11 exercises, after which you fall in love with yoga

Hatha Yoga there are more than 3 thousand years, this ancient practice aimed at improving the physical and spiritual health. Yogic exercises a beneficial effect on all body systems, restores the correct structure of the spine and trains all the muscles, including the smallest.
< Website made up of a small workout for beginners. Print it out, put on the mat and is engaged in his own pleasure.
Pose elongated triangle

How this is done
- Starting position: Stand up straight. Inhaling do the jump, feet apart about 1 m. Lift your arms to shoulder height, spread them apart and hold parallel to the floor, palms down. Feet point the right, make sure that they are not unfolding to the side
- Turn the right foot at 90 ° to the right and the left -. Slightly inward. The left leg should be the maximum pull and pull the knee of the left leg up.
- On the exhale tilt your torso to the right. The right hand move to his right ankle. If possible, try to completely put a hand on the floor. If not, hold the right ankle or lower leg.
- Pull the left arm upwards. The hand must continue to the right shoulder line. Keep your back straight. The back side of the legs, upper back and pelvis must be in the same plane. Tighten your thigh muscles, tighten the kneecaps. The right knee should look towards the toes. Open the chest, plunging the blade. Do not bend your knees. Do not turn the pelvis and the body to the floor.
- Point the view of the left thumb outstretched hand. Tighten it as much as possible.
- Stay in asana for 20-30 seconds (you can gradually increase the time to 1 minute), breathe deeply and evenly. Then raise your right hand, take a breath and slowly return to the starting position.
- Now perform the pose to the left side as well as on the right.
How is it done?
- Get up on all fours, hands under shoulders on the mat, pinned to the mat, arms straight, fingers outstretched. Hips are upright, knees, pelvic width, parallel to the lower leg, toes can bend.
- On the inhale to lift your tailbone, and continuing to bend your back, take a concave shape, look up, pelvis and abdomen tends down .. li >
How this is done
- Starting position:. Posture sip cat
- On the exhale, starting from the coccyx, lower it, round the back and lower head. Chin possible push to the chest, abdomen retract, take a look at the navel. The back and pelvis tend upwards.
- hog in both directions several times, coming back in a pose cat to light signs of fatigue. Movement to be performed gently and smoothly rounded deflection and back vertebra by vertebra.
How this is done
- Starting position:. Cat pose
- At the same time pull the right foot back, left arm forward, align the pelvis with respect to the mat. Reach for a hand forward and upward, for the toe and back up. The Crown seeks to hand over. Do not pinch, straighten the spine.
How this is done
- Starting position:. Cat pose
- Align your back, stretch your right arm and right leg in a continuation of the spine.
- Trim balance and slowly turn around to the right, shifting his hand up, line up the arm vertically in line with the left hand.
- Leg expand inside of the thigh to the carpet, trim the body and turning his chin up shoulder, look up. Keep the balance.
How is it done?
- Take the buttocks, straighten your legs. feet socks to send yourself backs of the knees flat on the floor
- Take hold of the shins or knees -. where to take out his hands at his back straightened. Helping himself with his hands, pull the back forward and up (but not down!), Extending the spine.
- Relax your back and lower it as low as possible to the legs, continuing to pull the crown forward. Breathe freely for 30-60 seconds, gradually increasing the duration of the performance.
- Gently pull back the lower back, lift your head and caving in the chest and back, lift up vertebra by vertebra, until back does not take a vertical position. < /
How is it done?
- Lie on the floor on his stomach. Spread the sides of the foot 30 cm. Place the palms on the floor at chest level, fingers, pull forward.
- Breathe out and lift the torso. Hands straighten, tighten your elbows, head, try to drop to the floor. Pull back, it should be smooth. The legs should be straight and smooth. The knees do not bend. Heels drag down, try to put them completely to the floor. The feet should be parallel, toes forward deployed.
- Stay in 1 minute asana, breathe. Then exhale, lift your head, gently exit the pose and relax.
How this is done
- Starting position:. Dog pose
- Move the body weight on the right hand and right foot <. expand the right foot and place it on the same line with the right wrist. The left leg push to the right, by deploying the whole body to the right. Will stand on the right foot, and extended his right hand (right hand). The left leg is on top on the right hand, left hand pointing upwards and stretches to the ceiling. Corpus keep straight, straighten the chest, zastynte in this position for 15-30 seconds.
- Carefully stand up in the dog's posture and make the pose of the sage on the other foot and hand.
How is it done?
- Take the buttocks, straighten your legs. feet socks to send yourself backs of the knees flat on the floor.
- Pull back-up for the crown. Bend your left leg and place the foot as close as possible to him.
- On the exhale, expand the body to the left, caught the shoulder of the left knee. Inhale and exhale obveyte knee with his right hand and join the hands behind the back. Looking send back. Do not lift your buttocks off the floor. Breathe smoothly.
- With each exhalation, turn the body to the left more. Stay in the pose for 30-60 seconds, with time increasing the duration of the performance.
- Change legs and do the asana in the other direction.
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How is it done?
- Sit on the floor, legs pull in front of you.
- Bend your left knee and move it to the left as far ago so that the angle between the thighs was blunt by placing the heel closest to itself, and the outer side of the hip - on the floor. The right leg straight, toes pointing to the foot itself.
- Twist the torso to the left and lower right side to the outstretched leg. Tilt and twist perform on the exhale.
- Aim with the left hand to the right foot on the outside, pulling his hand through the side so that his shoulder was on the head. Caught with his right hand over the hip or the knee of the bent leg, a little more, expand your chest up and drag back of the head to the right knee
- The breeding elbows, expand the chest more upside, neck -. The tribe Keep the pose from 20 seconds to a minute (with the time you can increase the duration).
- inhale, release the hands, turn the body to the right leg, lift your head, and then the body.
- Repeat the slope to the other leg.
How is it done?
- Sit on the heels.
- Slowly bend forward. Lower abdomen on the thighs and his head on the mat. Knees may be diluted in the side, abdomen and chest to tend to mat.
- Hands pull forward. Pull back. Take 5-7 breaths.
- Put the arms relaxed at the sides of the body, palms up. Relax. Breathe calmly
Model: Alfia
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