Onion pose for women over 40: stimulation of the endocrine glands
If you are looking for an effective way to get in shape in a matter of weeks, you have come across the right article! To get rid of extra centimeters and recharge energy without extra effort is quite real, and all thanks to the bodiflex. This one gymnastics It is not in vain that it finds fans all over the world: a special method of breathing enriches the body with oxygen, and physical exercises allow you to load problem areas.
In general, bodiflex is suitable for people of any gender, age and level of physical fitness. However, we strongly recommend that women experience this gymnastics, and those whose body is mercilessly subjected to age-related changes.
Bodyflex lessons from "Site" It is necessary to study every woman who has crossed the 40-year mark. Why? Yes, because these clumsy and fast exercises will help to preserve youth, tighten the body and cheer up the spirit. What the doctor ordered!
Classes will not take you much time, they do not need to visit the gym or buy special accessories. Enough 15 minutes a day and the desire to become slim, healthy and cheerful. We prepared for you. 6 Exercises for Home TrainingIt will not be difficult to master. But, before proceeding to their implementation, you need to master a special technique of aerobic breathing, on which the bodyflex exercise system is based.
Aerobic breathing
DepositPhotos, shall we begin?
If you decide to devote time to bodiflex, do not expect immediate results - they will appear only after a few weeks of daily training, because first the metabolism should improve, and only then the excess volume will begin to go away in problem areas. And if you are afraid of daily workload, exercises according to the bodiflex method are enough to perform only 15 minutes every day. Agree, this is a really easy way to lose weight and visually decrease in volume.
Are you inspired? Then rather inspire your friends and share with them this useful article.
In general, bodiflex is suitable for people of any gender, age and level of physical fitness. However, we strongly recommend that women experience this gymnastics, and those whose body is mercilessly subjected to age-related changes.

Bodyflex lessons from "Site" It is necessary to study every woman who has crossed the 40-year mark. Why? Yes, because these clumsy and fast exercises will help to preserve youth, tighten the body and cheer up the spirit. What the doctor ordered!
Classes will not take you much time, they do not need to visit the gym or buy special accessories. Enough 15 minutes a day and the desire to become slim, healthy and cheerful. We prepared for you. 6 Exercises for Home TrainingIt will not be difficult to master. But, before proceeding to their implementation, you need to master a special technique of aerobic breathing, on which the bodyflex exercise system is based.
Aerobic breathing
- Stage 1st
Put your lips in a tube and breathe slowly through your mouth. Try to completely free the lungs from air. - Stage 2.
Squeeze the lips and take a noisy and quick breath through the nose, filling the lungs with oxygen as much as possible. - Stage 3.
Lift your head and exhale intensely through your mouth. In this case, the sign of the correct exhalation will be a whistling sound “Pop!” - Stage 4.
Close your lips, hold your breath, and draw in your stomach. It is at the time of breath retention that bodiflex exercises are performed. - Stage 5
Count to 10, relax your abdominal muscles and breathe in.

DepositPhotos, shall we begin?
- Exercise Diamond
Fragile skin and excess fat deposits on the inside of the shoulders are one of the most problematic areas on the body of a mature woman. Exercise "Diamond" perfectly pumps the muscles of the hands and tightens flabby skin, and all thanks to the directed flow of oxygen, which burns excess fat. After a month of regular training, you will transform your hands beyond recognition! Stand up straight, legs on the width of the shoulders, hands close in front of you in a circle and close your fingers so that the palms do not touch.
The elbows should be high, otherwise the pressure will fall not on the muscles of the hands, but on the chest. Slightly round your back, inhale, hold your breath, draw in your stomach and move on to the main posture. Hands tight, fingers resting on each other.
Start pressing your fingers as hard as possible without moving your hands. You need to feel the muscle tension moving from the wrist to the chest. Press for 8 seconds, then breathe out, relax and return to the starting position. Do 3 repetitions. - Onion posture
This exercise perfectly develops the muscles of the abdomen, back, eliminates extra centimeters on the waist and hips. One of the most effective exercises for weight loss! The position of the bow returns flexibility to the spine, and therefore prolongs youth. This exercise improves the nutrition of the spinal cord, has a stimulating effect on the endocrine glands, helps in the treatment of diseases of the abdominal cavity and pelvis, and also promotes growth.
Lying on your stomach, bring your legs together, arms along your torso, palms pressed to the floor, chin rests on the floor. Exhale, noisy inhale, legs out, bend in your knees and grab your ankles or put your hands around your feet. Exhale noisily and hold your breath. Start extending your knees while lifting your head and chest.
Get your head down, get your hips off the floor. Count to eight (you can swing back and forth), relax and return to the starting position. Start the practice with one approach, gradually bringing the number to 3 unhurried repetitions.
DepositPhotos - Pretzelek exercise
This exercise differs from other poses in the bodyflex in that it is able to cope with several problems at once: it in a short time deals with excess fat not only on the hips, but also on the waist. Sit on the floor, bend your knees and cross them so that your left knee is above your right knee. The foot on the bottom, keep it straight. With your left hand rest on the floor behind your back, and put your right on your left knee. Breathe in, draw in your stomach, hold your breath and proceed to the main posture.
Tighten your left knee with your right hand upwards and towards you, pulling it as close as possible to your chest. Make a smooth turn with the whole body to the left, looking back. Hold in this position for 8 seconds, exhale and return to the starting position. With proper execution, you will feel how the muscles of the waist and hips stretch. Change your arms and legs and repeat the same exercise in the opposite direction. 3 repetitions for each side will be enough.
DepositPhotos - The boat exercise
Remove excess fat deposits in the waist and pump the muscles of the abdominal press will help exercise "Boat". In addition to effective weight loss, this exercise helps to strengthen the solar plexus and restore the correct position of the umbilical ring. Those who perform "Boat" regularly, not only goes fat from the stomach, but also significantly improves blood circulation, cardiac activity, digestion, breathing problems.
Lie on your back, straight arms pressed against your torso, legs together, feet pressed against each other. Inhale, exhale, noisy inhale, noisy exhale, hold your breath. Hold your breath, raise both legs to a height of 30-40 cm from the floor. Raise your head to the same height, raising your shoulders and torso. Based only on the buttocks and sacrum, count to eight. Lower your head and legs. Relax. Perform 3 slow repetitions.
DepositPhotos - Scissors exercise
This exercise perfectly strengthens the abdominal muscles and one of the most problematic areas in women - the area below the navel. During the execution of the "Scissors" the process of burning everything superfluous is started, the muscles are strengthened, the functioning of the circulatory system is normalized and the general condition of the body is improved. The starting position is lying on the floor. Legs extended and closed, knees straight.
Put your hands under your buttocks with your palms down. Head and lower back pressed to the floor. Hold your breath and raise your straight legs 10-15 cm above the floor. Holding your legs in this position, perform wide and intense swings with your legs. During the machs, the lower back and head are pressed to the floor. Count to 10, relax and lower your legs. Do 3 repetitions.
DepositPhotos - Strengthening the abdominal press
This exercise not only perfectly strengthens the muscles of the press and makes the stomach flat, but also improves the work of the heart and blood vessels, has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, fights flatulence, rumbling in the abdomen, belching, establishes the work of the pelvic organs. The starting position is lying on your back, the legs are bent at the knees, and the feet are pressed to the floor. Make a few breaths and exhalations with the diaphragm, hold your breath on the inhalation and start doing the exercise. 431294
Raise your hands up, reach for the ceiling, elbows straight, shoulders off the floor, keep your head straight. Under no circumstances pull your chin to your chest! Try to raise your shoulders as high as possible. Next, go down to the floor: first the lower back, then the shoulders, and at the very end touch the floor with your head.
Touched? Again reach up, lingering in this position for 8 seconds. Perform 3 slow repetitions. In any case, do not start from the floor, do not make jerks and do not help yourself with your hands! Just work your muscles.
If you decide to devote time to bodiflex, do not expect immediate results - they will appear only after a few weeks of daily training, because first the metabolism should improve, and only then the excess volume will begin to go away in problem areas. And if you are afraid of daily workload, exercises according to the bodiflex method are enough to perform only 15 minutes every day. Agree, this is a really easy way to lose weight and visually decrease in volume.
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