Oh, how wonderful discoveries!
30 prints (the assembly of the 12 sources, so just do not dupe, collected weekly)
When we hear the word "hybrid", then in the head at once there is light image-grandfather Michurin apples or some nectarines. We especially ardent inhabitants of the world of concrete jungle - the inscription on the packaging of "GMO-product". At the same time we forget about the animal world and its hybrids. Such animals are also called "chimeras", but it's not quite right.
1. liger - a hybrid between a lion and a tigress male-female, looking like a giant lion with blurred stripes. Ligers are generally inclined to gigantism. This is the largest cat in the world today. Males-Ligers have a short mane, but unlike lions, can and love to swim. Also, females Leagrove (ligritsy) can produce offspring, which is unusual for hybrids. Appearance and size similar to the extinct Pleistocene cave lion. Unusual Liger gigantism due to the fact that the DNA of a lion and the tigress has a gene responsible for the growth.
Or 2. Tigon Tigon - a hybrid of the tiger-male and lionesses-females. Currently tigony not as familiar as his "counterpart" Ligers, although in the late XIX - early XX century was the opposite situation. Tigony never found in nature as tigers and lions different habits, manners and places of distribution.
Tigony combine features of both parents: they can have a spot on the mother (lions genes responsible for spots - lion cubs are born spotted) and stripes from the father. Mane tigonov if it will always be shorter than the lion's mane. Normally less tigony lions and tigers and weigh about 150 kg (350 lbs). Tigonov always sterile males, while females do not have.
3. Mule - a hybrid of a donkey and a horse crossing
4. mules - a hybrid from the crossing of horse and donkey
5. Nar, or birtugan or Iner - a hybrid of the first generation of crossing dromedary (dromedary) with a two-humped (Bactrian). Inherits humped. In size, strength and capacity exceeds dromedary and Bactrian.
6. Verblyulama or Kama - the so-called hybrid of a camel and a llama.
7. leopon. Hybrid lions and leopards. The head of an animal like a lion's head, and the body resembles a leopard.
8. Sobakovolk. Volkosob. And do not say that in the photo - Huskies. This is not a husky, though it seems at first glance.
9. Zonke or Zerbul. A cross between a donkey and a zebra
10. Zoni. This is mixed zebras and ponies
11. Zorzi. But this is a zebra + horse
12. Mullard - a hybrid produced by crossing musk duck drakes with ducks breed Peking white orgpington, Rouen and white Allier.
13. Haynak (SA) - a hybrid of yak and cow.
14. Pizzli. And just do not have to laugh. Pizzli, it pizzli. Hybrid brown and white bears
15 Bengal cat - a hybrid of a domestic cat and a wild Asian leopard, bred in 1963 in the United States, and the cat breed chausie - a hybrid of a domestic cat with a wild cat Reed. They look like their wild relatives, and behave - like home.
16. Biffalo. In the United States created a breed of beef cattle biffalo - by crossing with wild bison cows. Have you ever tried to milk the buffalo?
17. Kazarh. In the former USSR and crossed argali sheep, we got a new breed "Kazakh arharomerinos."
18. Bester. The Russian fish farming has long bred Bester - a hybrid of beluga and starlet, who gives a very delicious caviar.
19. polecat-mink hybrid. A cross between a ferret and a mink. Winter cap simply.
Posted in [mergetime] 1244321420 [/ mergetime]
20. Kozlotura. I have already recalled F.Iskendera scored in finding "Constellation Kozlotura" tried "at random" to find it. There is in nature no Kozlotura. It's a pity. Attempts to bring him, however, were. None of this happened, but the animal (I think) were satisfied.
21. The Poles have created a hybrid of wild mountain goat and sheep. The animal looks like a long-legged sheep, but it is not cluttered with hair. But its meat tastes like mouflon, super popular among gourmets because of its slightly bitter, spicy taste. Restaurateurs already lining up for meat hybrid - for hunting mouflon in Poland has long banned, they live in nature reserves and strictly protected.
22. In South Korea discovered fish with human faces - eyes, eyebrows, ears, nose, lips and even a mustache. Two mutants (80 cm - long, 30 - in diameter) raised the South Korean pensioner - biologist. And let into the pond near the house. Environmentalists threaten to sue the educated old man for violation of the ecological balance. And he fights back, saying that the two mutant - the female and the offspring will not be able to give. It is a cross between bass and carp-Auha. Photos I have not found a bass-Auha here such
23. Israel withdrew bare rock chickens. Birds seem to tolerate the heat, they have less fat than ordinary chickens plus they do not need to pluck after slaughter. My daughter saw laughed until snot ...
24. He was surprised when he learned that the alpaca - a hybrid. This bastard spat at me in the Kaliningrad Zoo in 1977 to the delight of his father and visitors. Lama alpaca domestic cloven-hoofed animals, guanaco and vicuna hybrid (Vigone)
25. Pheasants. This chicken in nature. Hybrids they created an incredible amount. Here is only one photo.
26. Volfin. Wolphin - Dolphins also not clean at one place and spyat- still hum with their enemies? - Whales .... You swim to a dolphin-volfinchik and polnogi eats.
27. If we are about wolves and dogs - Zabaikalsk volkosob. Zabaykalskie guards still forced to serve themselves wolves. More specifically, they are scientifically called wolf-dog hybrids, and simply - volkosobami. The appearance, strength, endurance - all these issues poured out wild predators. And now the potential violators of Chinese and Mongolian border tremble at the mere thought of meeting them.
28. Kozets or kozran. The hybrid sheep and goat. Interestingly produce offspring ... Kozryata called the Fig se ... ...
29. sarlyks. A hybrid of yak and cow. To the mountains cow mёrzla simply. And not to be confused with № 13. Here is launched in Tibet, hundreds of years ago.
30. And the last. In 2001, "Aeroflot" has organized its own kennel. A dozen unique animals - hybrids northern huskies and Turkmen jackal ensure safety and prevent trafficking in drugs in luggage and explosives. Shakalosobaki were bred in the USSR in the mid-seventies for its exceptionally fine scent. At the same time, medium-sized animals received, thereby consuming a relatively small amount of food, and are not afraid of their appearance passengers.
When we hear the word "hybrid", then in the head at once there is light image-grandfather Michurin apples or some nectarines. We especially ardent inhabitants of the world of concrete jungle - the inscription on the packaging of "GMO-product". At the same time we forget about the animal world and its hybrids. Such animals are also called "chimeras", but it's not quite right.
1. liger - a hybrid between a lion and a tigress male-female, looking like a giant lion with blurred stripes. Ligers are generally inclined to gigantism. This is the largest cat in the world today. Males-Ligers have a short mane, but unlike lions, can and love to swim. Also, females Leagrove (ligritsy) can produce offspring, which is unusual for hybrids. Appearance and size similar to the extinct Pleistocene cave lion. Unusual Liger gigantism due to the fact that the DNA of a lion and the tigress has a gene responsible for the growth.

Or 2. Tigon Tigon - a hybrid of the tiger-male and lionesses-females. Currently tigony not as familiar as his "counterpart" Ligers, although in the late XIX - early XX century was the opposite situation. Tigony never found in nature as tigers and lions different habits, manners and places of distribution.
Tigony combine features of both parents: they can have a spot on the mother (lions genes responsible for spots - lion cubs are born spotted) and stripes from the father. Mane tigonov if it will always be shorter than the lion's mane. Normally less tigony lions and tigers and weigh about 150 kg (350 lbs). Tigonov always sterile males, while females do not have.

3. Mule - a hybrid of a donkey and a horse crossing

4. mules - a hybrid from the crossing of horse and donkey

5. Nar, or birtugan or Iner - a hybrid of the first generation of crossing dromedary (dromedary) with a two-humped (Bactrian). Inherits humped. In size, strength and capacity exceeds dromedary and Bactrian.

6. Verblyulama or Kama - the so-called hybrid of a camel and a llama.

7. leopon. Hybrid lions and leopards. The head of an animal like a lion's head, and the body resembles a leopard.

8. Sobakovolk. Volkosob. And do not say that in the photo - Huskies. This is not a husky, though it seems at first glance.

9. Zonke or Zerbul. A cross between a donkey and a zebra

10. Zoni. This is mixed zebras and ponies

11. Zorzi. But this is a zebra + horse

12. Mullard - a hybrid produced by crossing musk duck drakes with ducks breed Peking white orgpington, Rouen and white Allier.

13. Haynak (SA) - a hybrid of yak and cow.

14. Pizzli. And just do not have to laugh. Pizzli, it pizzli. Hybrid brown and white bears

15 Bengal cat - a hybrid of a domestic cat and a wild Asian leopard, bred in 1963 in the United States, and the cat breed chausie - a hybrid of a domestic cat with a wild cat Reed. They look like their wild relatives, and behave - like home.

16. Biffalo. In the United States created a breed of beef cattle biffalo - by crossing with wild bison cows. Have you ever tried to milk the buffalo?

17. Kazarh. In the former USSR and crossed argali sheep, we got a new breed "Kazakh arharomerinos."

18. Bester. The Russian fish farming has long bred Bester - a hybrid of beluga and starlet, who gives a very delicious caviar.

19. polecat-mink hybrid. A cross between a ferret and a mink. Winter cap simply.
Posted in [mergetime] 1244321420 [/ mergetime]
20. Kozlotura. I have already recalled F.Iskendera scored in finding "Constellation Kozlotura" tried "at random" to find it. There is in nature no Kozlotura. It's a pity. Attempts to bring him, however, were. None of this happened, but the animal (I think) were satisfied.

21. The Poles have created a hybrid of wild mountain goat and sheep. The animal looks like a long-legged sheep, but it is not cluttered with hair. But its meat tastes like mouflon, super popular among gourmets because of its slightly bitter, spicy taste. Restaurateurs already lining up for meat hybrid - for hunting mouflon in Poland has long banned, they live in nature reserves and strictly protected.

22. In South Korea discovered fish with human faces - eyes, eyebrows, ears, nose, lips and even a mustache. Two mutants (80 cm - long, 30 - in diameter) raised the South Korean pensioner - biologist. And let into the pond near the house. Environmentalists threaten to sue the educated old man for violation of the ecological balance. And he fights back, saying that the two mutant - the female and the offspring will not be able to give. It is a cross between bass and carp-Auha. Photos I have not found a bass-Auha here such

23. Israel withdrew bare rock chickens. Birds seem to tolerate the heat, they have less fat than ordinary chickens plus they do not need to pluck after slaughter. My daughter saw laughed until snot ...

24. He was surprised when he learned that the alpaca - a hybrid. This bastard spat at me in the Kaliningrad Zoo in 1977 to the delight of his father and visitors. Lama alpaca domestic cloven-hoofed animals, guanaco and vicuna hybrid (Vigone)

25. Pheasants. This chicken in nature. Hybrids they created an incredible amount. Here is only one photo.

26. Volfin. Wolphin - Dolphins also not clean at one place and spyat- still hum with their enemies? - Whales .... You swim to a dolphin-volfinchik and polnogi eats.

27. If we are about wolves and dogs - Zabaikalsk volkosob. Zabaykalskie guards still forced to serve themselves wolves. More specifically, they are scientifically called wolf-dog hybrids, and simply - volkosobami. The appearance, strength, endurance - all these issues poured out wild predators. And now the potential violators of Chinese and Mongolian border tremble at the mere thought of meeting them.

28. Kozets or kozran. The hybrid sheep and goat. Interestingly produce offspring ... Kozryata called the Fig se ... ...

29. sarlyks. A hybrid of yak and cow. To the mountains cow mёrzla simply. And not to be confused with № 13. Here is launched in Tibet, hundreds of years ago.

30. And the last. In 2001, "Aeroflot" has organized its own kennel. A dozen unique animals - hybrids northern huskies and Turkmen jackal ensure safety and prevent trafficking in drugs in luggage and explosives. Shakalosobaki were bred in the USSR in the mid-seventies for its exceptionally fine scent. At the same time, medium-sized animals received, thereby consuming a relatively small amount of food, and are not afraid of their appearance passengers.
