Prepare delicious homemade yogurt

Yogurt has always been famous for its healing and preventive properties. It is rich in calcium, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, phosphorus, vitamins A, D and complex vitamin B. Yogurt promotes the growth of E. coli, thereby improving the digestion and destroys harmful bacteria causing many diseases of the intestine. Contained in yogurt, the lactose helps the body to digest the incoming calcium and phosphorus, and the yogurt is absorbed by the body much faster than milk. In one hour, the body digests yogurt at 91 %, while milk is only 32 %. Usually drinks from yogurt and salads with the addition of yogurt cooked in the hot summer months, and in winter, when the digestive fire is enhanced in the diet increased the number of meals of milk.Leaven is usually a small amount of homemade or store-bought yogurt. Yogurt used for starter must be fresh and sweet; if the milk is fermenting sour old yogurt, the yogurt will be too sour.Added to a dish of yogurt is the binding medium, and gives the dish a special consistency and tenderness.It is used to prepare many dishes of Vedic cuisine, from a delicate chilled Lassi to drink and nutritious salads — Wright. If you remove the yogurt from the excess moisture that will low-calorie cream cheese dehin, which when added sugar is transformed into an exquisite dessert, shrikhand — a traditional dish of Maharashtra. Cooking time: 20 minima souring: 4-10 hours
Output: 1 ingredienti:1/2 Cup (65 g) low-fat milk powder (optional)1/2 Cup (80 ml) milk at room temperature (optional)1 l молока3 tbsp plain yogurt If you want to get thick yogurt, like this, to stand a spoon then mix powdered milk with whole milk at room temperature. Beat with a mixer or in the processor until smooth and the foam appears. Set aside.Quickly bring milk to a boil in a heavy 3-liter saucepan, stirring constantly, to not burnt. Then set aside and cool to below 48° C. If you need to cool down quickly, soak a pot of milk in a large bowl or pan partly filled with cold water. While the milk cools, rinse with boiling water 11/2-2 l vessel and dry it. When the milk has cooled to 48° C, pour half of it into a sterilized receptacle, add to prepared yoghurt and whisk until smooth. Pour in the remaining milk and blend with milk powder, if you used it, and mix well. Now the milk temperature is about 44° C — the ideal temperature for fermenting yogurt, plain. Cover with a clean towel or lid and immediately put in a warm place (30-43° C). If the surrounding air is too hot, the yogurt will sour before it will thicken, if warm enough, the yogurt thickens. I use a gas or electric oven, which was pre-heated to 95°C. and, after fifteen minutes, turn it off. Dishes with fermented milk can also cover with a heavy towel or blanket and put the hot radiators. However, you can use any warm area. After 5-6 hours, check to curdle if milk. The yogurt should be thick and dense. As it cools it will thicken even more. If you leave the yogurt to turn sour again, it will become more dense and tart. If the milk does not curdle, continue to check every hour. If after 12 hours will not be curtailed, this may be for several reasons: the milk was either stale or insufficiently sterilized or mixed in with the bad leaven, or is not sufficiently insulated during fermentation or leaven was unusable. As soon as the milk will curdle, put it in the fridge, closing the lid. It is better to eat yoghurt for 3 days, although it can be stored 4-5 days. After this yogurt is old, and it can be used in special recipes. Not only Breakfast, but the sauce andFinally will share a simple recipe for homemade sauce from homemade yogurt. He can be a better alternative for mayonnaise. This versatile sauce can be smeared on a sandwich to serve with meat or fish, and even dip into it (Oh, the horror!) fries. What you'll need:400 g home йогурта2 cloves of minced garlic
2 tablespoons lemon juice
salt to taste In a small bowl combine the yogurt, lemon juice, garlic and salt. Beat with a whisk. All.The meat sauce you can add fresh chopped greens, fish mint, and potato – rosemary or finely chopped pickles.
Source: homemadeandi.blogspot.com/2014/01/blog-post_6.html