries are used interbreeding. That is, include in the selection process.
So did Michurin and brought raspberries COMMERCE. Similarly, the British East Malinskoj breeding station brought unprecedented large-fruited raspberry. It is on the basis of large-fruited varieties of English breeder Jennings Professor V. Kichina in NISIN got their famous raspberry varieties NATIVE, MAROSEYKA, TAGANKA, the city, the MIRAGE with the weight of the berries from 4 to 8 g.
In short, most of the modern large-fruited Malin domestic and foreign selection — nothing like Mattila-BlackBerry hybrids, at least one of the generations. This also explains their lack of frost in Central Russia, as well as the presence of large branched mnogovodnee brush, which is typical for most blackberries.
Mattila-BlackBerry hybrid can be either raspberries or blackberries, depending on whose morphological characteristics of the resulting plant bears. The main features of BlackBerry are neoteleostei berries from Podolia and large flower with white or pink petals. The color and taste of berries, the defining characteristics are not. Even in wild nature there are blackberries with berries white and red colors, and all colors from purple to black. Some varieties of BlackBerry in the taste of the berries has a slight raspberry flavor.
The berries themselves have a wonderful flavor, however, the use in breeding of raspberry possible to obtain varieties with even more delicious berry. From hybridization and won raspberry, and BlackBerry. The most famous Mattila-BlackBerry hybrids are the sort, like LOGANBERRY, TEXAS, United TAYBERRY, TOMELLERI, BOYSENBERRY, YANG, MARION.
Unfortunately, reading articles about BlackBerry, often have to face various uncertainties. For example, write that the best varieties of blackberries — English varieties. The vast majority of grades received in America, where in the early nineteenth century for the first time engaged in this culture. Therefore, the English name of varieties in any case does not speak about their origin. The reference varieties are often described incompletely, sometimes there are even contradictions. So it's best to focus on transferable sources of information.
Received in California. It's creeping bessima BlackBerry. Shoots of medium length. Color the berries red. When ripe, darkens somewhat. Berries oblong, large, reaches a length of 3 to 4 cm and weighs 5 — 6 g. ripening early. The sour-sweet taste.
BlackBerry bred by Michurin selection of seedlings, Loganberry. Bush creeping, prickly. Shoots are long, up to 5 m. the Berry is a crimson, oblong, weighing up to 10 — 12 G. sour-sweet Taste with a raspberry flavor. Grade several morozovskoye, Loganberry, but requires a bit of cover.
Received in 30 years in California. Typical creeping BlackBerry. One of the most popular American varieties. There are two forms of prickly and bessida. Berry large, reddish-brown color, oval shape. The berries taste sweet and sour, aroma of BlackBerry.
This is one of the latest Mattila-BlackBerry hybrids. Very fruitful. Bush creeping, prickly. Berries oblong, large, red when ripe dark red.
TOMELLERI — seedling, Tayberry.
The Bush is thorny. More cold-resistant than Tayberry. Berry red, large, elongated.
Erect varieties of BlackBerry cultural. The length of the whips 2.5 — 3 m. Prickly, very hardy (up to -34©. Yields 4-5-year-old Bush, up to 10 kg. Berry weight 3.5 — 4 g, sour-sweet, of over ripeness fresh-sweet, black glossy, oblong. Leaves — finger, very decorative.
I must say that all the American varieties completely unpretentious. Grow them on poles and trellis (fences), 5-6 years from erect bushes there is like 10 of the suckers. In one place the blackberries grow up to 10 years.
Polytelis, BESSEY grade. Frost resistance is low, to -22(P. But under the shelter of leaf litter fine winters in Central Russia. Berry black, glossy, rounded, a little juicier than other varieties, and therefore less transportable. The yield of adult Bush — 5 — 6 kg.
In September we can offer cuttings Mattila-BlackBerry hybrids Darrow, black satin, Boysenberry and limited, Loganberry.
Vyacheslav V. YAKIMOV
Source: /users/1077