Useful plant - rosemary
Sixty seven million four hundred ninety two thousand three hundred seven
Rosemary has a long development period, in its natural habitat is an evergreen spicy culture in the form of a shrub.
Amateur cultivation of spices in the Central region a rather laborious and is only possible in the protected ground, or you will have to cultivate the plant rosemary in annual interchange culture or potted as a houseplant.
When container growing plant boxes out in the open ridge in the spring and deepens in the soil, covered with earth. In the autumn, before the frost they are transferred to the cellars for wintering.
Gastronomic interest for Amateur cultivation is only one species of shrub — Rosmarinus officinalis, growing not more than 2 m, whose leaves and part of the roots is used as a spice and flavoring in conservation.
Externally, rosemary is reminiscent of conifers, which increases woody branching stems covered with light green thin long leaves "needles". Essential oil culture contains borneol, camphor, cineol, and other substances in demand in various industrial applications.
Spicy shrub prefers light, well-aerated soil rich in humus, however, in the southern region is prone to growing on rocky soils.
Pedigree plants of rosemary Mediterranean, but biologically accustomed to the warmth and abundance of light. Under the long-term cultivation of rosemary requires a transplant only after 20 years and considering this feature, site preparation should begin with deep plowing, the liberation of the weeds, making the necessary volumes of organic and mineral fertilization. Space for seedlings should be called immediately with the good lighting and the heating of the sunlight, preferably on southern slopes.
Bookmark ridge is usually carried out two-year old seedlings of rosemary, vegetative therecovery from the varietal of the Bush, and rooted in the school. Planting scheme provides aisle to meters and the distance between the seedlings of about half a meter.
In the open areas spreading to the spicy shrub is recommended every two years and every 7 years to do forced landings rejuvenate by cutting all leafy mass of plants.
When potted variant, growing rosemary active organics, used as a dressing in open areas, should be replaced with easily digestible humic fertilizer or instant complex concentrate.
Spicy flowering shrub occurs in the second year of life.
Raw material of rosemary – the leaves and flower petals, to a phase of mass flowering, it should be cut off the young growth from buds to continue to dry in partial shade.
The maximum productivity of green is achieved on the 4th year of vegetation of the Bush, after a couple of years remained at the same level and starts to decline significantly, resulting in the required rejuvenation of the bushes. Important planting care is annual pruning, preserving 3-4 buds of the young growth.
During the growing season plant care is regular cultivation between rows, making dressings, seasonal trimming, sanitary trimming and regular watering.
Seed propagation of rosemary plants are used rarely, more common summer cuttings and division of the Bush.
Shanks cut from young growth, then they are planted in the greenhouse, buried at 5 cm and providing a high humidity.
Rooting for the best aisle mulched with black polyethylene, and themselves workpiece vegetative cover from direct solar ultraviolet radiation to protect the shoots from drying out.
Rooted cuttings in the South overwinter in a separate article under the shelter, but in the regions North of them should be removed to the basement. After overwintering the planting material is sorted and planted in a permanent place temporary caps of chopped PET bottles or in light tunnel greenhouse, a non-woven material.
Fresh menu, and processed the plant rosemary is widely used in cooking.
Rosemary is good for marinating and soaking poultry, pork, lamb, rabbit – it helps to rid the meat from odors and add rosemary smell and touch of taste.
Rosemary is also used in sauerkraut, pickling vegetables and mushrooms, canned.
Rosemary can also be flavored with the smoke of the fire or coals, on which a barbecue. The bird can wrap the sprigs of rosemary before roasting or grilling.
In General, rosemary is perfectly suited to any meat dishes – fried, grilled, baked, steamed, boiled meat, dish of minced meat, goulash. Moreover, it is believed that the spice rosemary is struggling with carcinogens formed during high temperature food processing.
Use in medicine spice rosemary
The composition of rosemary leaves contain large amounts of essential oils (cineole, camphor, borneol, limonene, pinene, camphene, bornylacetate), tannins, resins, bitterness, etc.
Rosemary, thanks to the camphor, antiseptic and more satisfying action, stimulates the nervous activity, circulation, breathing, digestion.
Used in dentistry.
Shown epileptics. Rosemary tones up, restores, and strengthens the body. Rosemary improves the cardiovascular system. Helps with fatigue and sexual weakness.
Rosemary improves memory and mental activity in General.
Recently, it has been proven the antioxidant effect of rosemary – it prevents aging, helps eliminate toxins, acts as the urine and cholagogue.
When used externally, rosemary oil and herbal teas strengthen the hair and cleanse the skin.
The wine, currently on the rosemary dilates blood vessels, tones, improves mood, helps to Wake up.
Rosemary improves blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle.
Rosemary stimulates the appetite, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, prevent flatulence. And fights colds, sore throat, helps with asthma and headaches.
Gout, neuritis, nerve pain ointments for rubbing and baths infusions of rosemary.
In General, it is believed that rosemary improves mood, relieves tension, helps to relax.
The famous elixir of youth of Queen Elisabeth (age 72 she was captivated by the beauty and youth of the Polish king, who offered her hand and heart), known as the "Hungarian water" contains essential oil of rosemary.
Very carefully should use rosemary high blood pressure and pregnant.
Source: ayatskov1.ru
Rosemary has a long development period, in its natural habitat is an evergreen spicy culture in the form of a shrub.
Amateur cultivation of spices in the Central region a rather laborious and is only possible in the protected ground, or you will have to cultivate the plant rosemary in annual interchange culture or potted as a houseplant.
When container growing plant boxes out in the open ridge in the spring and deepens in the soil, covered with earth. In the autumn, before the frost they are transferred to the cellars for wintering.
Gastronomic interest for Amateur cultivation is only one species of shrub — Rosmarinus officinalis, growing not more than 2 m, whose leaves and part of the roots is used as a spice and flavoring in conservation.
Externally, rosemary is reminiscent of conifers, which increases woody branching stems covered with light green thin long leaves "needles". Essential oil culture contains borneol, camphor, cineol, and other substances in demand in various industrial applications.
Spicy shrub prefers light, well-aerated soil rich in humus, however, in the southern region is prone to growing on rocky soils.
Pedigree plants of rosemary Mediterranean, but biologically accustomed to the warmth and abundance of light. Under the long-term cultivation of rosemary requires a transplant only after 20 years and considering this feature, site preparation should begin with deep plowing, the liberation of the weeds, making the necessary volumes of organic and mineral fertilization. Space for seedlings should be called immediately with the good lighting and the heating of the sunlight, preferably on southern slopes.

Bookmark ridge is usually carried out two-year old seedlings of rosemary, vegetative therecovery from the varietal of the Bush, and rooted in the school. Planting scheme provides aisle to meters and the distance between the seedlings of about half a meter.
In the open areas spreading to the spicy shrub is recommended every two years and every 7 years to do forced landings rejuvenate by cutting all leafy mass of plants.
When potted variant, growing rosemary active organics, used as a dressing in open areas, should be replaced with easily digestible humic fertilizer or instant complex concentrate.
Spicy flowering shrub occurs in the second year of life.
Raw material of rosemary – the leaves and flower petals, to a phase of mass flowering, it should be cut off the young growth from buds to continue to dry in partial shade.
The maximum productivity of green is achieved on the 4th year of vegetation of the Bush, after a couple of years remained at the same level and starts to decline significantly, resulting in the required rejuvenation of the bushes. Important planting care is annual pruning, preserving 3-4 buds of the young growth.
During the growing season plant care is regular cultivation between rows, making dressings, seasonal trimming, sanitary trimming and regular watering.
Seed propagation of rosemary plants are used rarely, more common summer cuttings and division of the Bush.

Shanks cut from young growth, then they are planted in the greenhouse, buried at 5 cm and providing a high humidity.
Rooting for the best aisle mulched with black polyethylene, and themselves workpiece vegetative cover from direct solar ultraviolet radiation to protect the shoots from drying out.
Rooted cuttings in the South overwinter in a separate article under the shelter, but in the regions North of them should be removed to the basement. After overwintering the planting material is sorted and planted in a permanent place temporary caps of chopped PET bottles or in light tunnel greenhouse, a non-woven material.
Fresh menu, and processed the plant rosemary is widely used in cooking.

Rosemary is good for marinating and soaking poultry, pork, lamb, rabbit – it helps to rid the meat from odors and add rosemary smell and touch of taste.

Rosemary is also used in sauerkraut, pickling vegetables and mushrooms, canned.
Rosemary can also be flavored with the smoke of the fire or coals, on which a barbecue. The bird can wrap the sprigs of rosemary before roasting or grilling.
In General, rosemary is perfectly suited to any meat dishes – fried, grilled, baked, steamed, boiled meat, dish of minced meat, goulash. Moreover, it is believed that the spice rosemary is struggling with carcinogens formed during high temperature food processing.

Use in medicine spice rosemary
The composition of rosemary leaves contain large amounts of essential oils (cineole, camphor, borneol, limonene, pinene, camphene, bornylacetate), tannins, resins, bitterness, etc.
Rosemary, thanks to the camphor, antiseptic and more satisfying action, stimulates the nervous activity, circulation, breathing, digestion.
Used in dentistry.
Shown epileptics. Rosemary tones up, restores, and strengthens the body. Rosemary improves the cardiovascular system. Helps with fatigue and sexual weakness.
Rosemary improves memory and mental activity in General.
Recently, it has been proven the antioxidant effect of rosemary – it prevents aging, helps eliminate toxins, acts as the urine and cholagogue.
When used externally, rosemary oil and herbal teas strengthen the hair and cleanse the skin.
The wine, currently on the rosemary dilates blood vessels, tones, improves mood, helps to Wake up.
Rosemary improves blood pressure, strengthens the heart muscle.
Rosemary stimulates the appetite, improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines, prevent flatulence. And fights colds, sore throat, helps with asthma and headaches.
Gout, neuritis, nerve pain ointments for rubbing and baths infusions of rosemary.
In General, it is believed that rosemary improves mood, relieves tension, helps to relax.
The famous elixir of youth of Queen Elisabeth (age 72 she was captivated by the beauty and youth of the Polish king, who offered her hand and heart), known as the "Hungarian water" contains essential oil of rosemary.
Very carefully should use rosemary high blood pressure and pregnant.

Source: ayatskov1.ru
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