Raspberry is a treat and medicine. 10 reasons to eat raspberries

In addition to its taste, raspberries also have many useful and healing properties due to the high content of vitamins, micro and macro elements necessary for our entire body.
According to a study by Finnish scientists, 30 raspberry berries a day will strengthen your immunity for a year ahead, cheer up no worse than espresso and help maintain youth. What else is a miracle berry useful?

10 reasons to eat raspberries
1. A portion of raspberries is a charge of energy for the whole day due to the high content of glucose and fructose in the berry.
2. Raspberry activates metabolic processes and enhances the separation of bile due to organic acids that are part of it.
3. Raspberry is an effective antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent.
4. Ascorbic acid contained in raspberries strengthens the walls of blood vessels and immunity, and fatty acids prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
5. Raspberry is a source of folic acid, so it is advised to use women in preparation for pregnancy and during the period of bearing a child.

6. Fiber, which is part of the berries, helps stimulate the digestive process and helps in the treatment of constipation.
7. Fresh raspberries are traditionally used as a “sobering agent” for intoxication.
8. Raspberry should be eaten to improve the condition of the skin of the face, as it has a beneficial effect on its tone and color due to vitamins A, C, E, PP and group B.
9. Useful properties of raspberries are very widely used in diabetes and anemia.
10. Raspberry has a good diuretic property, therefore it is indicated for kidney diseases.
The use of raspberries can be varied with various cocktails, punches, juices and compotes. Unlike all other berries, raspberries after heat treatment do not lose their healing properties.
NB! Raspberries are contraindicated in jade and gout.

Source: estet-portal.com


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