Yogurt diet to increase vitality
It's a mild cleansing food system. The yogurt diet is aimed not so much at weight loss as at increasing vitality. A great bonus will be radiant skin, normalization of digestion and the loss of several extra pounds.
It is important to follow 3 rules: 1. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables and low-fat meat.
2. Drink freshly squeezed fruit juices - apple, grapefruit, orange, pomegranate and cherry, diluted with water 1: 2.
3. Limit salt and drink plenty of still water.
1 Breakfast – 1 tbsp of natural yogurt without additives, an apple and a small bunch of grapes, unsweetened green tea
Lunch - apple juice, boiled beef, 1 boiled egg, fresh cabbage salad with soy sauce
Dinner - 1 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives, fresh cucumber, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese
Day 2 Breakfast - 1 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives, fresh carrot salad with apple, orange juice
Salad recipe: grate carrots and apples, add 0.5 tsp of honey and mix
Lunch is a spicy avocado soup
Soup recipe (for two servings): 300 ml vegetable broth, 300 ml natural yogurt without additives, half lemon, 1 soft ripe avocado, chili, green onions, garlic
Stack all the ingredients in a blender bowl and grind until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Dinner - boiled beef, 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives
Day 3 Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with yogurt and greens, cherry juice
Porridge recipe: in 100 g of boiled buckwheat porridge pour 1 tbsp of natural yogurt, add chopped greens and stir
Lunch - vegetable soup in the Mediterranean
Soup recipe (for 2 servings): 300 ml of natural yogurt, 1 bulb, 1 small zucchini, 150 g of frozen green peas, 200 ml of vegetable broth, mint, rosemary, garlic, ground pepper, 1 tsp olive oil
Save the onions with rosemary and garlic, add the green peas, sliced zucchini, pour the broth and stew until ready on slow heat under the lid. Remove from the fire, remove the sprigs of rosemary and cool. Add the yogurt, mint and grind with a submersible blender
Dinner – boiled chicken, tomatoes, natural yogurt and orange juice
Day 4 Breakfast - 50 g of muesli with natural yogurt without additives, pomegranate juice
Lunch - yogurt soup with ginger
Soup recipe (for 2 servings): 1 cucumber, 1 Bulgarian sweet pepper, 2 tbsp. walnuts, hot peppers, garlic, fresh ginger, mint, basil and cilantro, 1.5-2 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives
Cut vegetables, cut greens, crush nuts in a mortar, rub ginger and garlic on a small grater. Pour yogurt into vegetables, add greens, ginger, mix. Pour on plates and decorate with nuts
Dinner - carrot-apple smoothie, 100 g of low-fat grain cottage cheese
Smoothie recipe: 1 carrot, 1 apple, pinch of cinnamon, 300ml natural yogurt
Grate the carrots, cut the apple, pour yogurt, add cinnamon and grind with a submersible blender
Day 5 Breakfast - rice with yogurt and raisins, pomegranate juice
Rice recipe: 100 g of boiled rice, 300 ml of natural yogurt, half a handful of raisins without seeds. In rice add yogurt, raisins and mix
Lunch - spicy yogurt soup, 150 g of boiled chicken
Recipe of soup: 300 ml of natural yogurt, 2 cm of ginger root, curry, cinnamon, turmeric, cuir, mustard seeds - to a pinch, salt and cilantro - to taste
Grate the root of the ginger. Add salt, spices, ginger, greens to yogurt and mix
Dinner - broccoli for a couple with low-fat sour cream, cherry juice
Day 6
Breakfast - cucumber smoothie, 5-6 walnuts, pomegranate juice
Smoothie recipe: 1 cucumber, 250 ml of natural yogurt without additives, mint to taste. Grind all products with a submersible blender
Lunch - cottage cheese soup with yogurt, vegetable salad without oil
Soup recipe: 150 g of grain low-fat cottage cheese, 250 ml of natural yogurt, mint
Mint is fine. In yogurt add cottage cheese, mint and mix
Dinner - 200 g of boiled beef, 1 raw carrot, grapefruit juice
Day 7 Breakfast - oatmeal with natural yogurt, 5 prunes, cherry juice
Lunch - carrot soup with yogurt and shrimp
Soup recipe: 1 carrot, 300 ml of natural yogurt, cumin and salt - to taste, 150 g of boiled shrimp, fresh greens
Crude carrots grind in a blender, mix with yogurt, add salt, stir. Pour soup into a plate, lay out shrimp and decorate with greens
Dinner - boiled fish (preferably red), abundantly sprinkled with greens, apple juice
Be beautiful and amazing!
Source: domashniy.ru/
It is important to follow 3 rules: 1. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables and low-fat meat.
2. Drink freshly squeezed fruit juices - apple, grapefruit, orange, pomegranate and cherry, diluted with water 1: 2.
3. Limit salt and drink plenty of still water.
1 Breakfast – 1 tbsp of natural yogurt without additives, an apple and a small bunch of grapes, unsweetened green tea
Lunch - apple juice, boiled beef, 1 boiled egg, fresh cabbage salad with soy sauce
Dinner - 1 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives, fresh cucumber, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese
Day 2 Breakfast - 1 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives, fresh carrot salad with apple, orange juice
Salad recipe: grate carrots and apples, add 0.5 tsp of honey and mix
Lunch is a spicy avocado soup
Soup recipe (for two servings): 300 ml vegetable broth, 300 ml natural yogurt without additives, half lemon, 1 soft ripe avocado, chili, green onions, garlic
Stack all the ingredients in a blender bowl and grind until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Dinner - boiled beef, 2 tomatoes, 1 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives
Day 3 Breakfast - buckwheat porridge with yogurt and greens, cherry juice
Porridge recipe: in 100 g of boiled buckwheat porridge pour 1 tbsp of natural yogurt, add chopped greens and stir
Lunch - vegetable soup in the Mediterranean
Soup recipe (for 2 servings): 300 ml of natural yogurt, 1 bulb, 1 small zucchini, 150 g of frozen green peas, 200 ml of vegetable broth, mint, rosemary, garlic, ground pepper, 1 tsp olive oil
Save the onions with rosemary and garlic, add the green peas, sliced zucchini, pour the broth and stew until ready on slow heat under the lid. Remove from the fire, remove the sprigs of rosemary and cool. Add the yogurt, mint and grind with a submersible blender
Dinner – boiled chicken, tomatoes, natural yogurt and orange juice
Day 4 Breakfast - 50 g of muesli with natural yogurt without additives, pomegranate juice
Lunch - yogurt soup with ginger
Soup recipe (for 2 servings): 1 cucumber, 1 Bulgarian sweet pepper, 2 tbsp. walnuts, hot peppers, garlic, fresh ginger, mint, basil and cilantro, 1.5-2 tbsp. natural yogurt without additives
Cut vegetables, cut greens, crush nuts in a mortar, rub ginger and garlic on a small grater. Pour yogurt into vegetables, add greens, ginger, mix. Pour on plates and decorate with nuts
Dinner - carrot-apple smoothie, 100 g of low-fat grain cottage cheese
Smoothie recipe: 1 carrot, 1 apple, pinch of cinnamon, 300ml natural yogurt
Grate the carrots, cut the apple, pour yogurt, add cinnamon and grind with a submersible blender
Day 5 Breakfast - rice with yogurt and raisins, pomegranate juice
Rice recipe: 100 g of boiled rice, 300 ml of natural yogurt, half a handful of raisins without seeds. In rice add yogurt, raisins and mix
Lunch - spicy yogurt soup, 150 g of boiled chicken
Recipe of soup: 300 ml of natural yogurt, 2 cm of ginger root, curry, cinnamon, turmeric, cuir, mustard seeds - to a pinch, salt and cilantro - to taste
Grate the root of the ginger. Add salt, spices, ginger, greens to yogurt and mix
Dinner - broccoli for a couple with low-fat sour cream, cherry juice
Day 6
Breakfast - cucumber smoothie, 5-6 walnuts, pomegranate juice
Smoothie recipe: 1 cucumber, 250 ml of natural yogurt without additives, mint to taste. Grind all products with a submersible blender
Lunch - cottage cheese soup with yogurt, vegetable salad without oil
Soup recipe: 150 g of grain low-fat cottage cheese, 250 ml of natural yogurt, mint
Mint is fine. In yogurt add cottage cheese, mint and mix
Dinner - 200 g of boiled beef, 1 raw carrot, grapefruit juice
Day 7 Breakfast - oatmeal with natural yogurt, 5 prunes, cherry juice
Lunch - carrot soup with yogurt and shrimp
Soup recipe: 1 carrot, 300 ml of natural yogurt, cumin and salt - to taste, 150 g of boiled shrimp, fresh greens
Crude carrots grind in a blender, mix with yogurt, add salt, stir. Pour soup into a plate, lay out shrimp and decorate with greens
Dinner - boiled fish (preferably red), abundantly sprinkled with greens, apple juice
Be beautiful and amazing!
Source: domashniy.ru/