Herbs in Your kitchen, improve digestion

Indigestion is a common and serious problem. Fortunately, natural medicines that help in combating digestive disorders, you can find very close – in his kitchen.
Poor digestion is the problem of millions of people. Many are faced with common problems with the digestive system, such as pain in the abdomen, constipation, diarrhea, gas, acid reflux and bloating. These symptoms are in any case impossible to ignore. They are considered possible signs of irritable bowel syndrome, low stomach acid, leaky gut syndrome, dysbiosis, allergies or sensitivity to certain foods, Candida, parasites, disorders, suction and other diseases. Problems with digestion can also become a serious health threat and lead to weight gain, type II diabetes and heart disease.
How to contribute to the improvement of the digestive system? It is known that digestive problems can be fought with probiotics and digestive enzymes. Apple cider vinegar, young dandelion leaves and arugula are able to stimulate the production of stomach acid. Other natural remedies improves digestion can be found amongst garden herbs and spices. Herbs can be used not only as seasoning for food; they are also known for its benefits for digestion. The following is a description of well-known herbs that improve digestion.
Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
Oregano is not only tasty spice, used in pizza sauce. This plant also has healing properties, improves digestion. Oregano is considered a carminative agent; it is able to stimulate the digestive system and help the stomach relax. Oregano also has anti-parasitic, antileukemic and antibacterial properties and can help to alleviate the problem of intestinal gas, constipation, and other bowel problems caused by pathogenic bacteria in the stomach. Helicobacter pylori is a bacterium that can cause peptic ulcer and inflammation (gastritis). According to published in the journal World Journal of Gastroenterology the results of a recent survey of oregano is known that effectively eliminates infection of Helicobacter pylori. During this study it was studied 25 herbs. In addition to the oregano was studied such effective herbs like turmeric, borage, and caraway clubnicolesavage.

Rosemary can soothe the digestive system, acting as a sedative and a stimulant of circulation. Rosemary is also carminative, antispasmodic, antiparasitic and antiseptic properties. This plant can help in such digestive problems as constipation, indigestion, gas, bloating and excessive reproduction of yeast. Published in the journal Poultry Science the results of the study indicate that a nutritional Supplement with extracts of rosemary, sage and thyme improves digestion of nutrients, facilitates the process of defecation and digestion in General within 42 hours. And that's not all the useful properties of thyme...

In 2012 in the journal Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity published the results of another study, according to which the polyphenolic composition of thyme, rosemary and sage plays an important role in providing anti-inflammatory properties of these herbs. Additionally, thyme is known for its ability to fight parasites and fungus Candida, as well as to alleviate diarrhea, gas, cramps and constipation. It is also beneficial to digestion plant will help ease discomfort that occurs when blockage of the gastrointestinal tract mucus. Moreover it is known that thyme has antimicrobial, carminative, antispasmodic, astringent, antiviral, Antirheumatic and anthelmintic properties.

Sage is known for its ability to reduce the formation of stomach gas and reduce bloating due to its carminative, antispasmodic, antiseptic, wagamama and anti-inflammatory effects. Contained in the sage essential oil can also treat digestive disorders. According to a study published in the journal International Journal of Case Reports and Images, it was discovered that sage reduces diarrhea due to the bowels relaxing components, such as tannins (tannins). In addition, sage helps to relax the nervous system and is struggling with such digestive problems as gas, gastritis and heartburn. In addition, sage has vermifuge properties and may help in the struggle to rid the body of parasitic worms.

In addition to these herbs there are other plants and herbs that improve digestion. The principal plants that you should always have at home is turmeric, ginger, fennel seeds, coriander, cloves, cardamom seeds, cumin, flax seeds, fenugreek and Cayenne pepper.
Source: mixednews.ru/archives/69068