When you can buy watermelon

Watermelons were grown in ancient Egypt. In those days appreciated not only their sweet taste, but also useful properties. We’ve all known watermelon since childhood, but how much do we know about these striped fruits?

Today's edition. "Site" I picked up little-known and largely unexpected facts about watermelons. It’s amazing how much we didn’t know about these fruits (although there is still debate about what watermelon is: berries, fruits or vegetables).


When you can buy watermelons watermelon got its name from the Turkic expression "harbus", which translates as "cucumber, the size of a donkey." It is now, in August, that the “giant cucumbers” really sing, pour the sun (not questionable fertilizers) and delight with the taste. It is now worth buying potted watermelons and treating the whole family. It’s no wonder that August 3 is around the world. watermelon day.

Who didn’t love these natural sweets as a child? Probably only those with allergies. Everyone else enjoyed eating sweet flesh, hastily choosing bones. Who among us thought about the effect of watermelon on the body? But among the possible benefits there is something to highlight. And just curious facts about watermelons enough.

DepositPhotos Facts About Watermelons
  1. Watermelons are recommended for athletes
    To get rid of muscle pain, you can drink a glass of watermelon juice. It contains a special amino acid - L-citrulline, which reduces muscle discomfort that occurs during fatigue.
  2. Watermelons are not allowed for everyone
    Vitamins and folic acid are necessary for the body, but in large quantities watermelon is harmful - it causes swelling and overloads the kidneys. Therefore, children, the elderly, as well as young mothers of watermelon should use a little. Those who suffer from colitis, indigestion or have kidney stones, use Watermelon doctors ban.


  3. Watermelon consists of 92% water.
    The fact that watermelons are more than half water, many have probably heard, but to 92%! It’s no surprise that 100g of food contains only 38 calories.
  4. Watermelon is easy to check for nitrates
    Due to the thick skin, watermelon is well protected from harmful substances. Therefore, it is considered one of the cleanest and safest products. But the reputation of watermelon was seriously spoiled by unscrupulous melon growers who use nitrates to obtain an early and rich harvest. Check the purity of the watermelon Just. It is enough to put a piece of flesh into the water. If after an hour the water becomes slightly cloudy - the watermelon is clear, if the water turns pink, red or orange - the fruit has a lot of nitrates, so it is better to throw it away.


  5. It can reach giant sizes.
    The largest watermelon was grown in 2013 by American Chris Kent. The weight of the fetus reached an incredible 159 kilograms, which was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. In addition, Japanese farmers have come up with a way to grow watermelons of different shapes. They simply place the green fruit in a pre-prepared container. In the process of growth, the watermelon deforms, filling the container. The result is an almost inedible, but beautiful striped souvenir.

  6. Watermelon crust is eaten
    It turns out that the crust can be eaten, and it is quite tasty. Just cut it into pieces and put it in a blender with lemon and ice. The crushed mixture is not only tasty (you can add sugar if you want), but also useful because it contains vitamins C, B1, B2, carotene and folic acid. In China. watermelon They stew, fry and even pickle.

  7. Watermelon seeds are quite edible
    You can eat watermelon with seeds.. In essence, they do not differ from pumpkins - relieve inflammation, improve the condition of the skin. Earlier we talked in detail about the benefits of watermelon seeds.
  8. Watermelon isn't just eaten
    There is a kind of artistic cutting of fruits and vegetables called carving. Masters turn juicy fruits into various figures. They did not ignore the watermelons, creating their masterpieces from striped fruits.


Benefits of watermelons for the human body It is huge, but to feel it on yourself, you should choose the right striped fruits. Only then you can minimize the risk of poisoning and eat enough sweet flesh.

What interesting facts about watermelons do you know? Tell me in the comments.


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