Knowing the hidden function of the pot, you will rush to the kitchen to check it.

You heard that kitchen-pan Do they have hidden functions? Every housewife knows the situation when in the process of cooking something you remove the lid from the pan and do not know where to put it. Any dish has to be stirred, add ingredients or take a sample. And the lid remains either in your hand or you look for where to put it. Sometimes it seems that the designers of kitchen utensils simply did not think about what to do with the pan lid when it interferes so much.

But it turned out that the pan itself performs the function of a lid holder. Few people know about this and continue to look for the place where you can put the lid. Therefore, the editorial board "Site" I decided to share with my dear readers useful information on this topic to once and for all save you from trouble in your favorite kitchen.

During cooking in the kitchen it becomes hot. After all, we deal with high temperatures for cooking favorite dishes. The tightly attached lid to the pan heats up to very high temperatures, and you can’t hold it in your hands for a long time.

That is the problem where to put the lid while it is not needed. Some people use a nearby burner for storage, but it is not always free. And drops of condensate accumulated on the lid, treacherously drain on a clean stove.

Using a countertop is also not a good option, since high temperatures can damage its material and leave traces on it. Some housewives use additional devices on which lids are placed. But these devices take up a lot of space and are not always appropriate.

Holding the lid in your hands all the time is not comfortable either. Especially when you need to use two hands, and the hot lid drains condensation and burns the skin. What do we do?

The hidden function of kitchen pans The solution turned out to be much simpler than one might imagine. The pan lid can be placed on the pan itself. On most pans, the handles are placed in a special way. So you can put a lid on them without much effort.

The shape of the handles on the cover has a special shape. The handles are screwed by the manufacturer so that the lid is located at a certain angle. This angle of inclination does not allow the condensate to flow outside the lid, and your pan with the stove will not be filled with water. And also such a hidden function of the pan allows you to keep the lid always at hand and not be afraid to lose it.

Many housewives around the world do not even know about such a miracle function of their pots. But if you try this method at least once, you will no longer scratch your head where to put the pan lid while cooking.

We hope that our tips will help you become a real virtuoso in the kitchen. Please your loved ones with culinary masterpieces, and not waste nerves and time on all sorts of troubles that your kitchen devices can easily cope with.

Tell us in the comments, did you know about this hidden ability of the pot and do you use it in everyday life?


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