Trees on trellis – an area of less, harvest more!
On the trellis grow a garden shrubs and culture. But how many have heard about the tree growing on the trellis? Meanwhile, this method for centuries and it has been successfully applied in a number of countries.
Trees is on the site most of the space. Under them it is impossible to plant some plants, which need light, and pruning of fruit trees over the years, becoming more severe test – because a tree grows upwards. However, there are simple methods to grow several times more trees than you had before, and still get a bumper crop.
The trees in the tapestry – a history and description of the method
Most often this method is used by owners of small and small sites that wish to have a fruit garden. The tree growing on the trellis there are at least two advantages for the implementation of this method does not need much space and the garden looks original and aesthetically appealing.
Tapestry method in relation to fruit trees began to be used centuries ago. Pioneers of the unusual formations of the trees were the peasants of Switzerland and France. From there I went to a fashion careful and extensive fruit trees.
The method consists in the following: a tree grow in one plane, using a special kind of trimming to form its crown, and fastened to the trellis or any other support. Before thus grew only raspberries, other berry bushes, tomatoes, grapes, pumpkin, cucumber, etc.
Obligatory condition for the trellis method is the selection of slow growing trees and shrubs. It is important to consider this before purchasing the plant. Sometimes manufacturers use different types of rootstock. In nurseries are often grafted varietal trees and bushes on the root system of specific cultures, and sometimes even a different culture (pear on quince, plum to the apricot, etc.). Hustle like manufacturers are going to limit the growth of the root system and improve fruiting. Within one variety one Apple tree can grow to 2 m and the other on 10, it all depends on the rootstock. Therefore, for growing on a trellis usually choose trees on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks.
The advantages of trellis method
A tree growing on the trellis is gradually becoming popular not only among the owners of small suburban areas, but also those who are seriously engaged in fruit crops. And here's why:
Ideal for trellis growing, and such trees as the swamp oak, field maple, sycamore and others. They have dense foliage, which gives a nice shadow, so under the canopy of these plants is well located recreation areas. And to create a simple green canopy often use the mulberry or bobovnik.
Installation of supports for the trellis
As supports for trees can be wall, fence or specially installed poles with stretched wire. Trees need a lot of sunlight, so they are usually planted on the South side and also protect against wind, if required.
The basis of the tapestry is massive and durable construction, consisting of pillars and a frame with fixed thereto a solid screen of slats and wire. The tree trunk is fixed on the pole, and the branches are getting divorced in different directions on the rail, lie in the same plane. Thus the crown of the tree starts to be formed not in the 3D projection ("grow where you want – sideways, up, sideways), and in 2D only right-left and up.
Seedlings of hedge trees planted in the same way as usual, given the distance between the supports. Good to plant near a couple of fruit trees in the "regular" method is needed for cross pollination.
Pruning is the most important stage of tree formation
Regular and accurate pruning is a necessary element of proper care of the trees on the trellis. It allows you to give the tree the desired shape and place it on supports as it should.
For trimming you will need sharp secateurs, and all cuts must be done at an angle.
Young trees are pruned in early spring before the growing season, and no more than once per year. With the exception of the cherry and plum – it is better to crop in late spring, summer or early fall.
During spring pruning, tree shaping, shaping the length of the trunk and branches.
A tree which begins to bear fruit, is cut twice a year. Additional pruning is performed in summer, with fruit ripening. First remove branches covering from the sun ripening fruit, then sick, dry and damaged. Formative pruning rids the tree from the dense foliage that allows you to direct nutrients to the fruit development and, consequently, a rich harvest. New branches are cut with a margin of 1 cm after burl growth.
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It is a simple safe way rid your garden from many problems!As cinnamon will help to solve problems in the garden
Of culture that gives large fruits (peaches, plums, apples) thinned in the first place, removing the weak and unhealthy fruit. The remaining fruit will develop better, look healthier and delight you with its appearance and taste.
Trees on a trellis is a great opportunity to obtain rich and healthy harvest from a small space. All that is required from you is timely pruning and watering of trees.published
Source: www.ogorod.ru/ru/sad/care/10198/Dereva-na-shpalere-%E2%80%93-ploshad-menshe-urozhai-bolhe.htm

Trees is on the site most of the space. Under them it is impossible to plant some plants, which need light, and pruning of fruit trees over the years, becoming more severe test – because a tree grows upwards. However, there are simple methods to grow several times more trees than you had before, and still get a bumper crop.

The trees in the tapestry – a history and description of the method
Most often this method is used by owners of small and small sites that wish to have a fruit garden. The tree growing on the trellis there are at least two advantages for the implementation of this method does not need much space and the garden looks original and aesthetically appealing.
Tapestry method in relation to fruit trees began to be used centuries ago. Pioneers of the unusual formations of the trees were the peasants of Switzerland and France. From there I went to a fashion careful and extensive fruit trees.

The method consists in the following: a tree grow in one plane, using a special kind of trimming to form its crown, and fastened to the trellis or any other support. Before thus grew only raspberries, other berry bushes, tomatoes, grapes, pumpkin, cucumber, etc.
Obligatory condition for the trellis method is the selection of slow growing trees and shrubs. It is important to consider this before purchasing the plant. Sometimes manufacturers use different types of rootstock. In nurseries are often grafted varietal trees and bushes on the root system of specific cultures, and sometimes even a different culture (pear on quince, plum to the apricot, etc.). Hustle like manufacturers are going to limit the growth of the root system and improve fruiting. Within one variety one Apple tree can grow to 2 m and the other on 10, it all depends on the rootstock. Therefore, for growing on a trellis usually choose trees on dwarf and semi-dwarf rootstocks.
The advantages of trellis method
A tree growing on the trellis is gradually becoming popular not only among the owners of small suburban areas, but also those who are seriously engaged in fruit crops. And here's why:
- trellis method ideal for all those who want to grow fruit trees, but limited by the size of the site. Many gardeners enjoy the fruits of crops for which a normal landing would not find space;
- fruit trees on a trellis can serve as a living fence and natural fencing garden;
- trees on a trellis, lined up in neat rows, allow to divide the garden into several zones with clear boundaries;
- growing trees can be formed into any shape – a cube, a ball, a fan or to form branched crown;
- the trees on the trellis used for landscaping rest areas, gazebos, arches and outbuildings. Some trees, such as Linden with the crown in the form of a cube or sphere well protect the house from gusts of wind and rain.

Ideal for trellis growing, and such trees as the swamp oak, field maple, sycamore and others. They have dense foliage, which gives a nice shadow, so under the canopy of these plants is well located recreation areas. And to create a simple green canopy often use the mulberry or bobovnik.
Installation of supports for the trellis
As supports for trees can be wall, fence or specially installed poles with stretched wire. Trees need a lot of sunlight, so they are usually planted on the South side and also protect against wind, if required.
The basis of the tapestry is massive and durable construction, consisting of pillars and a frame with fixed thereto a solid screen of slats and wire. The tree trunk is fixed on the pole, and the branches are getting divorced in different directions on the rail, lie in the same plane. Thus the crown of the tree starts to be formed not in the 3D projection ("grow where you want – sideways, up, sideways), and in 2D only right-left and up.

Seedlings of hedge trees planted in the same way as usual, given the distance between the supports. Good to plant near a couple of fruit trees in the "regular" method is needed for cross pollination.
Pruning is the most important stage of tree formation
Regular and accurate pruning is a necessary element of proper care of the trees on the trellis. It allows you to give the tree the desired shape and place it on supports as it should.
For trimming you will need sharp secateurs, and all cuts must be done at an angle.

Young trees are pruned in early spring before the growing season, and no more than once per year. With the exception of the cherry and plum – it is better to crop in late spring, summer or early fall.
During spring pruning, tree shaping, shaping the length of the trunk and branches.
A tree which begins to bear fruit, is cut twice a year. Additional pruning is performed in summer, with fruit ripening. First remove branches covering from the sun ripening fruit, then sick, dry and damaged. Formative pruning rids the tree from the dense foliage that allows you to direct nutrients to the fruit development and, consequently, a rich harvest. New branches are cut with a margin of 1 cm after burl growth.
You will be inetersno:
It is a simple safe way rid your garden from many problems!As cinnamon will help to solve problems in the garden
Of culture that gives large fruits (peaches, plums, apples) thinned in the first place, removing the weak and unhealthy fruit. The remaining fruit will develop better, look healthier and delight you with its appearance and taste.
Trees on a trellis is a great opportunity to obtain rich and healthy harvest from a small space. All that is required from you is timely pruning and watering of trees.published
Source: www.ogorod.ru/ru/sad/care/10198/Dereva-na-shpalere-%E2%80%93-ploshad-menshe-urozhai-bolhe.htm