12 secrets from the farmers to choose ripe fruit and berries

Now is the time for a juicy, ripe fruits and berries. It should be reserved for future use vitamins.
To shop at markets and stores not disappoint, Website has found great tips from people who do all that is grown. They will help to orient in the choice of the majority of summer vkusnyashek.

At the ripe watermelon tail always dry and yellowish, shiny rind, without plaque and damage. On the other side, where a watermelon lying on the plantation - spot. If it is yellow or orange - the fruit ripened
. Ripe watermelon with arms slightly pohrustyvaet compression and produces sonorous, ringing sound when tapped. Its scent is fresh and clear. If the smell is almost not, watermelon stored for too long on sklade.Esli on watermelon is a "bee spider", then it is perfectly ripe and sweet.

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Ripe strawberries evenly red, without yellow and white spots and small inclusions. The tail on this berry clings, it is green and not dry. If it can be easily separated from it, it is overripe and soon will become worthless.
Ripe strawberry elastic, not sluggish, pressing the springs under the fingers. She is very bright and quite a strong odor, it is necessary to be guided in the selection.

First of all you need to smell the melon. Ripe fruit is always smells of melon, not grass. Externally it elastic, without visible damage and stains. If you press your finger on the rind, then ripe melon will dent, which immediately disappears. On the green melon, it will not appear, and overripe not disappear after the finger has been removed.
Ripe melon produces a hollow sound when slap. Peduncle ripe, fresh fruit but faded, but not dry. A top melon, which was a flower, elastic and pressed a finger.

The fruit must be dry, smooth, without any damage on the skin, elastic and soft to the touch but not mushy. Touch the tip of the nose and then the figs. This should be to the touch ripe fruit.
If figs slightly sour smell, so he began to wander and soon become a nasty mess.

The first ripe but fresh berries pleasant smell, and the smell is clearly expressed, without impurities or odor lying kislosti. Each berry has a uniform color, no inclusions, no visible damage, no wormholes.
All raspberries should be elastic, and each berry individually - not depressed, no juice

. Ripe fruit of a brilliant appearance, with no black spots or damage, color - from green to brown. If you press it lightly, it will deepen, which disappears after a few seconds. Immature fruit is not amenable to pressure. Dent on overripe does not disappear. Most likely, he was rotten inside.
When shaking ripe avocado pits heard a knock. If you press down the cutting attachment, the ripe avocado will gently bounce, while overripe just going inside.

< br> Ripe pineapple be resilient without cracks and dents, but not soft. If the fruit is soft, it tore the green and long stored. If you click on the fruit, it will sag under the fingers, but spring back. The base of fresh and ripe fruit is always wet, not dry.
Ripe pineapple smells good. Low odor - a sign of immaturity. If the fetus flip through your fingers, the sound is ringing. And if you pull the top sheet "cap", it is easily separated from the fetus.

Externally, ripe and fresh fruit should be clean, saturated colors, without any raid, not "fogged" not slightly dried. If you look through them in the sun, the berries pass light. In this case, they were grown in a natural way, without spraying chemical means. At the ripe fruit bunches weighty and quite heavy. If a bunch of bald spots and a few berries, that grapes had already begun to rot and fingered hand.
Maturity can be determined by shaking a twig: some grapes must fall. At the same time attaching a branch berry should be no visible signs of decay. It may only be slightly darker than the base color.

Ripe apricot - is always a fruit with a uniform color (allowed blotches of reddish color) and characteristic form. His fleshy texture, smooth and thin rind. No visible wrinkles or depressions, spots or dots, cracks and mechanical damage.
Pronounced fruit flavors. By clicking on the skin it is not deformed, the surface remains elastic. Bone ripe fruit separates easily from the fruit, and it is virtually no pulp.

At the ripe mango is smooth, shiny rind and bright color saturated color. Dark specks on the peel - it is a sign of perfect ripeness. Ripe fruit dry, hard, tight, tight but not loose. When pressing is a small dent. But if the place of pressing immediately filled with moisture, the mango is already overripe and will soon spoil. The same is said wrinkled skin is flabby.
From solid mango and should be abandoned: it often does not ripen at home. Ripe fruit smells nice and sweet, and the smell of the place is enhanced tail. Inside it is a juicy, fibrous, orange, with easily separable bone.

At the ripe peach strong and bright flavor without additives rot or mustiness. If you squeeze in your hand, it otpruzhinit. It is not too soft, with light pressure from it does not stand out juice. Peel the fruit without visible damage, wrinkles, elastic. Its color is natural, not too bright. Very bright shade often means that the added chemicals or dyes. Notable about the stem of white and green spots even when the fruit softness means that it is still a few days it was necessary to ripen.
The pulp from ripe peaches can be pink, white or yellow. Pink and white flesh is the most sweet, and yellow - more fragrant. At the ripe peaches sit bees and wasps, they make their way to him, even on the market.

Most ripe oranges heavier immature. They have a bright flavor and even color skins. Most often the sweetest oranges - with a noticeable "navel". It's a little extra fruit, which is at the base of orange. The larger pores on the cake, so it is ripe and delicious.
Its rind should be slightly loose, it is easy to clean. The thickness of the skin color and values are not in the selection, it depends on the variety. The non-porous dense surface - a sign that the fruit is immature. Ripe tasty orange has a bit of loose skin that is easy to clean.
Photos on the preview: Andriianov / shutterstock,
bitt24 / shutterstock
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