17 smart ideas using conventional hooks

reasonable task to organize the space in the house can be a real problem. Especially when this same space is not that much. It would be desirable to maintain comfort and functionality, but do not overload the interior of the unnecessary details.
In Website for you 15 elegant ideas on how to use a conventional hook to properly and, most importantly, keep things nice.
Organizer for lids of pots and pans

Several conventional self-adhesive hooks on the door of the cabinet - a great idea for storing lids from pots and pans

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Make convenient box for jewelry with hooks, as shown here.
Stand for Chancery

This blog is a simple and fun way to store Chancellery in small buckets on hooks.
Mini-exhibition of children's drawings

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Arrange a small gallery in the nursery with the help of hooks, clamps and trempel with this instruction. The kids feel real artists.
A handy organizer for foil and food film

Just a couple of simple hooks on the sides to create a convenient organizer, as shown here.
retainer for electrical wire

With the help of the small self-adhesive hooks (see instructions), you can easily hide the annoying wires.
Stand for Tablet 96,872,524
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Place the three wall hooks, as shown here, and enjoy watching a movie or TV series.
Stand ribbons and wrapping paper

This idea will appeal to all who are engaged in creative work.
Hanging vase

Instructions for creating a false look of the garden in this blog.
Idea to store the ironing board

< br> The unusual idea of how to store the ironing board, you will find here.
Baskets bathroom

< br> These hanging baskets can be used to sort the linen and toweling or different things needed in the bathroom.
Hammock for children's books

Replace the usual bookshelves on such interesting hammocks.
Simple way to hang a wreath on the door

< br> The idea here.
Hooks instead of the eaves

This standard solution will give the interior individuality.
Vertical mini-garden

Liven up the interior with a vertical mini-garden, as shown in this manual.
Hooks for ironing and ploek

Hair devices conveniently stored on a conventional hooks on the doors of the cabinet.
Organizer dish

< br> You'll need an iron mesh, a few hooks and the master class.
Photos on the preview: instructables / © KATHLEEN KAMPHAUSEN
via www.instructables.com/id/Easiest-Cupboard-Pan-Lid-Organiser/?ALLSTEPS
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