15 elegant examples of how to serve fruits and berries

On hot summer days particularly want fruits and berries. Not only are they perfectly quench thirst, but also serve as a rich source of vitamins and minerals. In addition, their bright colors perfectly uplifting.
Especially for you Website took 15 striking examples of how you can serve fruits and berries. From these dishes, no gourmet will not give up!
Berry kebab

These cute berry kebabs made very simple. The best option for holidays: everyone puts on a small plate and enjoy. The idea took here.
Watermelon pie

When you look at this delicious beauty salivating who want will flow. You want to treat yourself and loved ones in the same watermelon pie? Here's the recipe.
Cherry Chocolate

Such beauty is even a pity! Only if on major holidays. Cooking secrets shared here.
Excellent berry bouquet

This bright, fruity bouquet is already one of its kind will bring a good mood. How to repeat such a miracle is told here.
Bananas frozen chocolate

Glazed Bananas - beautiful decoration for the holiday table. Bright and tasty! How to make the order described here.
Strawberry cheesecake

These strawberry cheesecake as delicious as beautiful! Couple stuff here, of course, will not do ... All the cooking secrets here.
Berries cream cone

Familiar cups? Only here a minimum of calories! How to repeat, read here.
Raspberry with chocolate

When the taste of berries has become a habit and you want to indulge in something new, come to the aid of chocolate. What you will learn here.
Watermelon Stars

Another great idea for those who like to eat watermelon. This is how you sit yourself in the shade in the hot summer day and eat juicy watermelon asterisks - the beauty! The author shares the idea here.
Fruit-berry flower in a pot

All you need to prepare this delicious dessert, this blackberry, grapes, watermelon and a couple of plastic cups. Then share the secrets of cooking.
Raspberry candy

Who said that the candies are harmful to health? Of course not, if you mean raspberry candies. Here we describe how to repeat.
Pear hedgehog

Such familiar to us fruit like a pear, you can also file a bright and unusual. It needs only grapes, olives and toothpicks. The process of creation is disclosed in detail here.
Strawberry in chocolate bowl

Well, who does not like chocolate and strawberry? How easily and tastefully combine these two ideas, told here.
Berry ice cream

What could be better than natural fruit ice cream on a hot summer day? It is only natural popsicles! The secret is disclosed here.
Cocktail of melon

Fruits and berries can not only eat, but also to drink. Excellent proof of this - watermelon, melon cocktail. How to make exactly the same, you will learn here.
Photos on the preview: www.veggiebelly.com
See also:
18 ingenious tricks that will keep the freshest vegetables and fruits
12 secrets from the farmers to choose ripe fruit and berries
via www.adme.ru/zhizn-kuhnya/12-sekretov-ot-fermerov-chtoby-vybrat-spelye-frukty-i-yagody-1315115/
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