10 foods to keep away from pots and pans

Since childhood, we know how useful vegetables are and how important it is to include them in your diet. But, it turns out, even daily eating plant products, you can not get enough nutrients: they simply “disappear” during cooking.
Website I decided to find out which products lose their benefits due to heat treatment.

There are a lot of raw tomatoes. Magnesium and zinc. After heat treatment, the concentration of these substances It's down 90 to 100 percent.
Sweet pepper

Bulgarian pepper, especially red, champion among vegetables in the content of vitamin C. Unfortunately, when heated, its concentration It's down 4 times.

Raw garlic is rich vitamins C, PP and group BIt is also a source of choline. But heat treatment. deprive productusefulness.
Cress salad

The watercress is keptvitamins A, B, C, D, E and K.When heated (for example, when adding a plant to a pizza or omelet) most of its useful properties It gets lost.

Asparagus is an indispensable source of vitamins A, C, E, K, groups B, as well as folic acid. But roasting deprives this vegetable. majority.

Broccoli is a lot. vitamins A, C and calcium. But if you cook this vegetable to full readiness, it will be 40% less useful substancesthan raw.

Beets are beautiful. folic acid. However, if you cook it to full readiness, it will lose About 30 percent of that stuff.

Raw ginger is very sharp, but it is a source of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, as well as a number of important trace elements. During the thermal treatment bulk disappearing.
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Based on stethnews
See also.
18 ingenious tricks that will keep vegetables and fruits fresh
10 Fruits and Vegetables We Eat Wrong
via www.stethnews.com/0833/complete-list-of-vegetables-that-are-best-eaten-raw/
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