With the creativity of life
The use of industrial design for domestic purposes leads to a very unusual veschey.Tvorcheskie people seek in life to surround yourself with creative gizmos. Experiments with "everyday" design lead to incredible transformations of the submarine in a teapot, cushions knees friend and motorcycle helmet in walnut. Often, this is done completely for commercial purposes, but for the sake of public relations and training of creative thinking.
We offer you a selection of the original design of simple things, such as a pillow, a towel, a flower pot or a tennis racket. Some of the works are very real and are made for advertising purposes, and some concepts are created to have fun and relax from major projects.
Air Cushion radio
Pillow Wonderbra
Pillow-litter box
Pillow Durex
Cushion for fans uzhastikov
Pillow Service Shows the time and slowly awakens, for 40 minutes increasing the intensity of the light emanating from it.
Pillow laptop iSleep work in unison with a laptop computer, puffing and heated by hot air blown out of it.
Pillow in the form of puddles krovi
Pillow Alt-Ctrl-Del
Pillows smayliki
Pillow-box salfetok
Fresh pillow-losos
Pillow in the form of women's knees
Pillow boyfriend
Pillow DOS
Pillows valuny
Pillow-knigaIdealny option for simulating the student.
Pillow as head loshadi
Cushion "Karasu" and pillow "Hay" from the graphic design studio Yuri Gutsulyaka
Bed linen beleKomplekt "Girlfriend»
Bed linen from the manufacturer of household appliances
Towels truly clean towel (The True Clean Towel) The design of this towel came up with 30-year-old American Adam Ross. One day, a friend of the designer inadvertently used the towel in his heart instead of her, and she got the idea that maybe she wiped her face is the part of the towels, which a man before wiping his private parts. This led the guy on the idea of creating such a towel, for which it would be immediately obvious where the head or legs.
A similar problem may not so creative, is intended to address and include a towel.
The towel-cover
Towel Axe
Camouflage towel
Towel grill
Towel warning
Toilet paper
For every taste, age and profession. Toilet paper, designed to satisfy the natural desire of every person to spend time in the bathroom, not only on need but also with interest and benefit.
For millionaires
For police officers
For musicians
For military
For the "men in black"
For lovers
With coloring for kids
For records
Toilet paper and crossword "2 in 1"
Toilet paper with the manual origami
Toilet paper with the text "Ring" Koji Suzuki
For lovers of anecdotes
Environmentally-oriented economical toilet paper by Greenpeace
Designers of communications agency «GOOD!» Are the authors of an unusual design for motorcycle helmets, rackets for table tennis, a brand of paint «Zabor» and original flower pots. Zaboristye paint "graphic techniques: while working on a project idea, we decided to visualize. Brand Name "Zabor" says that this is low paint segment, ie inexpensive - what you need to paint your fence. As a marker of paint colors, which is in the bank, used labels that we assembled on walls and fences of our towns. For each of these phrases are certain emotions, sometimes negative, but ... when we pulled them out of context (a specific house or porch) and placed on banks, they cause only a smile ».
Experiments on pots "graphic techniques: to continue the experiment in the synthesis of images and objects. We do not claim to novelty ideas (there are advertising campaigns based on the effect of combining plants and the human person), but we would like to implement this technique in the form of a specific object. The chip that we liked that a flower pot and a person's face are similar in shape, which contributes to their visual association, and if also the shape of the crown plants to hide the upper edge of the pot, the effect is complete and pretty funny ».
Genetic experiments on motorcycle shlemamiGrafichesky reception: helmet paint small achievement and we know it, it is done by many and a thousand times no! We would like to experiment in the field of synthesis of two different articles about one form. Somewhere here are born some illusions that make wonder and smile. The reality of the Incarnation is not interested in us, we just have fun! And what you want!
Genetic experiments on rackets for table tennisaGrafichesky reception: as in the case of the helmets we would give serious normal things a little "different" sound.
See more on the subject: Design and tea paketikovDizayn kofeTak drink milk twice vkusneyKrasivo not forbid
via / kreativnyj-obzor / krasivo-pit-ne-zapretish-176005 /
We offer you a selection of the original design of simple things, such as a pillow, a towel, a flower pot or a tennis racket. Some of the works are very real and are made for advertising purposes, and some concepts are created to have fun and relax from major projects.
Air Cushion radio

Pillow Wonderbra
Pillow-litter box

Pillow Durex
Cushion for fans uzhastikov

Pillow Service Shows the time and slowly awakens, for 40 minutes increasing the intensity of the light emanating from it.

Pillow laptop iSleep work in unison with a laptop computer, puffing and heated by hot air blown out of it.

Pillow in the form of puddles krovi

Pillow Alt-Ctrl-Del

Pillows smayliki

Pillow-box salfetok

Fresh pillow-losos



Pillow in the form of women's knees
Pillow boyfriend
Pillow DOS

Pillows valuny

Pillow-knigaIdealny option for simulating the student.

Pillow as head loshadi

Cushion "Karasu" and pillow "Hay" from the graphic design studio Yuri Gutsulyaka

Bed linen beleKomplekt "Girlfriend»
Bed linen from the manufacturer of household appliances

Towels truly clean towel (The True Clean Towel) The design of this towel came up with 30-year-old American Adam Ross. One day, a friend of the designer inadvertently used the towel in his heart instead of her, and she got the idea that maybe she wiped her face is the part of the towels, which a man before wiping his private parts. This led the guy on the idea of creating such a towel, for which it would be immediately obvious where the head or legs.
A similar problem may not so creative, is intended to address and include a towel.

The towel-cover
Towel Axe
Camouflage towel
Towel grill

Towel warning
Toilet paper
For every taste, age and profession. Toilet paper, designed to satisfy the natural desire of every person to spend time in the bathroom, not only on need but also with interest and benefit.
For millionaires

For police officers

For musicians

For military

For the "men in black"

For lovers

With coloring for kids

For records

Toilet paper and crossword "2 in 1"

Toilet paper with the manual origami

Toilet paper with the text "Ring" Koji Suzuki

For lovers of anecdotes

Environmentally-oriented economical toilet paper by Greenpeace

Designers of communications agency «GOOD!» Are the authors of an unusual design for motorcycle helmets, rackets for table tennis, a brand of paint «Zabor» and original flower pots. Zaboristye paint "graphic techniques: while working on a project idea, we decided to visualize. Brand Name "Zabor" says that this is low paint segment, ie inexpensive - what you need to paint your fence. As a marker of paint colors, which is in the bank, used labels that we assembled on walls and fences of our towns. For each of these phrases are certain emotions, sometimes negative, but ... when we pulled them out of context (a specific house or porch) and placed on banks, they cause only a smile ».

Experiments on pots "graphic techniques: to continue the experiment in the synthesis of images and objects. We do not claim to novelty ideas (there are advertising campaigns based on the effect of combining plants and the human person), but we would like to implement this technique in the form of a specific object. The chip that we liked that a flower pot and a person's face are similar in shape, which contributes to their visual association, and if also the shape of the crown plants to hide the upper edge of the pot, the effect is complete and pretty funny ».

Genetic experiments on motorcycle shlemamiGrafichesky reception: helmet paint small achievement and we know it, it is done by many and a thousand times no! We would like to experiment in the field of synthesis of two different articles about one form. Somewhere here are born some illusions that make wonder and smile. The reality of the Incarnation is not interested in us, we just have fun! And what you want!

Genetic experiments on rackets for table tennisaGrafichesky reception: as in the case of the helmets we would give serious normal things a little "different" sound.

See more on the subject: Design and tea paketikovDizayn kofeTak drink milk twice vkusneyKrasivo not forbid
via / kreativnyj-obzor / krasivo-pit-ne-zapretish-176005 /