Healing mattresses and pillows made from nettle, fireweed and other herbs with his own hands
In some provinces, in the villages, have survived to this day the tradition to stuff mattresses and pillows herbs. In addition to the therapeutic effect of the smell of herbs helps to distract from the hassle and bustle of everyday life. Inhaling the fragrance, we can be carried away in thinking carefree childhood, filled with scents of mown hay or flowers of summer meadows.
Pillows and mattresses from the stems of nettles
Manufacture of medical mattresses and pillows of winter stalks nettle will take quite a bit of effort and time. What you need to:
1. Cut off the stems of winter around the root is not necessary. You can break the only part of the stem above the snowdrift.
2. Clean the stem of the leaves and seeds, if any, are still preserved. In no case do not throw away !!! Leaflets are old for food, so you have to make a pillow or sewn into the bag, and just lay on the sore spots. But seeds - is a powerful biological food supplement. According to the effects equivalent to the root of ginseng. Even withered on the vine, they are suitable for food.
3. All dry.
4. The stems do not break! Carefully make a mattress. For these purposes, I recommend to take a thick cloth. Sew a large bag and gently lay it along the straight stems, alternating with the top of the butt, and to distribute them evenly. Sew up the hole. For cushions you can take only the tops of the nettle stalks, their pre obmyat.
That's how quickly you can make yourself from a medical couch mattress and pillows. But that is not all! After some time in the mattress will find partially processed fiber nettle.
How to spend big money on pharmaceuticals, it is better to spend a "great time" for the manufacture itself of lezhanok, and once every month to change them when time permits a year (spring, summer, autumn - fresh and in winter - even from the finished trusts).
For those who have already started getting nettle fibers at home: a mattress and pillow can be made of the fires, which remains after processing
. If you collect the herbs themselves, think about the good that your good energy has strengthened the healing properties of plants. In the old days, it was decided to accompany prayers and songs any good deeds, especially aimed at the improvement. Collect grass better away from highways and city smog.
Recommendations regarding the production.
Cushion may have different sizes, from tiny to normal. The aromatic and active plant (rosemary, sage, hops cones), the pad should be less. The form will tell you your imagination: round, square, oval. If you have neck osteochondrosis, a preferred form of cushion, tamp it tightly herbs.
To the main pillow (cover or pillow-case) use only natural ( "breathing") and thick fabrics (cotton, linen, teak), to excipients not leak and pricked his face and neck.
Sew a pair of detachable pillowcases batiste, poplin, sheeting, silk. They can be worn on top of the cover, and change for the laundry.
Herbs, bulking.
The peculiarity and lack of aromatic pillows is quick caking herbs. To avoid this, use herbs that keep their shape - sedge, heather, bracken, straw
. Adding these herbs also helps to avoid overdose in the case where it would be desirable to have a large pillow, and selected herbs are potent (rosemary, sage, hop cones) and strongly smelling (mint, oregano, elderberries).
How to make a pillow of herbs ling not just give the volume of our sleeping pillow, but it also calms the nerves, normalizes sleep, help recovery from respiratory viral diseases and facilitate breathing during sleep by coughing. Collect heather in August-September (flowering tops).
Sedge considered a little-studied medicinal plant, but even our ancestors began to use the reeds to fill mattresses and pillows, noting its beneficial effects on health.
Sedge usually grows in damp places, on the marshes and is both small and large leaves. Mattress small-leaved a softer, but will be compressed. Macrophylla sedge give the mattress or pillow firmness, you can store the volume for a long time. Knowledgeable people are advised to do 2 mattresses - one with large leaves (it is put down), the second - a small (put on). The same applies to the pillows.
Pillows and mattresses stuffed with reeds, can reliably serve at least a year. They need time to time to shake up. If spring sedge mowed constantly in a certain place, until late autumn, it will give you an excellent stuffing materials, without impurities of last year's blades.
How to make a pillow of trav.Paporotnik bracken in many areas considered a weed, which is very difficult to get rid of. However, the plant has long gained popularity as a cheap construction (roofing works), bedding material for livestock, such as fertilizer and fuel.
In California, bracken adapted for weaving baskets in Europe - for filling pillows and mattresses. The use of a bed of fern due to its bactericidal, stimulant, antipyretic, analgesic properties.
Dry them, grind, mix, stuffing ...
Dry them. Before use, carefully dry the plants, to mold and fungus does not interfere with our recovery. Usually the shade dried herb in a ventilated area, spreading a thin layer of poking and several times a day. Herbs are ready, if they break easily, and rustling of touch. If you are using the roots, then it is better to dry in the oven.
We grind. Break or chop the plants into pieces of 1 cm. Herbs, giving a cushion volume can not particularly granulate.
Mix. Use recipe of herbs charges from the previous article or refer to your intuition. This necessarily listen to their feelings - the smell of grass should be like. And look at the tablet compatibility flavors.
Stuffed. On the pillow size 20 * 20 cm, you will need up to 500 g of dry filler. If you do not use up all the grass, then add the remainder in a paper bag or glass jar tightly closing, it is useful for a "fresh pillows", bath, tea (in the absence of allergies and contraindications).
How to use herbal assistant.
Herbal cushions are short-lived and serve up to 2-3 months: medicinal plants gradually lose their healing properties
. Pillow for relaxing during the day can be filled with tones and restores herbs: wormwood, lavender, geranium
. Before going to bed sleepy assistant shake well to enhance the flavor of herbs.
Put a small pillow next to his head, a basic pillow or put in a pillowcase.
Storage: remove the pad after each use in a plastic bag in a dark place to keep longer fragrance plants
. How long it will last softwood bag: its contents change during the year 1 or 2 times. Ahead of the New Year, take the opportunity and before you throw out after the holidays the tree, collect needles and use it for filling pillows. Fir needles are more tender and less prickly, with the workpiece as the pine.
Volatile needles have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, stimulating effect, a beneficial effect on the nervous, heart and vascular system. Coniferous pillow helps with insomnia, hysteria, colds, flu, facilitate breathing during sleep by coughing, improve brain function.
The duration of use of airbags has limitations, from one to three weeks. After that, you can replace it with a new, a different composition. The course is repeated in year 2 or 3 times.
Do not store the herbal pillow over year.
In Russia the process of updating its straw bedding necessarily carried out in mid-October, on the day of St. George. This pore ended threshing, and there was no shortage in the straw. From mattresses and pillows in dust shakes transformed last year's stubble. It was decided to burn. Decorative sheets washed and dried, and then were stuffed with fresh straw was added thereto harvested in the summer of fragrant herbs or flowers.
If using scented pillow to sleep, you will feel malaise, headaches - refuse its use
. A bed of vegetable Pooh deserve our attention.
Our grandparents knew how to do them out of cattails, willow-herb, or thistle. This process is quite time-consuming, but the result was worth it. Pillow is a surprisingly easy and could be more than one year.
how to make a pillow of grass to cut off the cob mace when they become dark brown (in September). For drying, left in the sun, and in bad weather under ventilated shelter. When the tips of the ears began to blossom, becoming fluffy, they put in the pillowcase and sutured immediately, leaving only a small hole. Finally dried by hanging harvesting cushion by the stove.
When the cops finally dried up, down to dissolve and fill a pillowcase. Thereafter, through hole stems were carefully removed one by one. Cushion sewn. Moreover, the ears of the spring collection never used, because they certainly were insect larvae.
Properly assembled and well-dried cattail fluff is not exposed to dampness and mold.
How to make a pillow of grass cattail If not appeared, we take the down the thistle. Harvest it is quite difficult. Floral head cut immediately after flowering, when the spot color appears white tassels. The work required patience and perseverance: Pooh pulled his hands, filled pillow, sewed it on the stove, and dried
. In some places the collected fluff willow-herb (fireweed narrow-leaved). Boll harvested before their opening in the bag, which tied a knot. Bag of raw materials dried in the sun or put on the stove. Dried boxes burst, light fluff filled bag. For better separation of fluff bag shaken and battered wooden sticks, flipping his unit down. Boxes at the same time fell to the site of the bag, and the down - climbing up. It remained to untie the knot, and to pour out all unnecessary.
Author: Olga Shelyuk

Pillows and mattresses from the stems of nettles
Manufacture of medical mattresses and pillows of winter stalks nettle will take quite a bit of effort and time. What you need to:
1. Cut off the stems of winter around the root is not necessary. You can break the only part of the stem above the snowdrift.
2. Clean the stem of the leaves and seeds, if any, are still preserved. In no case do not throw away !!! Leaflets are old for food, so you have to make a pillow or sewn into the bag, and just lay on the sore spots. But seeds - is a powerful biological food supplement. According to the effects equivalent to the root of ginseng. Even withered on the vine, they are suitable for food.
3. All dry.
4. The stems do not break! Carefully make a mattress. For these purposes, I recommend to take a thick cloth. Sew a large bag and gently lay it along the straight stems, alternating with the top of the butt, and to distribute them evenly. Sew up the hole. For cushions you can take only the tops of the nettle stalks, their pre obmyat.
That's how quickly you can make yourself from a medical couch mattress and pillows. But that is not all! After some time in the mattress will find partially processed fiber nettle.
How to spend big money on pharmaceuticals, it is better to spend a "great time" for the manufacture itself of lezhanok, and once every month to change them when time permits a year (spring, summer, autumn - fresh and in winter - even from the finished trusts).
For those who have already started getting nettle fibers at home: a mattress and pillow can be made of the fires, which remains after processing
. If you collect the herbs themselves, think about the good that your good energy has strengthened the healing properties of plants. In the old days, it was decided to accompany prayers and songs any good deeds, especially aimed at the improvement. Collect grass better away from highways and city smog.
Recommendations regarding the production.
Cushion may have different sizes, from tiny to normal. The aromatic and active plant (rosemary, sage, hops cones), the pad should be less. The form will tell you your imagination: round, square, oval. If you have neck osteochondrosis, a preferred form of cushion, tamp it tightly herbs.
To the main pillow (cover or pillow-case) use only natural ( "breathing") and thick fabrics (cotton, linen, teak), to excipients not leak and pricked his face and neck.
Sew a pair of detachable pillowcases batiste, poplin, sheeting, silk. They can be worn on top of the cover, and change for the laundry.
Herbs, bulking.
The peculiarity and lack of aromatic pillows is quick caking herbs. To avoid this, use herbs that keep their shape - sedge, heather, bracken, straw
. Adding these herbs also helps to avoid overdose in the case where it would be desirable to have a large pillow, and selected herbs are potent (rosemary, sage, hop cones) and strongly smelling (mint, oregano, elderberries).
How to make a pillow of herbs ling not just give the volume of our sleeping pillow, but it also calms the nerves, normalizes sleep, help recovery from respiratory viral diseases and facilitate breathing during sleep by coughing. Collect heather in August-September (flowering tops).
Sedge considered a little-studied medicinal plant, but even our ancestors began to use the reeds to fill mattresses and pillows, noting its beneficial effects on health.
Sedge usually grows in damp places, on the marshes and is both small and large leaves. Mattress small-leaved a softer, but will be compressed. Macrophylla sedge give the mattress or pillow firmness, you can store the volume for a long time. Knowledgeable people are advised to do 2 mattresses - one with large leaves (it is put down), the second - a small (put on). The same applies to the pillows.
Pillows and mattresses stuffed with reeds, can reliably serve at least a year. They need time to time to shake up. If spring sedge mowed constantly in a certain place, until late autumn, it will give you an excellent stuffing materials, without impurities of last year's blades.
How to make a pillow of trav.Paporotnik bracken in many areas considered a weed, which is very difficult to get rid of. However, the plant has long gained popularity as a cheap construction (roofing works), bedding material for livestock, such as fertilizer and fuel.
In California, bracken adapted for weaving baskets in Europe - for filling pillows and mattresses. The use of a bed of fern due to its bactericidal, stimulant, antipyretic, analgesic properties.

Dry them, grind, mix, stuffing ...
Dry them. Before use, carefully dry the plants, to mold and fungus does not interfere with our recovery. Usually the shade dried herb in a ventilated area, spreading a thin layer of poking and several times a day. Herbs are ready, if they break easily, and rustling of touch. If you are using the roots, then it is better to dry in the oven.
We grind. Break or chop the plants into pieces of 1 cm. Herbs, giving a cushion volume can not particularly granulate.
Mix. Use recipe of herbs charges from the previous article or refer to your intuition. This necessarily listen to their feelings - the smell of grass should be like. And look at the tablet compatibility flavors.
Stuffed. On the pillow size 20 * 20 cm, you will need up to 500 g of dry filler. If you do not use up all the grass, then add the remainder in a paper bag or glass jar tightly closing, it is useful for a "fresh pillows", bath, tea (in the absence of allergies and contraindications).
How to use herbal assistant.
Herbal cushions are short-lived and serve up to 2-3 months: medicinal plants gradually lose their healing properties
. Pillow for relaxing during the day can be filled with tones and restores herbs: wormwood, lavender, geranium
. Before going to bed sleepy assistant shake well to enhance the flavor of herbs.
Put a small pillow next to his head, a basic pillow or put in a pillowcase.
Storage: remove the pad after each use in a plastic bag in a dark place to keep longer fragrance plants
. How long it will last softwood bag: its contents change during the year 1 or 2 times. Ahead of the New Year, take the opportunity and before you throw out after the holidays the tree, collect needles and use it for filling pillows. Fir needles are more tender and less prickly, with the workpiece as the pine.
Volatile needles have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, stimulating effect, a beneficial effect on the nervous, heart and vascular system. Coniferous pillow helps with insomnia, hysteria, colds, flu, facilitate breathing during sleep by coughing, improve brain function.
The duration of use of airbags has limitations, from one to three weeks. After that, you can replace it with a new, a different composition. The course is repeated in year 2 or 3 times.
Do not store the herbal pillow over year.
In Russia the process of updating its straw bedding necessarily carried out in mid-October, on the day of St. George. This pore ended threshing, and there was no shortage in the straw. From mattresses and pillows in dust shakes transformed last year's stubble. It was decided to burn. Decorative sheets washed and dried, and then were stuffed with fresh straw was added thereto harvested in the summer of fragrant herbs or flowers.
If using scented pillow to sleep, you will feel malaise, headaches - refuse its use
. A bed of vegetable Pooh deserve our attention.
Our grandparents knew how to do them out of cattails, willow-herb, or thistle. This process is quite time-consuming, but the result was worth it. Pillow is a surprisingly easy and could be more than one year.
how to make a pillow of grass to cut off the cob mace when they become dark brown (in September). For drying, left in the sun, and in bad weather under ventilated shelter. When the tips of the ears began to blossom, becoming fluffy, they put in the pillowcase and sutured immediately, leaving only a small hole. Finally dried by hanging harvesting cushion by the stove.
When the cops finally dried up, down to dissolve and fill a pillowcase. Thereafter, through hole stems were carefully removed one by one. Cushion sewn. Moreover, the ears of the spring collection never used, because they certainly were insect larvae.
Properly assembled and well-dried cattail fluff is not exposed to dampness and mold.
How to make a pillow of grass cattail If not appeared, we take the down the thistle. Harvest it is quite difficult. Floral head cut immediately after flowering, when the spot color appears white tassels. The work required patience and perseverance: Pooh pulled his hands, filled pillow, sewed it on the stove, and dried
. In some places the collected fluff willow-herb (fireweed narrow-leaved). Boll harvested before their opening in the bag, which tied a knot. Bag of raw materials dried in the sun or put on the stove. Dried boxes burst, light fluff filled bag. For better separation of fluff bag shaken and battered wooden sticks, flipping his unit down. Boxes at the same time fell to the site of the bag, and the down - climbing up. It remained to untie the knot, and to pour out all unnecessary.
Author: Olga Shelyuk
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The fullness of life and happiness comes to us through the mother