Care of raspberries in the autumn: autumn crop, tillage and fertilizing
When a crop is harvested and the autumn coolness makes itself known, it's time to start another treatment for raspberries, which will further allow her to better survive the winter and next year to enjoy your new abundant harvest.
Care of raspberries in the fall includes a whole range of activities such as soil preparation, pruning bushes and fertilizing.
Autumn works with the soil
If you are thinking what to do with raspberries and where to start in the autumn treatment, in the first place is to deal with the soil in the raspberry patch. So, the mulch, which lay among the bushes all summer, especially if it's straw, raked and burned or sent to the compost, because the winter it can stay field mice and all sorts of pests.
Further, the soil in the raspberry patch dug, it should be noted that the root system of the raspberry is superficial, because it is not necessary to delve into the ground more than 20 cm between the rows, but the rows and loosen the soil at 8-10 cm will be enough. In parallel with the digging is autumn fertilizing raspberries.
What to feed raspberries in the fall
1. Manure
Prior to doing digging of clover is manure. Usually recommend to make 4-6 kg per 1 sq. m. If fertilizing raspberries in the fall is not rotted manure, then mixed during digging with the ground it can serve as a good warm shelter for the roots of the raspberry, which over the winter will eventually decompose and in the spring will be an excellent nutrient base for plants.
2. Bird droppings
One of the best fertilizers for raspberries is considered to be poultry manure, in particular chicken. Fall it in liquid form distributed throughout the raspberry patch.
3. Compost
Instead of manure you can also use the compost. It is obtained by perepravnaya of tree foliage, bird droppings, peat, corn stalks and weeds.
4. Peat
Peat can be added to soil to fertilize almost anytime. Though he has such a high saturation of nutrients, like manure or compost, but it improves the soil structure, which contributes to a significant increase in productivity.
5. Organic and mineral fertilizers
Processing raspberries in the fall with organic fertilizers is usually held every 2-3 years. Mineral fertilizer for raspberry carried out with organic or alternating through the year. For example, one year of making manure, and the following year mineral substances. In particular, for winter usually are making superphosphates and potash salt at the rate of 60 g and 40 g per Bush. Fertilizer not less than 30 cm from the Bush, make grooves with a depth of 15-20 cm by the Way, care of raspberries in the autumn anticipates maintaining the raspberry bushes a sufficient level of moisture, especially in dry season that extends to dissolution of fertilizers and their consumption by plants. At the same time in the fall is absolutely impossible to apply nitrogen fertilizer because under their influence the plant instead of preparing for winter will continue active growth, which can have negative consequences. If fall fertilizing is done correctly, then next year you can expect an increase in the number of flower buds and, consequently, of the total crop.
6. Green manure
When there is no possibility to implement a feeding ready-made fertilizers, you can do this by using cover crops — plants that can be sown between the rows of raspberries in June, in particular, mustard, vicious and blue lupine. The late autumn crop of green manure is worked into the ground. Beregnev, during the winter, it enriches the soil of considerable quantities of nutrients.
How to trim your raspberries in the fall
Pruning raspberries in the fall is based on the fact that most varieties have a biennial life cycle. Therefore, before pruning, it is important to carefully inspect the bushes. The roots without leaving stumps and remove all two-year shoots, which were already otplodonosivshih, as well as thin, weak and diseased pests. That the latter did not apply, the cut shoots, it is desirable to burn. On the Bush after pruning leave 7-10 powerful healthy annual shoots. The top is too long stems also shorten how to get shears.
In the case of Aronia raspberries, in addition to pruning the tops, it will not hurt to shorten the side shoots, the length of which should be no more than 50 cm. This increases productivity and simplifies the process of caring for the Bush.
However, when pruning of raspberries is in the fall, it will not hurt to thin out and the whole raspberry. Between the bushes there should be a distance of about 60 cm, because all the young shoots around them is removed with a spade. If there is a need to increase the plantation, then the thinning can be used to prepare material for breeding of raspberry cuttings.
Sometimes doubts arise when it is better to conduct pruning. Usually its date falls at a time when the harvest from the bushes has been completed, and may vary depending on the variety. So, in the later varieties, prune in mid-October and early — in early-mid September. Importantly, all processing of raspberries in the autumn have been performed correctly and fully completed before the cold weather.
The timely implementation of all the above works for raspberries to contribute to the better development and greater harvest next year. But that Bush responded well to the winter, after pruning and fertilizing will still need to prepare raspberries for the rigours of winter. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: sadovod-i-ogorodnik.ru
Care of raspberries in the fall includes a whole range of activities such as soil preparation, pruning bushes and fertilizing.

Autumn works with the soil
If you are thinking what to do with raspberries and where to start in the autumn treatment, in the first place is to deal with the soil in the raspberry patch. So, the mulch, which lay among the bushes all summer, especially if it's straw, raked and burned or sent to the compost, because the winter it can stay field mice and all sorts of pests.
Further, the soil in the raspberry patch dug, it should be noted that the root system of the raspberry is superficial, because it is not necessary to delve into the ground more than 20 cm between the rows, but the rows and loosen the soil at 8-10 cm will be enough. In parallel with the digging is autumn fertilizing raspberries.
What to feed raspberries in the fall
1. Manure
Prior to doing digging of clover is manure. Usually recommend to make 4-6 kg per 1 sq. m. If fertilizing raspberries in the fall is not rotted manure, then mixed during digging with the ground it can serve as a good warm shelter for the roots of the raspberry, which over the winter will eventually decompose and in the spring will be an excellent nutrient base for plants.
2. Bird droppings
One of the best fertilizers for raspberries is considered to be poultry manure, in particular chicken. Fall it in liquid form distributed throughout the raspberry patch.
3. Compost
Instead of manure you can also use the compost. It is obtained by perepravnaya of tree foliage, bird droppings, peat, corn stalks and weeds.
4. Peat
Peat can be added to soil to fertilize almost anytime. Though he has such a high saturation of nutrients, like manure or compost, but it improves the soil structure, which contributes to a significant increase in productivity.
5. Organic and mineral fertilizers
Processing raspberries in the fall with organic fertilizers is usually held every 2-3 years. Mineral fertilizer for raspberry carried out with organic or alternating through the year. For example, one year of making manure, and the following year mineral substances. In particular, for winter usually are making superphosphates and potash salt at the rate of 60 g and 40 g per Bush. Fertilizer not less than 30 cm from the Bush, make grooves with a depth of 15-20 cm by the Way, care of raspberries in the autumn anticipates maintaining the raspberry bushes a sufficient level of moisture, especially in dry season that extends to dissolution of fertilizers and their consumption by plants. At the same time in the fall is absolutely impossible to apply nitrogen fertilizer because under their influence the plant instead of preparing for winter will continue active growth, which can have negative consequences. If fall fertilizing is done correctly, then next year you can expect an increase in the number of flower buds and, consequently, of the total crop.
6. Green manure
When there is no possibility to implement a feeding ready-made fertilizers, you can do this by using cover crops — plants that can be sown between the rows of raspberries in June, in particular, mustard, vicious and blue lupine. The late autumn crop of green manure is worked into the ground. Beregnev, during the winter, it enriches the soil of considerable quantities of nutrients.
How to trim your raspberries in the fall
Pruning raspberries in the fall is based on the fact that most varieties have a biennial life cycle. Therefore, before pruning, it is important to carefully inspect the bushes. The roots without leaving stumps and remove all two-year shoots, which were already otplodonosivshih, as well as thin, weak and diseased pests. That the latter did not apply, the cut shoots, it is desirable to burn. On the Bush after pruning leave 7-10 powerful healthy annual shoots. The top is too long stems also shorten how to get shears.
In the case of Aronia raspberries, in addition to pruning the tops, it will not hurt to shorten the side shoots, the length of which should be no more than 50 cm. This increases productivity and simplifies the process of caring for the Bush.
However, when pruning of raspberries is in the fall, it will not hurt to thin out and the whole raspberry. Between the bushes there should be a distance of about 60 cm, because all the young shoots around them is removed with a spade. If there is a need to increase the plantation, then the thinning can be used to prepare material for breeding of raspberry cuttings.
Sometimes doubts arise when it is better to conduct pruning. Usually its date falls at a time when the harvest from the bushes has been completed, and may vary depending on the variety. So, in the later varieties, prune in mid-October and early — in early-mid September. Importantly, all processing of raspberries in the autumn have been performed correctly and fully completed before the cold weather.
The timely implementation of all the above works for raspberries to contribute to the better development and greater harvest next year. But that Bush responded well to the winter, after pruning and fertilizing will still need to prepare raspberries for the rigours of winter. published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: sadovod-i-ogorodnik.ru