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Trees on the trellis: the advantages of the method, advice on cultivation and care
If the site is small and make it a garden of fruit trees is not possible, then we can resort to the method of growing trees on a trellis. And a lot of places do not need, and with the aesthetic side is original and impressive.
trees growing on a trellis: the history and essence of the method
The technology is not new, hedge method to the fruit trees began to be used for several centuries ago in Europe, mainly in France and Switzerland, where it has spread to other countries.
The essence of growing on trellis - tree being located in the same plane, after it is formed in a special way, and then fixed to the support. Today cordon grown not only fruit trees, and berry bushes, vines, pumpkin, cucumber and others.
To grow on the trellis is selected trees and shrubs, which are characterized by slow growth.
We strongly recommend to clarify before purchasing in a nursery at the expense of what it used rootstock manufacturer. The widespread practice of grafting nurseries variety of trees (bushes) on the root system of crops species, and sometimes even to a completely different culture.
Often a plum grafted apricot, also spread the grafting pears on quince.
To make such grafting to limit the size of the root system and simultaneously improve earliness. Depending on the stock one apple varieties can grow one - 1, 5 m in height, other - 9 m
. Of course, the harvest is much easier with a little apple. Therefore cordon grown trees with rootstock of the dwarf or semi-dwarf culture. We recommend to familiarize with the material of the dwarf garden in the country.
The benefits of growing trees on trellis
In tapestry method has several significant advantages, which, in fact, make it attractive for many gardeners. Let's start with the aesthetic moment - trees on trellis can be shaped oval, cube, or even fans, which certainly gives unusual garden.
Having arranged the tapestry in the right places, you can break your garden into several zones, which will distinguish between trees on a trellis.
They can be used as a hedge, fence, providing privacy of your site.
Owners of small plots trellis method makes it possible to grow the trees in the garden, which during normal landing would not find enough space. And because space is required at least, and it will calculate a snap.
Often the plants on a trellis used as a means of greening walls of the house and outbuildings. Linden on a trellis with a crown in the shape of an oval or cube perfectly shield the house from the gusts of wind and rain flows.
Well adapted to the trellis such breeds as the Quercus palustris, Liquidambar, field maple, sycamore grows well on a horizontal trellis. These trees have a dense crown, giving an excellent shade, so they can be used to design a recreational area. The green canopy in the garden can be arranged from almond or mulberry on a trellis.
How to install support fruit trees on trellis
Growing trees trellis method involves the use of a specially installed supports existing wall or fence. It is recommended to choose the area of the garden, a well-illuminated by the sun and blown by cold winds. The basis of the trellis is a massive robust construction, made up of columns and frames her fixed flat screen of slats or wire. The trunk of the tree attached to a pole, and the branches are distributed on the rails, lying in the same plane. Thus, we would translate as a tree of three-dimensional space in a two-dimensional.
Seedlings intended for tapestry technique, are planted in the usual way, as well as other fruit trees, the only thing - the gap left between them is much less. Take care to nearby grew other fruit crops, since it is necessary for cross-pollination.
Pruning trees on trellis
Regular pruning - an indispensable component of proper care of trees on trellis. By trimming the tree is given a compact form and the desired shape. To trim used sharp secateurs and all cuts are made at an angle. Details of the instruments tell stuff about tools for pruning trees and shrubs.
Young trees be cut off once a year, yet cold and started growing process, such as early spring. From this general rule knocked plum and cherry, which is desirable crop in late spring, summer or early autumn.
During the spring pruning is attached to his chosen for him a form, set the length of the trunk and branches.
Wood under the age of fruiting, cut 2 times a year, additional pruning is carried out in the summer, when fruits ripen. Summer pruning removes wood from excessive foliage that allows more nutrients to the formation of the fruit and get a rich harvest.
New branches in the summer should be cut so that was 1 cm after growth node.
It is strongly recommended to remove branches that cover from the sun ripening fruit. Of course, the vase life to be diseased, damaged and dry branches.
Culture, giving the large fruits (apples, peaches, plums), is to thin out, first of all, removing weak and unhealthy-looking fruit. As a result, the remaining fruit will develop better, and although you get a smaller amount of ripe fruit, but they will be of better quality. Remove the fruit shears can be either manually performing rotational movement.
If the site is small and make it a garden of fruit trees is not possible, then we can resort to the method of growing trees on a trellis. And a lot of places do not need, and with the aesthetic side is original and impressive.
trees growing on a trellis: the history and essence of the method
The technology is not new, hedge method to the fruit trees began to be used for several centuries ago in Europe, mainly in France and Switzerland, where it has spread to other countries.
The essence of growing on trellis - tree being located in the same plane, after it is formed in a special way, and then fixed to the support. Today cordon grown not only fruit trees, and berry bushes, vines, pumpkin, cucumber and others.

To grow on the trellis is selected trees and shrubs, which are characterized by slow growth.
We strongly recommend to clarify before purchasing in a nursery at the expense of what it used rootstock manufacturer. The widespread practice of grafting nurseries variety of trees (bushes) on the root system of crops species, and sometimes even to a completely different culture.
Often a plum grafted apricot, also spread the grafting pears on quince.
To make such grafting to limit the size of the root system and simultaneously improve earliness. Depending on the stock one apple varieties can grow one - 1, 5 m in height, other - 9 m
. Of course, the harvest is much easier with a little apple. Therefore cordon grown trees with rootstock of the dwarf or semi-dwarf culture. We recommend to familiarize with the material of the dwarf garden in the country.

The benefits of growing trees on trellis
In tapestry method has several significant advantages, which, in fact, make it attractive for many gardeners. Let's start with the aesthetic moment - trees on trellis can be shaped oval, cube, or even fans, which certainly gives unusual garden.
Having arranged the tapestry in the right places, you can break your garden into several zones, which will distinguish between trees on a trellis.
They can be used as a hedge, fence, providing privacy of your site.
Owners of small plots trellis method makes it possible to grow the trees in the garden, which during normal landing would not find enough space. And because space is required at least, and it will calculate a snap.
Often the plants on a trellis used as a means of greening walls of the house and outbuildings. Linden on a trellis with a crown in the shape of an oval or cube perfectly shield the house from the gusts of wind and rain flows.
Well adapted to the trellis such breeds as the Quercus palustris, Liquidambar, field maple, sycamore grows well on a horizontal trellis. These trees have a dense crown, giving an excellent shade, so they can be used to design a recreational area. The green canopy in the garden can be arranged from almond or mulberry on a trellis.
How to install support fruit trees on trellis
Growing trees trellis method involves the use of a specially installed supports existing wall or fence. It is recommended to choose the area of the garden, a well-illuminated by the sun and blown by cold winds. The basis of the trellis is a massive robust construction, made up of columns and frames her fixed flat screen of slats or wire. The trunk of the tree attached to a pole, and the branches are distributed on the rails, lying in the same plane. Thus, we would translate as a tree of three-dimensional space in a two-dimensional.
Seedlings intended for tapestry technique, are planted in the usual way, as well as other fruit trees, the only thing - the gap left between them is much less. Take care to nearby grew other fruit crops, since it is necessary for cross-pollination.
Pruning trees on trellis
Regular pruning - an indispensable component of proper care of trees on trellis. By trimming the tree is given a compact form and the desired shape. To trim used sharp secateurs and all cuts are made at an angle. Details of the instruments tell stuff about tools for pruning trees and shrubs.
Young trees be cut off once a year, yet cold and started growing process, such as early spring. From this general rule knocked plum and cherry, which is desirable crop in late spring, summer or early autumn.
During the spring pruning is attached to his chosen for him a form, set the length of the trunk and branches.
Wood under the age of fruiting, cut 2 times a year, additional pruning is carried out in the summer, when fruits ripen. Summer pruning removes wood from excessive foliage that allows more nutrients to the formation of the fruit and get a rich harvest.
New branches in the summer should be cut so that was 1 cm after growth node.
It is strongly recommended to remove branches that cover from the sun ripening fruit. Of course, the vase life to be diseased, damaged and dry branches.
Culture, giving the large fruits (apples, peaches, plums), is to thin out, first of all, removing weak and unhealthy-looking fruit. As a result, the remaining fruit will develop better, and although you get a smaller amount of ripe fruit, but they will be of better quality. Remove the fruit shears can be either manually performing rotational movement.

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