The secrets of good sleep pillow filled with herbs
Sixty six million eight hundred forty one thousand eight hundred forty nine
So. The first thing to do is to choose a fabric for pillows.
1. The fabric should be dense that the grass is not chopped.
2. The fabric should be natural — linen, cotton, wool, silk. I, for example, the easiest way to get flax and cotton. And the colors are very diverse. Pure wool and pure silk in our area to meet not easy, and at a cost they sometimes bite. Besides, silk is often too thin that maybe looks nice, but this pillow a) will shoot up b) can quickly be torn.
The second and most important herbs. Grass for the filler are selected in accordance with desires and needs.
Herbs should be thoroughly dried and in addition they must be fresh. Ideally, grass should be wysany without the use of chemical fertilizers. But at least we must find out suddenly, do not bring the gods, they were sprayed all sorts of rubbish. In this case the grass you can just throw away, if of course you do not want to get allergies, respiratory problems or dermatitis... Herbs need to grind and mix before use.
Feature herbal pillow that grass quickly become caked. Therefore, the basis for the cushion needs to be grass, which "holds its shape". And preferably neutral — sedge, straw, fluff, fireweed. However, I like Heather. But not all fees are fine. The pillow is kept small. A year or two is the maximum. Then we need to change. In addition, a great danger to this pillow damp. If the pillow was wet, dispose of it without regret, otherwise, harm from it will be more than good. Fungus, mold — it isn't even healthy.
At a time when you do not use a pillow it is advisable to remove in a plastic bag, it is necessary to ensure that the smell does not erode too quickly.
You can make a large enough cushion of grass and sleep on it, and you can make a smaller pillow and put it under his regular pillow. The pad can also be put on the battery, then its fragrance will spread throughout the room. Don't forget every time before you use the pillow to shake it. However, it should be remembered that prolonged use of certain herbs can cause various bad violation. Here, for example hops — very rasprostranennye filler for pillows, but has unpleasant side effects — sweating, anxiety, fear, fever, pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, may occur the phenomenon of chronic eczema. The aromas are also medicines and should be taken correctly!
Naturally, depending on the grass properties of the cushion will be different. Just as certain smells (like fresh bread or a fragrant rose) and leave you with pleasant memories, herbs also evoke an Association in memory. For example, the smell of thyme soothes and relaxes, clover — relieves fatigue, mint — enlightens the mind. Calming effect have flavors of rosemary and thyme — they are well relieve tension. Good smell of repacka, the aroma of which has an antiviral effect and is recommended during epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory infections. The smell of lemon balm improves metabolism and has an anticonvulsant effect. Pillow with the scent of lemon has a refreshing and invigorating effect. Pillow with the scent of roses has a harmonizing effect.
You can make a pillow from insomnia, you can make a cushion for certain dreams.
If you distribute the herbs properties, in simplified form, it will look something like this (the information is taken from various sources):
Some variants of herbal pillows:
Lavender — 150g
Verbena — 150g
Hops — 150 g
The orris powder — 2 tbsp.
Grass hop — 100 g
The leaves of the tea tree — 100 g
The orris powder — 2 tbsp.
Eucalyptus oil — 1-2 drops
dried lemon and orange peel,
Melissa leaves,
essential oil of lemon 2 K.
orange 1 K.
Mandarin 1 K.
A good night's sleep
You can mix lemon balm, lemon thyme and a little Valerian.
Harmony, sleep
rose petals,
Melissa leaves,
grass lavender
essential oils of rose 4 K.
lavender 1 K.
rose petals
the clove powder.
Pillow with the scent of cloves cleans the air:
spicy cloves,
the herb lavender, e
firen rose oil 8 K.
cloves 3 K.
lavender 2 K.
lemongrass 1 K.
Pillow with the fragrance of herbs has a refreshing and tonic effect:
Melissa leaves,
essential oil of rosemary 3 K.
Melissa K. 2,
thyme 2 K.
sage 1 K.
wormwood 1 K.
Pads from insomnia
1) 1 Cup of verbena, 1 Cup lavender, 1 Cup of hops, 2 tablespoons of orris powder
2) Laurel and fern (1: 1)
3) Laurel, ferns, hops (1: 2: 3)
4) fern, hops, Laurel, mint (3: 2: 2: 1)
5) lavender — 150g, verbena — 150g, hop — 150 g, orris powder — 2 tbsp.
6) for kids (recommend for newborns, but have a concept!), when they aren't sleeping, sulking or sick, you can make a pillow with hops — 1 tbsp, leaves of tea tree to 1 tablespoon, orris powder — 1 tsp, chamomile flowers 1 tbsp, lavender essential oil — 1-2 drops (the use of essential oils for children under one year – a controversial issue!)
7) Helichrysum, pine needles, hop cones, mint, geranium, marjoram, rose petals, Bay leaf
8) sleepy pillow the Geographical III: peppermint leaves, trefoil, hop cones, root and rhizome of Valerian, the herb St. John's wort and Heather, buckthorn bark, chamomile flowers, lavender flowers, and primrose (IMHO, royally much and wasteful)
9) part 1 – fern, 2 parts hops 1 part — geranium
10) 2 part pine needles, 1 part mint leaves, 1 part herb oregano 2 parts — the leaves of the hazel
11) 2 parts thyme, 1 part mint, 1 part sage, 1 part lavender
12) 2 parts sage, 1 mint, lemon balm and meadowsweet 1/2 part chamomile
13) 1 part tansy and clover, ½ part lavender
14) 3 parts chamomile, 1 of rosemary and yarrow
15) Oregano, nettle, hops, birch leaves and calendula flowers
"The ecovillage. From first steps to self-sufficiency.". published
Source: ecoschool.info/courses/ecovillage.html
So. The first thing to do is to choose a fabric for pillows.
1. The fabric should be dense that the grass is not chopped.
2. The fabric should be natural — linen, cotton, wool, silk. I, for example, the easiest way to get flax and cotton. And the colors are very diverse. Pure wool and pure silk in our area to meet not easy, and at a cost they sometimes bite. Besides, silk is often too thin that maybe looks nice, but this pillow a) will shoot up b) can quickly be torn.
The second and most important herbs. Grass for the filler are selected in accordance with desires and needs.
Herbs should be thoroughly dried and in addition they must be fresh. Ideally, grass should be wysany without the use of chemical fertilizers. But at least we must find out suddenly, do not bring the gods, they were sprayed all sorts of rubbish. In this case the grass you can just throw away, if of course you do not want to get allergies, respiratory problems or dermatitis... Herbs need to grind and mix before use.
Feature herbal pillow that grass quickly become caked. Therefore, the basis for the cushion needs to be grass, which "holds its shape". And preferably neutral — sedge, straw, fluff, fireweed. However, I like Heather. But not all fees are fine. The pillow is kept small. A year or two is the maximum. Then we need to change. In addition, a great danger to this pillow damp. If the pillow was wet, dispose of it without regret, otherwise, harm from it will be more than good. Fungus, mold — it isn't even healthy.
At a time when you do not use a pillow it is advisable to remove in a plastic bag, it is necessary to ensure that the smell does not erode too quickly.
You can make a large enough cushion of grass and sleep on it, and you can make a smaller pillow and put it under his regular pillow. The pad can also be put on the battery, then its fragrance will spread throughout the room. Don't forget every time before you use the pillow to shake it. However, it should be remembered that prolonged use of certain herbs can cause various bad violation. Here, for example hops — very rasprostranennye filler for pillows, but has unpleasant side effects — sweating, anxiety, fear, fever, pain in the heart area, shortness of breath, may occur the phenomenon of chronic eczema. The aromas are also medicines and should be taken correctly!
Naturally, depending on the grass properties of the cushion will be different. Just as certain smells (like fresh bread or a fragrant rose) and leave you with pleasant memories, herbs also evoke an Association in memory. For example, the smell of thyme soothes and relaxes, clover — relieves fatigue, mint — enlightens the mind. Calming effect have flavors of rosemary and thyme — they are well relieve tension. Good smell of repacka, the aroma of which has an antiviral effect and is recommended during epidemics of influenza and acute respiratory infections. The smell of lemon balm improves metabolism and has an anticonvulsant effect. Pillow with the scent of lemon has a refreshing and invigorating effect. Pillow with the scent of roses has a harmonizing effect.
You can make a pillow from insomnia, you can make a cushion for certain dreams.
If you distribute the herbs properties, in simplified form, it will look something like this (the information is taken from various sources):
- Chamomile – brings peaceful sleep
- Hops (cones) – helps to cure insomnia, brings sleep, relieves headaches, soothes
- Peppermint – relieves headaches, soothes, adds caution and clarity. Note that the smell of peppermint invigorates, relieves fatigue, but reduces stress.
- Heather — cure insomnia and increased nervous excitability, has a strong enough effect, you should still be careful.
- Lavr – bestow pleasant dreams, and sometimes prophetic dreams
- Thyme – pomogaet to look over the sleep in the future and the past, to bring a happy mood for the night
- Saffron – clairvoyance
- Cinnamon – helps to see the future and communicate with the right spirits in a dream
- Lavender is long lasting, repels moths, has a calming effect, relieves stress. Useful for insomnia, helps to communicate in a dream with the right spirits (according to other sources atonal evil spirits)
- Willow – brings blessings of the moon
- Bloodroot – helps gain wisdom in a dream
- Muscat – will help to dream of the future
- Melissa – refreshes and soothes, relieves headaches and other pains, gives a deep sleep. Focused perspective to dream of the future
- Wormwood – brings vivid dreams amenable to reflective analysis, protects. Has a slight soporific effect. Wormwood wins fatigue and depression, increases metabolism.
- Nettle – protection during sleep, ubiraet fears when dreaming
- Marjoram – ocide dreams from unwanted energies, influences, relieves depression
- Rose – helps to rejuvenate during sleep, prophetic brings a peaceful, calm dreams, often romantic content.
- Valerian – relieve stress before bedtime, uspokaivaet plunges into a deep sleep.
- Anis – emotionally pytuple nightmares, promotes rejuvenation during sleep
- Sage Can be used in energy purposes helps to heal in sleep, contributes to the ability to calmly and rationally assess the dream
- Marshmallow – helps to heal while you sleep
- Yarrow – brings dreams of home and loved ones
- Orange brings dreams of loved ones and relatives
- Basil – helps to remember astral flights, akimat during sleep, protects
- Sunflower is convenient to remember dreams after waking up
- Carnation is reliable to remember their dreams, use in small quantities because of the strong fragrance; restores memory forgotten
- Rosemary — tones the skin, relieves headaches, use in small quantities because of the strong odor; helps prevent nightmares. Clarifies the mind and awakens memories.
- Fern — pomogat from lumbago and sciatica
- Hyssop — tones,
- Marjoram — tones,
- meadowsweet — casts sleep, relieves headaches, soothes
- Angelica – brings prophetic dreams and visions
- Fir – relaxation, tranquility
- Cedar – from unpleasant dreams
- Geranium — brings sleep, relieves headaches, soothes
- Camphor – awakens the memory of past lives, prophecy in a dream
- Citrus – freshen and tone up, can act as an aphrodisiac.
- Coniferous scents of cedar, juniper or pine — acts as an antiseptic, relieve obsessive thoughts, soften mood swings, relieve the heartache.
- branches of tansy, chamomile, black currant and yarrow will help to get rid of mental fatigue.
- Oregano, wild strawberry, Mimosa, Jasmine – amplify the effects of all herbs. Jasmine needs to be careful, because it can provoke nightmares.
- Laurel, sweet clover, and wormwood will help the muscles to relax
- Rosemary, birch leaves and eucalyptus — improves function of bronchi.
- clover — will moderately reduce blood pressure.
- Fennel – helps to sleep
- White sage is to tune into the spirit world
- Mugwort (wormwood) brings visions, prophetic dreams, helps to remember dreams.
- Mullein – relieves bad dreams
- St. John's wort – banishes spirits
- Cumin brings peaceful sleep, psychic powers, attracts fairies
- Daffodils, lilies, lilies of the valley and the cherry tree — can cause headaches and nightmares.

Some variants of herbal pillows:
Lavender — 150g
Verbena — 150g
Hops — 150 g
The orris powder — 2 tbsp.
Grass hop — 100 g
The leaves of the tea tree — 100 g
The orris powder — 2 tbsp.
Eucalyptus oil — 1-2 drops
dried lemon and orange peel,
Melissa leaves,
essential oil of lemon 2 K.
orange 1 K.
Mandarin 1 K.
A good night's sleep
You can mix lemon balm, lemon thyme and a little Valerian.
Harmony, sleep
rose petals,
Melissa leaves,
grass lavender
essential oils of rose 4 K.
lavender 1 K.
rose petals
the clove powder.
Pillow with the scent of cloves cleans the air:
spicy cloves,
the herb lavender, e
firen rose oil 8 K.
cloves 3 K.
lavender 2 K.
lemongrass 1 K.
Pillow with the fragrance of herbs has a refreshing and tonic effect:
Melissa leaves,
essential oil of rosemary 3 K.
Melissa K. 2,
thyme 2 K.
sage 1 K.
wormwood 1 K.
Pads from insomnia
1) 1 Cup of verbena, 1 Cup lavender, 1 Cup of hops, 2 tablespoons of orris powder
2) Laurel and fern (1: 1)
3) Laurel, ferns, hops (1: 2: 3)
4) fern, hops, Laurel, mint (3: 2: 2: 1)
5) lavender — 150g, verbena — 150g, hop — 150 g, orris powder — 2 tbsp.
6) for kids (recommend for newborns, but have a concept!), when they aren't sleeping, sulking or sick, you can make a pillow with hops — 1 tbsp, leaves of tea tree to 1 tablespoon, orris powder — 1 tsp, chamomile flowers 1 tbsp, lavender essential oil — 1-2 drops (the use of essential oils for children under one year – a controversial issue!)
7) Helichrysum, pine needles, hop cones, mint, geranium, marjoram, rose petals, Bay leaf
8) sleepy pillow the Geographical III: peppermint leaves, trefoil, hop cones, root and rhizome of Valerian, the herb St. John's wort and Heather, buckthorn bark, chamomile flowers, lavender flowers, and primrose (IMHO, royally much and wasteful)
9) part 1 – fern, 2 parts hops 1 part — geranium
10) 2 part pine needles, 1 part mint leaves, 1 part herb oregano 2 parts — the leaves of the hazel
11) 2 parts thyme, 1 part mint, 1 part sage, 1 part lavender
12) 2 parts sage, 1 mint, lemon balm and meadowsweet 1/2 part chamomile
13) 1 part tansy and clover, ½ part lavender
14) 3 parts chamomile, 1 of rosemary and yarrow
15) Oregano, nettle, hops, birch leaves and calendula flowers
"The ecovillage. From first steps to self-sufficiency.". published
Source: ecoschool.info/courses/ecovillage.html