Notice something like this - do not touch it under any circumstances! Inform the store staff and leave!
How nice to buy fresh, juicy vegetables, bright berries and fragrant greens! A strange story often happens to me: on the market, all the goods packed in the package seem to be incomparable. I chose the best, what a great man!
At home, things change. The special magic of the market loses its power, and a close look distinguishes spots on tomatoes, yellow leaves in a bunch of arugula and a slight lethargy of eggplant.
In order not to be disappointed, you do not need to be fascinated! We will tell you how to choose ripe fruits and vegetables, how to buy healthy foods that were less exposed to chemicals. Keep this advice, it will be useful more than once!
How to choose vegetables and fruits Little tricks
To choose ripe eggplant, slightly press your finger on the skin. If eggplant is mature, a small dent is formed, which will disappear immediately after pressure: a good eggplant quickly restores its shape. Choose eggplant only with a peduncle! Focus on the weight of the vegetable: high-quality, ripe eggplant should be heavy.
Do not buy too large fruits, they have probably been treated with chemicals. Do not eat eggplant with dark seeds inside that have a specific smell: most likely, the fruit is spoiled.
DepositPhotos Strawberry
Choose a smaller strawberry, small berries will be much sweeter. Focus on the aroma, if strawberries have an intoxicating smell, it will taste good! Do not buy too dark or too light berries. Look at the grains decorating the berries. If they are located at a decent distance from each other and sit deep enough, strawberries are sweet!
DepositPhotos corn
When choosing corn for the table, look at its antennae. If they are silky, soft corn is young and sweet. Old corn does not hide its age, showing dry and blackened mustache hair.
DepositPhotos Plums
Focus on the aroma: the smell of plums should be pleasant, without the admixture of alcoholic notes. If you smell such a smell, most likely, the plums are already oversung and slightly spoiled. No dents or spots on the skin, no mechanical damage! The ripe fruit is always resilient. If you notice a plaque on the plum fruits, then they were picked recently, you can take.
To buy fresh radish, look at the root crops with the top, they are the best! Probe well: hardness and elasticity of radish are very important. It's a shame to come home and find that the vegetables you bought are flimsy.
DepositPhotos Carrots
Don’t look at sluggish carrots, this is the worst purchase, even if it’s an order of magnitude cheaper. Very tasty young carrots with top, it is sweet and juicy! Small carrots are usually sweeter than big ones.
DepositPhotos Tomatoes
Good tomatoes have a sweet woody aroma. The sour smell indicates that tomatoes slowly began to deteriorate. Not soft and not hard - a good tomato will be elastic to the touch, and its skin will please with a rich color without spots.
DepositPhotos Cucumbers
If the cucumber doesn't smell, put it down. Believe me, this vegetable is not worth buying, because it will be completely tasteless. Quality cucumber should be hard and elastic, without spots, dents and cracks. To prevent cucumbers from drying too quickly, store them in sealed plastic dishes in the refrigerator.
DepositPhotos Bulgarian pepper
Only buy pepper with a peduncle! To check its freshness, slightly break the stem of the peduncle. If there are drops of juice on it, then the pepper was picked recently. If moisture did not form at the fault site, then the pepper was plucked a long time ago. It may be delicious, but the benefits of using such a product will not be for sure. The heavier the pepper, the more juice there is!
Do not buy pepper with plaque and black spots: this means that it has accumulated a lot of pesticides and other harmful substances.
The delicate smell is the main characteristic of ripe and tasty pineapple. It shouldn't smell sharp! Thick and juicy top, slightly soft crust, a deaf sound on impact: these are the signs by which you will recognize a delicious tropical handsome. Unfortunately, it is rare to find such a fruit, but still do not lose hope! Better without pineapple than with green and hard.
Buy fruits of medium size, large pumpkins are too fibrous flesh. The more orange-colored pumpkin on the skin, the more delicious the flesh! Look at the strips: they should be flat. The skin of a good pumpkin is smooth, without mechanical damage. You can knock on the pumpkin, checking it: the ripe pumpkin will make a deaf sound.
It is better not to buy clean, well-washed beets! Yes, this is surprising, but there is a strong argument in favor of beets, which are sold along with the land. It was not treated with special chemicals during washing. These substances penetrate into the vegetable, and then into the body of the one who eats the vegetable. Take a medium-sized beet. That means it has less nitrate.
Do not buy berries of strange color, with spots and mold. Keep an eye out, sellers are doing tricks! Often at the top of a glass with berries you can see beautiful representatives, and inside the glass you can find overripe, slightly rough and crumpled berries with spots. It is best to eat the berries immediately, fresh, but they can wait a couple of days in the refrigerator. There is only one condition: sealed containers, best glass or plastic.
Not the yellow leaves! Sluggish greens can be distinguished immediately, do not take it. Look at the roots: they should not be rotten and other abominations that will hint that the bouquet is not the first freshness. Things happen, unfortunately.
DepositPhotos Grapes
Grapes like to be treated with anhydride so that it is stored longer. This substance is extremely toxic! Look at the peduncle: if it's dry and hard and the grapes look like they've just been picked, don't take it. Most likely, the amount of chemistry in seductive berries is off the scale! Look at where the berries are attached to the legs. If the grapes are too soft and even slightly rotten, go away. Apparently, the grapes began to spoil from the inside, although the outside may look even decent.
Heavy fruit with a yellow spot on the side has a better chance of being tasty! Knock on watermelon: A deaf sound is also an indicator of ripeness. Do not fall for a dry tail: this indicates that the watermelon has long been ripped. They say the hardest part is choosing a good woman and a good watermelon, so I wish you luck. In choosing this huge berry, communication with sellers always helps me. If you talk to a person politely and respectfully, most likely, he will tell you which watermelon is better to take.
The skin of a good melon should be slightly springy if you press it. Too soft melon should not be taken, it can be loose and tasteless. Inhale the aroma, in a good fruit it is thin and tender. Choose a melon-beauty: smooth color, pleasant to the eye, indicates a rich taste of flesh!
Editorial Board
If you like these tips, show them to your friends immediately! And please: if you know any branded, proven over the years tricks that help you buy everything fresh, write about them in the comments. Share valuable knowledge with others!
At home, things change. The special magic of the market loses its power, and a close look distinguishes spots on tomatoes, yellow leaves in a bunch of arugula and a slight lethargy of eggplant.
In order not to be disappointed, you do not need to be fascinated! We will tell you how to choose ripe fruits and vegetables, how to buy healthy foods that were less exposed to chemicals. Keep this advice, it will be useful more than once!
How to choose vegetables and fruits Little tricks
- Bananas
Choose bananas with a whole leg and matte peel, more streamlined shape, not ribbed. It is not recommended to buy bananas with greenish skin, as they are poorly digested. Do not store fruits in the refrigerator, the cold is very harmful to them. To prevent the bananas from turning black, wrap the legs with food film.
DepositPhotos Pay Attention! If you notice strange black spots and white plaque on bananas, do not buy these fruits. Perhaps they have become a habitat for dangerous insects, for example, the Brazilian wandering spider. The spider is rare but extremely poisonous. There were cases of poisoning with fruits in which poisonous insects lived. See the detailed information in this video!
To choose ripe eggplant, slightly press your finger on the skin. If eggplant is mature, a small dent is formed, which will disappear immediately after pressure: a good eggplant quickly restores its shape. Choose eggplant only with a peduncle! Focus on the weight of the vegetable: high-quality, ripe eggplant should be heavy.
Do not buy too large fruits, they have probably been treated with chemicals. Do not eat eggplant with dark seeds inside that have a specific smell: most likely, the fruit is spoiled.

DepositPhotos Strawberry
Choose a smaller strawberry, small berries will be much sweeter. Focus on the aroma, if strawberries have an intoxicating smell, it will taste good! Do not buy too dark or too light berries. Look at the grains decorating the berries. If they are located at a decent distance from each other and sit deep enough, strawberries are sweet!

DepositPhotos corn
When choosing corn for the table, look at its antennae. If they are silky, soft corn is young and sweet. Old corn does not hide its age, showing dry and blackened mustache hair.

DepositPhotos Plums
Focus on the aroma: the smell of plums should be pleasant, without the admixture of alcoholic notes. If you smell such a smell, most likely, the plums are already oversung and slightly spoiled. No dents or spots on the skin, no mechanical damage! The ripe fruit is always resilient. If you notice a plaque on the plum fruits, then they were picked recently, you can take.

To buy fresh radish, look at the root crops with the top, they are the best! Probe well: hardness and elasticity of radish are very important. It's a shame to come home and find that the vegetables you bought are flimsy.

DepositPhotos Carrots
Don’t look at sluggish carrots, this is the worst purchase, even if it’s an order of magnitude cheaper. Very tasty young carrots with top, it is sweet and juicy! Small carrots are usually sweeter than big ones.

DepositPhotos Tomatoes
Good tomatoes have a sweet woody aroma. The sour smell indicates that tomatoes slowly began to deteriorate. Not soft and not hard - a good tomato will be elastic to the touch, and its skin will please with a rich color without spots.

DepositPhotos Cucumbers
If the cucumber doesn't smell, put it down. Believe me, this vegetable is not worth buying, because it will be completely tasteless. Quality cucumber should be hard and elastic, without spots, dents and cracks. To prevent cucumbers from drying too quickly, store them in sealed plastic dishes in the refrigerator.

DepositPhotos Bulgarian pepper
Only buy pepper with a peduncle! To check its freshness, slightly break the stem of the peduncle. If there are drops of juice on it, then the pepper was picked recently. If moisture did not form at the fault site, then the pepper was plucked a long time ago. It may be delicious, but the benefits of using such a product will not be for sure. The heavier the pepper, the more juice there is!
Do not buy pepper with plaque and black spots: this means that it has accumulated a lot of pesticides and other harmful substances.

The delicate smell is the main characteristic of ripe and tasty pineapple. It shouldn't smell sharp! Thick and juicy top, slightly soft crust, a deaf sound on impact: these are the signs by which you will recognize a delicious tropical handsome. Unfortunately, it is rare to find such a fruit, but still do not lose hope! Better without pineapple than with green and hard.

Buy fruits of medium size, large pumpkins are too fibrous flesh. The more orange-colored pumpkin on the skin, the more delicious the flesh! Look at the strips: they should be flat. The skin of a good pumpkin is smooth, without mechanical damage. You can knock on the pumpkin, checking it: the ripe pumpkin will make a deaf sound.

It is better not to buy clean, well-washed beets! Yes, this is surprising, but there is a strong argument in favor of beets, which are sold along with the land. It was not treated with special chemicals during washing. These substances penetrate into the vegetable, and then into the body of the one who eats the vegetable. Take a medium-sized beet. That means it has less nitrate.

Do not buy berries of strange color, with spots and mold. Keep an eye out, sellers are doing tricks! Often at the top of a glass with berries you can see beautiful representatives, and inside the glass you can find overripe, slightly rough and crumpled berries with spots. It is best to eat the berries immediately, fresh, but they can wait a couple of days in the refrigerator. There is only one condition: sealed containers, best glass or plastic.

Not the yellow leaves! Sluggish greens can be distinguished immediately, do not take it. Look at the roots: they should not be rotten and other abominations that will hint that the bouquet is not the first freshness. Things happen, unfortunately.

DepositPhotos Grapes
Grapes like to be treated with anhydride so that it is stored longer. This substance is extremely toxic! Look at the peduncle: if it's dry and hard and the grapes look like they've just been picked, don't take it. Most likely, the amount of chemistry in seductive berries is off the scale! Look at where the berries are attached to the legs. If the grapes are too soft and even slightly rotten, go away. Apparently, the grapes began to spoil from the inside, although the outside may look even decent.

Heavy fruit with a yellow spot on the side has a better chance of being tasty! Knock on watermelon: A deaf sound is also an indicator of ripeness. Do not fall for a dry tail: this indicates that the watermelon has long been ripped. They say the hardest part is choosing a good woman and a good watermelon, so I wish you luck. In choosing this huge berry, communication with sellers always helps me. If you talk to a person politely and respectfully, most likely, he will tell you which watermelon is better to take.

The skin of a good melon should be slightly springy if you press it. Too soft melon should not be taken, it can be loose and tasteless. Inhale the aroma, in a good fruit it is thin and tender. Choose a melon-beauty: smooth color, pleasant to the eye, indicates a rich taste of flesh!

Editorial Board
- When I go to the market, I enjoy talking to people who work there. If I want to know if vegetables are fresh, for example, I ask: when will there be a new delivery? Leading questions It helps to understand whether the product is as good as it seems at first glance. Another important point: a neat-looking seller usually sells a good product. I always pay attention to what is happening behind the counter, whether there are traces of apocalypse on a local scale. Storage conditions Even the freshest products are a decisive factor in their quality.
DepositPhotos - To really buy fresh-fruitWe have to do it in season! This table will help you navigate when the fruits ripen. Seasonal vegetables and fruits contain the greatest amount of useful vitamins and trace elements. It is not even necessary to talk about the taste, because natural vegetables from the garden are a million times more delicious.
If you like these tips, show them to your friends immediately! And please: if you know any branded, proven over the years tricks that help you buy everything fresh, write about them in the comments. Share valuable knowledge with others!
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