Raspberries in your garden—how to prune and when
To prepare raspberry bushes for the winter should be late September or early October, i.e. before the time when the temperature drops below zero. For the winter raspberries Crouch, but before that, prepare the bushes.
How to prune raspberries in the fall to prepare for winter? On each hive, remove all the roots in the old dry and thin young branches. After removing the extra processes, we should maintain only the thick new stems which are shortened from the top 10-20 cm. The distance between the bushes should be about 60 cm, if the shrub has grown, then cut off the excess stems with a shovel. These simple recommendations will improve productivity and will positively affect the fruit size.
Before winter raspberry needs her bushes to remove leaves. This should be done very carefully without damaging the buds. Here you can use the following method: wear a MITT or glove and hold her run from the bottom up. This will allow you to remove the leaves without damaging the buds. The leaves can not leave, as they have mold, rot and burn buds. The deletion of leaves should be paid time.
After cleansing the bushes from the leaves to bend raspberries to the ground and secure with wire. The bend should be as low as possible (below 50 cm) to raspberry remained above the snow and not freeze.
In order for the shrubs wintered well, just enough to clean it from leaves and bend down low to the ground. Winter is also is necessary to monitor the plant. You will need to pour snow, if it will be enough and raspberries are not fully covered, eliminate the snow crust when it appears that the air passes freely to the raspberry.
In winter, the bushes should be completely covered with snow. This will protect the raspberries as from frost and hares. If we wish to further protect the bushes with a layer of straw, then it needs to be about 20-25 inches. And the better the straw in the fall to put in a compost pile to winter to Malin did not penetrate the mouse.
If we were all actions performed correctly, most of the shoots should have a good winter. Shoots that are heavily damaged by frost, you need to remove the other bushes are not subjected to diseases. For this you need to carefully examine all the bushes, freeing them from the snow. Better to do it in early spring when plants are still dormant.
Source: chudo-ogorod.ru/

How to prune raspberries in the fall to prepare for winter? On each hive, remove all the roots in the old dry and thin young branches. After removing the extra processes, we should maintain only the thick new stems which are shortened from the top 10-20 cm. The distance between the bushes should be about 60 cm, if the shrub has grown, then cut off the excess stems with a shovel. These simple recommendations will improve productivity and will positively affect the fruit size.
Before winter raspberry needs her bushes to remove leaves. This should be done very carefully without damaging the buds. Here you can use the following method: wear a MITT or glove and hold her run from the bottom up. This will allow you to remove the leaves without damaging the buds. The leaves can not leave, as they have mold, rot and burn buds. The deletion of leaves should be paid time.
After cleansing the bushes from the leaves to bend raspberries to the ground and secure with wire. The bend should be as low as possible (below 50 cm) to raspberry remained above the snow and not freeze.
In order for the shrubs wintered well, just enough to clean it from leaves and bend down low to the ground. Winter is also is necessary to monitor the plant. You will need to pour snow, if it will be enough and raspberries are not fully covered, eliminate the snow crust when it appears that the air passes freely to the raspberry.
In winter, the bushes should be completely covered with snow. This will protect the raspberries as from frost and hares. If we wish to further protect the bushes with a layer of straw, then it needs to be about 20-25 inches. And the better the straw in the fall to put in a compost pile to winter to Malin did not penetrate the mouse.
If we were all actions performed correctly, most of the shoots should have a good winter. Shoots that are heavily damaged by frost, you need to remove the other bushes are not subjected to diseases. For this you need to carefully examine all the bushes, freeing them from the snow. Better to do it in early spring when plants are still dormant.
Source: chudo-ogorod.ru/