How to trim Apple trees of different age
Apple orchard on the plot with beautiful, fertile and well-formed trees is always pleasant and profitable. In the summer there is the opportunity to eat fresh tasty fruits and in the winter in the cellar there is a complete set of such critical vitamins and minerals. But all these "charms" to have in full, for the garden needed to properly care.The concept of courtship and the feeding of trees, and treatment of Apple trees to prevent diseases, pest control, and spring grafting Apple trees, and, most importantly, proper pruning of trees. The last event can be called one of the main, because from what formed the crown, whether in principle, to feed, vaccinate and treat.
Why Apple trees need trimmed?
The change of the crown of the tree is carried out in different ways. What is pruning Apple trees in the spring will be the priority depends on the task and age of the tree.
The main reasons for pruning becomes relevant is:
— the need to strengthen the branches of the young saplings;
— a correct and comfortable for the "exploitation" of the crown;
you have to eliminate the useless small "thickets" and increase the number of fruit-bearing branches;
— required to remove old, inefficient in terms of productivity branches to replace them with young high yielding;
the tree is overgrown, the sun's rays penetrate a little into the inner space of the crown, thereby reducing the yield of the entire tree.
Competent spring crop seedlings gives them the opportunity to fully develop and not to move out of state groomed into a state of wild shoots. Bringing order to an adult tree allows to "survivor" to start a new life.
What period of time is best to trim Apple trees?
I guess, first I must say, when Apple can not be cropped. And can't do during the growing season, i.e. when the tree lives a full life – this summer. No, if anyone is impatient and wants to show himself to be a great gardener, of course – summer is not a barrier. Only during the development of the fruit is increased SAP flow. If at this time to cut not one, but several branches, the tree has all the chances to suspend its development or even die.
Now this is when you can carry out any activities to improve the crown. For trees, both young and old pruning Apple trees in spring or autumn is considered the most favorable time. Only the spring crop gives the best results, the tree is updated, getting rid of out frozen old branches. But spring is spring, and three months not one day. Therefore, the procedure spring pruning of Apple trees and the establishment or update of the crown begin to do after the departure of the frost, as soon as the ground warms up and the street starts to smell spring. But until the time when the present will become warmer and begin to blossom buds.
Types and methods of pruning Apple trees
Depending on present factors such as tree age, density, and crown height pruning Apple trees can be carried out or thinningor shortening the branches. Thinning is a radical intervention into the crown with a full removal of certain branches. And pruning these branches is to the trunk was left with a large stump. The best is the height of the rest of the branches from 5 to 10 millimeters.
Shortening does not affect the overall density, but more forms a crown to the desired shape and size.
There are three types of shortening:
— weak (1/5 remove part of the branch) is carried out at 2-3 yearly Apple tree;
— secondary (removed 1/3) do when tree-up lasted 5-6 years;
— strong shortening (removed half of the branches) are doing at the adult tree after 7 years of growth.
But then again, outlines how the spring of circumcision depending on the age of the tree is a rule that defines how to trim an Apple tree in spring or autumn. But on the other hand, these terms are designed for gardens, growing under normal conditions. And it happens when there is or growth retardation, or conversely, excessive "hood" of the plant. In such cases, you need to look for a location, when to begin the formation or rejuvenation of the crown of the recommendations.
Pruning of young plants (seedlings)
The question may arise about what is there to decide, if it is "nemazee". Right, but the question may arise among beginner growers. They still do not understand that the future of Apple is determined by its pruning in the first years after planting. And from whom what is the scheme of formation of the crown is chosen, will depend the yield, the simplicity or complexity of wood processing, ease of picking fruit.
And so – how to trim Apple trees in the spring when crop is nothing? But first, about what kind of cropping scheme to choose. And you need to choose the one that like. The main thing that in the end, the crown turned bright, and therefore not dense plus comfortable to handle and harvest.
Further. In the beginning you need to balance the root and aerial system. Why balance? Because the entire upper part of the seedling after transplantation remained unchanged, and the roots are somewhat damaged. Such "nuisance" fraught with the death of trees in spring green will require a lot of moisture, the amount of which damaged the roots can not provide.
— the height of the "first year" is clipped to be above the rest of the branches 20 centimeters;
the lower shoots located at 50-60 centimeters above the ground are removed;
— removed the young shoots growing from the trunk at an acute angle;
— other branches growing to the side are pruned to 4-5 buds;
— the initial formation of the crown should, if possible, to identify three to five main branches on different tiers that will make up the skeleton of the tree.
Such are the basic rules how to prune the Apple tree in the spring and how to shape the crown of the seedling for the future.
Spring rejuvenate old Apple trees
In adult trees is somewhat simpler, but also more difficult. To form nothing, but restorative-rejuvenating work over. Many decades later even the most seasoned tree begins to bear fruit worse, more likely to get sick, and if we do nothing, disappear. On this basis, and guided by the desire to preserve a valuable variety, in early spring, so for science, the old Apple tree need to revive, that is, to conduct its rejuvenation. Rwill rassmotrim in detail, what activities will help to rejuvenate the tree in his garden.
First – before the main pruning removes dry, frozen and "suspicious" branch.
Second – cleaned out all the branches that grow inside and inside.
Third – as clarified lower tiers properly carried out with no regard for anything trim.
Fourth – boughs are shortened by annual growth.
Fifth – if Apple launched not long was cut, the branches are shortened to the level of three years of growth. It must respect the "chain of command" — each upper layer is clipped more than the bottom.
Sixth – do not have to try to do everything rejuvenation at a time. This is unrealistic, the procedure is carried out for 2-3 years.
And yet, the attention missed, but how to trim Apple trees in the spring, and most importantly quality, if not high-quality tools and materials. To work with the crown need sharp pruning shears and a thin hacksaw.For the repair of damage will require a garden var or oil paint. The set of everything is small, but its quality should be high. But if we add to this the hard work and the desire to succeed, will have to build another storage for apples. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: sadovod-i-ogorodnik.ru/338-obrezka-yablon-vesnoy-kak-pravilno-obrezat-yabloni-raznogo-vozrasta.html
Why Apple trees need trimmed?

The change of the crown of the tree is carried out in different ways. What is pruning Apple trees in the spring will be the priority depends on the task and age of the tree.
The main reasons for pruning becomes relevant is:
— the need to strengthen the branches of the young saplings;
— a correct and comfortable for the "exploitation" of the crown;
you have to eliminate the useless small "thickets" and increase the number of fruit-bearing branches;
— required to remove old, inefficient in terms of productivity branches to replace them with young high yielding;
the tree is overgrown, the sun's rays penetrate a little into the inner space of the crown, thereby reducing the yield of the entire tree.
Competent spring crop seedlings gives them the opportunity to fully develop and not to move out of state groomed into a state of wild shoots. Bringing order to an adult tree allows to "survivor" to start a new life.
What period of time is best to trim Apple trees?
I guess, first I must say, when Apple can not be cropped. And can't do during the growing season, i.e. when the tree lives a full life – this summer. No, if anyone is impatient and wants to show himself to be a great gardener, of course – summer is not a barrier. Only during the development of the fruit is increased SAP flow. If at this time to cut not one, but several branches, the tree has all the chances to suspend its development or even die.
Now this is when you can carry out any activities to improve the crown. For trees, both young and old pruning Apple trees in spring or autumn is considered the most favorable time. Only the spring crop gives the best results, the tree is updated, getting rid of out frozen old branches. But spring is spring, and three months not one day. Therefore, the procedure spring pruning of Apple trees and the establishment or update of the crown begin to do after the departure of the frost, as soon as the ground warms up and the street starts to smell spring. But until the time when the present will become warmer and begin to blossom buds.
Types and methods of pruning Apple trees

Depending on present factors such as tree age, density, and crown height pruning Apple trees can be carried out or thinningor shortening the branches. Thinning is a radical intervention into the crown with a full removal of certain branches. And pruning these branches is to the trunk was left with a large stump. The best is the height of the rest of the branches from 5 to 10 millimeters.
Shortening does not affect the overall density, but more forms a crown to the desired shape and size.
There are three types of shortening:
— weak (1/5 remove part of the branch) is carried out at 2-3 yearly Apple tree;
— secondary (removed 1/3) do when tree-up lasted 5-6 years;
— strong shortening (removed half of the branches) are doing at the adult tree after 7 years of growth.
But then again, outlines how the spring of circumcision depending on the age of the tree is a rule that defines how to trim an Apple tree in spring or autumn. But on the other hand, these terms are designed for gardens, growing under normal conditions. And it happens when there is or growth retardation, or conversely, excessive "hood" of the plant. In such cases, you need to look for a location, when to begin the formation or rejuvenation of the crown of the recommendations.
Pruning of young plants (seedlings)

The question may arise about what is there to decide, if it is "nemazee". Right, but the question may arise among beginner growers. They still do not understand that the future of Apple is determined by its pruning in the first years after planting. And from whom what is the scheme of formation of the crown is chosen, will depend the yield, the simplicity or complexity of wood processing, ease of picking fruit.
And so – how to trim Apple trees in the spring when crop is nothing? But first, about what kind of cropping scheme to choose. And you need to choose the one that like. The main thing that in the end, the crown turned bright, and therefore not dense plus comfortable to handle and harvest.
Further. In the beginning you need to balance the root and aerial system. Why balance? Because the entire upper part of the seedling after transplantation remained unchanged, and the roots are somewhat damaged. Such "nuisance" fraught with the death of trees in spring green will require a lot of moisture, the amount of which damaged the roots can not provide.
— the height of the "first year" is clipped to be above the rest of the branches 20 centimeters;
the lower shoots located at 50-60 centimeters above the ground are removed;
— removed the young shoots growing from the trunk at an acute angle;
— other branches growing to the side are pruned to 4-5 buds;
— the initial formation of the crown should, if possible, to identify three to five main branches on different tiers that will make up the skeleton of the tree.
Such are the basic rules how to prune the Apple tree in the spring and how to shape the crown of the seedling for the future.
Spring rejuvenate old Apple trees
In adult trees is somewhat simpler, but also more difficult. To form nothing, but restorative-rejuvenating work over. Many decades later even the most seasoned tree begins to bear fruit worse, more likely to get sick, and if we do nothing, disappear. On this basis, and guided by the desire to preserve a valuable variety, in early spring, so for science, the old Apple tree need to revive, that is, to conduct its rejuvenation. Rwill rassmotrim in detail, what activities will help to rejuvenate the tree in his garden.
First – before the main pruning removes dry, frozen and "suspicious" branch.
Second – cleaned out all the branches that grow inside and inside.
Third – as clarified lower tiers properly carried out with no regard for anything trim.
Fourth – boughs are shortened by annual growth.
Fifth – if Apple launched not long was cut, the branches are shortened to the level of three years of growth. It must respect the "chain of command" — each upper layer is clipped more than the bottom.
Sixth – do not have to try to do everything rejuvenation at a time. This is unrealistic, the procedure is carried out for 2-3 years.
And yet, the attention missed, but how to trim Apple trees in the spring, and most importantly quality, if not high-quality tools and materials. To work with the crown need sharp pruning shears and a thin hacksaw.For the repair of damage will require a garden var or oil paint. The set of everything is small, but its quality should be high. But if we add to this the hard work and the desire to succeed, will have to build another storage for apples. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: sadovod-i-ogorodnik.ru/338-obrezka-yablon-vesnoy-kak-pravilno-obrezat-yabloni-raznogo-vozrasta.html
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