Vibration exercises train the muscles and purify the vessels
There is hardly a person who does not agree with the well-known expression that "life is movement". The lack of movement in childhood leads to children kitsno posture, scoliosis and other serious violations of the musculoskeletal device. In adulthood is different joint damage, bone fragility, overall muscle weakness and premature aging.
Physiologists say that even in middle and old age to maintain normal muscle and musculoskeletal person should take a day for about 20 kilometers. And if the majority of rural residents can not complain about the lack of movement, the majority of citizens to compensate for inactivity, you must perform various physical exercises.
In different parts of the world, people create their own effective system of health, used vibration exercise as organic component parts of such systems. For example, a Japanese scientist, Katsudzo Niche in the middle of the last century created the theory, obosnovalsya the important role of micro-vibrations of the capillaries in the blood supply, and developed a set of vibrational exercises to maintain in good condition and restore musculoskeletal system and blood vessels [1].
According to K. Nishi, two exercises – "capillaries" and "goldfish" are very useful for almost all people.
Exercise for the capillaries is performed in the supine position with raised arms and legs. In this position, the blood in the veins of the legs is downward sloping, and the resulting vacuum causes an acceleration of its circulation. The exercise is performed in 1-3 minutes 2 times a day.
Exercise "Golden fish" is performed lying on a flat bed or floor. Hands needed the full length to throw over his head, pull the legs, feet resting on the heel perpendicular to the body, socks to pull to face.
During the exercise several times to stretch forward alternately left and right heels, like stretching the spine. Then put hands under his head and begin to vibrate the whole body like a fish swimming in the water. If the vibration itself is not possible, the first time it can help create a partner.
Based on exercise K. Nishi Russian doctor V. Sholokhov was created "Gymnastics health Dr. Sholokhov", which is now actively promoted Medical rehabilitation center V. A. Sholokhov and reviews in the Internet, is an effective method of rehabilitation.
Not less interesting developments in the field of vibration exercise was made almost simultaneously with K. Nishi in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. It should be noted that in the USSR there were a few groups of scientists who studied the effect of mechanical vibration on the human body.
Similar studies were conducted by physicians and scientists in the US and Europe. The result is the presence on the market of the most developed countries of the various vibroplatform and vibration plates designed to exercise the muscles and blood vessels.
A. Mikulin put forward the hypothesis that naturally clean the body's cells of toxins takes place in three ways:
1) by a continuous, but very weak vibration of the cells by the action currents of nerve impulses;
2) the expulsion of toxins from cells and intercellular space due to the large forces of muscle contraction and
3) due to the energetic promotion of toxins from cells and intercellular spaces of the inertial forces during the shock of the human body (running, exercises with a rope, etc.).
This hypothesis served as a basis for the creation of A. Mikulin complex fibrogenetic. This A. Mikulin noted that the presence of valves in the veins of the muscles is the mechanism that provides intensive self-cleaning of the body with vibrogasyaschih exercises.
In his book "Active aging" by A. Mikulin offers to all people, regardless of age or state of health in the morning to perform a simple and effective exercise for the purification of the vessels: "If you go up on the toes so that the heels come off the floor just a centimeter, and dramatically fall to the floor, you will experience a shock, a concussion. This will cause the same thing while running and walking: thanks to the valves in the veins the blood will get additional impulse for the upward movement...
Such shaking of the body should be done slowly, no more than once per second. After thirty exercises (shocks) need to take a break in 5-10 seconds. In no case do not try to raise the heels higher than inches above the floor. Exercise will not be effective and will only cause unnecessary fatigue of the feet. Too often the shake is also useless. In mezclaban spaces veins will not have time to accumulate a sufficient portion of blood, and its wave is not overwhelmed by the next "floor" of the Vienna...
Concussions should be the same of what nature has provided while running. So no danger for the spine and its discs fibrogenetic is not the Shaking of the body, stimulating a more vigorous pulsation of blood in the veins, eliminates the accumulation of toxins and blood clots near the venous valves. Consequently, shaking of the body is an effective aid in the prevention and treatment of several diseases of internal organs, a means to prevent thrombosis and even heart attacks...".
Fibrogenetic A. Mikulin has many followersin the former USSR countries. For reviews of people regularly practising this gymnastics is really very simple and effective to get rid of a number of vascular diseases, including thrombosis.
Even more interesting is the complex of exercises (including vibration exercises), developed by Arnold Ginstata.
Greenstate about Alexander and his technique published the book V. Dobkin and V. Polovoy "Move right — and be healthy". It says that "...the technique of psycho-physical rehabilitation... allows for a short period to improve performance, increase concentration, relieve fatigue in the process or the training process, to improve the contact between team members, to dramatically reduce the incidence, problem shooting klimaticheskogo age in women to increase potency in men."
A distinctive feature of the exercise A. Greenstate is that most of these exercises are vibrating, with a vibration frequency up to 100 up to 160 strokes per minute.
The undoubted advantage of the complex exercises A. Greenstate is that this system covers all muscle groups and especially accented, develops paravertebral muscles. Below sets out procedures for the exercise of the complex with those names of exercises, which I heard personally from the author of this complex.
Vibration. Starting position — feet shoulder width apart, head straight, back straight. Without lifting your heels off the floor vibrate due to a small flexion – extension of the legs at the knees.
Download. Starting position – lying on his stomach, legs straight, palms of hands placed under the chin. Leaning one (straightened) leg on floor, other straight leg with an elongated toe make oscillation amplitude 10...15cm (changing every 20-30 foot waves).
Run. To master this exercise, you first need to master the walk in place while lifting the left arm and left leg, right hand – right hand. After this practice run, lifting the same leg and arm at the same pace: slow run - 100...160 strokes per minute, a quick run - 220...300 strokes per minute.
Twist. Starting position – feet shoulder width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of chest parallel to the floor. Turn left polupriznanie and a sharp exhale (the breath is not controlled), then the same turn with polupriznanie and a sharp exhale to the right.
The first panel is based on the extended hands and toes (as in push-UPS from the floor), operated by the deflection of the back up (from the floor) and down ( to the floor). The same exercise is performed face-up.
Second panel. In position "lying on the floor" to sit up on bent arms and in a fast paced push-UPS (to shake) hands with amplitude 10....15cm.
Ding (jump on the buttocks). Sit on the edge of the bench, legs pulling forward. In this position, "shimmy" on the buttocks, sharply, tensing and relaxing them.
Vertical. Become at a distance slightly larger than the outstretched hand from the wall, feet close together. Without moving the feet from the scene, "fall" on the wall, slowing down the fall with your hands against the wall. Sharply push off from the wall with their hands at the time of the deviation to clap your hands. Again to fall, push off and clap your hands. To do the same, falling alternately on the left and right hands, respectively, starting with one hand (clapping at the same time also to execute).
Potluck first. This exercise is a very slow squat (for 1 minute), and in the same slow rising. Exercise deserves its name – despite the seeming simplicity, it requires considerable effort.
Podlucky second - the same treacherous exercise, like the previous one. Is a very slow push-UPS from the floor (1 minute down and 1 minute up).
Efficiency of application of complex A. Greenstate fantastic. Thanks to him, many famous athletes after severe injuries and fractures he returned to the sport and has achieved high results. Personally, I keep the best memories about this wonderful man and thankful heart for what he helped to get rid of scoliosis is one very close to me.
All of the foregoing shows that vibration exercises are effective in maintaining and restoring health. There are various types of vibration exercises that allow you to support at any age the good condition of blood vessels and musculoskeletal system. Selection of such exercises and complexes should be carried out individually, in the framework of individual health systems, taking into account the specific features of the physiology, psychology and lifestyle of each person.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: uatrainings.com/stati/107-vibratsionnye-uprazhneniya-treniruem-myshtsy-chistim-sosudy.html
Physiologists say that even in middle and old age to maintain normal muscle and musculoskeletal person should take a day for about 20 kilometers. And if the majority of rural residents can not complain about the lack of movement, the majority of citizens to compensate for inactivity, you must perform various physical exercises.

In different parts of the world, people create their own effective system of health, used vibration exercise as organic component parts of such systems. For example, a Japanese scientist, Katsudzo Niche in the middle of the last century created the theory, obosnovalsya the important role of micro-vibrations of the capillaries in the blood supply, and developed a set of vibrational exercises to maintain in good condition and restore musculoskeletal system and blood vessels [1].
According to K. Nishi, two exercises – "capillaries" and "goldfish" are very useful for almost all people.
Exercise for the capillaries is performed in the supine position with raised arms and legs. In this position, the blood in the veins of the legs is downward sloping, and the resulting vacuum causes an acceleration of its circulation. The exercise is performed in 1-3 minutes 2 times a day.

Exercise "Golden fish" is performed lying on a flat bed or floor. Hands needed the full length to throw over his head, pull the legs, feet resting on the heel perpendicular to the body, socks to pull to face.
During the exercise several times to stretch forward alternately left and right heels, like stretching the spine. Then put hands under his head and begin to vibrate the whole body like a fish swimming in the water. If the vibration itself is not possible, the first time it can help create a partner.

Based on exercise K. Nishi Russian doctor V. Sholokhov was created "Gymnastics health Dr. Sholokhov", which is now actively promoted Medical rehabilitation center V. A. Sholokhov and reviews in the Internet, is an effective method of rehabilitation.
Not less interesting developments in the field of vibration exercise was made almost simultaneously with K. Nishi in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. It should be noted that in the USSR there were a few groups of scientists who studied the effect of mechanical vibration on the human body.
Similar studies were conducted by physicians and scientists in the US and Europe. The result is the presence on the market of the most developed countries of the various vibroplatform and vibration plates designed to exercise the muscles and blood vessels.
A. Mikulin put forward the hypothesis that naturally clean the body's cells of toxins takes place in three ways:
1) by a continuous, but very weak vibration of the cells by the action currents of nerve impulses;
2) the expulsion of toxins from cells and intercellular space due to the large forces of muscle contraction and
3) due to the energetic promotion of toxins from cells and intercellular spaces of the inertial forces during the shock of the human body (running, exercises with a rope, etc.).
This hypothesis served as a basis for the creation of A. Mikulin complex fibrogenetic. This A. Mikulin noted that the presence of valves in the veins of the muscles is the mechanism that provides intensive self-cleaning of the body with vibrogasyaschih exercises.
In his book "Active aging" by A. Mikulin offers to all people, regardless of age or state of health in the morning to perform a simple and effective exercise for the purification of the vessels: "If you go up on the toes so that the heels come off the floor just a centimeter, and dramatically fall to the floor, you will experience a shock, a concussion. This will cause the same thing while running and walking: thanks to the valves in the veins the blood will get additional impulse for the upward movement...
Such shaking of the body should be done slowly, no more than once per second. After thirty exercises (shocks) need to take a break in 5-10 seconds. In no case do not try to raise the heels higher than inches above the floor. Exercise will not be effective and will only cause unnecessary fatigue of the feet. Too often the shake is also useless. In mezclaban spaces veins will not have time to accumulate a sufficient portion of blood, and its wave is not overwhelmed by the next "floor" of the Vienna...
Concussions should be the same of what nature has provided while running. So no danger for the spine and its discs fibrogenetic is not the Shaking of the body, stimulating a more vigorous pulsation of blood in the veins, eliminates the accumulation of toxins and blood clots near the venous valves. Consequently, shaking of the body is an effective aid in the prevention and treatment of several diseases of internal organs, a means to prevent thrombosis and even heart attacks...".
Fibrogenetic A. Mikulin has many followersin the former USSR countries. For reviews of people regularly practising this gymnastics is really very simple and effective to get rid of a number of vascular diseases, including thrombosis.
Even more interesting is the complex of exercises (including vibration exercises), developed by Arnold Ginstata.
Greenstate about Alexander and his technique published the book V. Dobkin and V. Polovoy "Move right — and be healthy". It says that "...the technique of psycho-physical rehabilitation... allows for a short period to improve performance, increase concentration, relieve fatigue in the process or the training process, to improve the contact between team members, to dramatically reduce the incidence, problem shooting klimaticheskogo age in women to increase potency in men."
A distinctive feature of the exercise A. Greenstate is that most of these exercises are vibrating, with a vibration frequency up to 100 up to 160 strokes per minute.
The undoubted advantage of the complex exercises A. Greenstate is that this system covers all muscle groups and especially accented, develops paravertebral muscles. Below sets out procedures for the exercise of the complex with those names of exercises, which I heard personally from the author of this complex.
Vibration. Starting position — feet shoulder width apart, head straight, back straight. Without lifting your heels off the floor vibrate due to a small flexion – extension of the legs at the knees.
Download. Starting position – lying on his stomach, legs straight, palms of hands placed under the chin. Leaning one (straightened) leg on floor, other straight leg with an elongated toe make oscillation amplitude 10...15cm (changing every 20-30 foot waves).
Run. To master this exercise, you first need to master the walk in place while lifting the left arm and left leg, right hand – right hand. After this practice run, lifting the same leg and arm at the same pace: slow run - 100...160 strokes per minute, a quick run - 220...300 strokes per minute.
Twist. Starting position – feet shoulder width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of chest parallel to the floor. Turn left polupriznanie and a sharp exhale (the breath is not controlled), then the same turn with polupriznanie and a sharp exhale to the right.
The first panel is based on the extended hands and toes (as in push-UPS from the floor), operated by the deflection of the back up (from the floor) and down ( to the floor). The same exercise is performed face-up.
Second panel. In position "lying on the floor" to sit up on bent arms and in a fast paced push-UPS (to shake) hands with amplitude 10....15cm.
Ding (jump on the buttocks). Sit on the edge of the bench, legs pulling forward. In this position, "shimmy" on the buttocks, sharply, tensing and relaxing them.
Vertical. Become at a distance slightly larger than the outstretched hand from the wall, feet close together. Without moving the feet from the scene, "fall" on the wall, slowing down the fall with your hands against the wall. Sharply push off from the wall with their hands at the time of the deviation to clap your hands. Again to fall, push off and clap your hands. To do the same, falling alternately on the left and right hands, respectively, starting with one hand (clapping at the same time also to execute).
Potluck first. This exercise is a very slow squat (for 1 minute), and in the same slow rising. Exercise deserves its name – despite the seeming simplicity, it requires considerable effort.
Podlucky second - the same treacherous exercise, like the previous one. Is a very slow push-UPS from the floor (1 minute down and 1 minute up).
Efficiency of application of complex A. Greenstate fantastic. Thanks to him, many famous athletes after severe injuries and fractures he returned to the sport and has achieved high results. Personally, I keep the best memories about this wonderful man and thankful heart for what he helped to get rid of scoliosis is one very close to me.
All of the foregoing shows that vibration exercises are effective in maintaining and restoring health. There are various types of vibration exercises that allow you to support at any age the good condition of blood vessels and musculoskeletal system. Selection of such exercises and complexes should be carried out individually, in the framework of individual health systems, taking into account the specific features of the physiology, psychology and lifestyle of each person.published
- Literature:
- 1. K. Nishi: improving the vessels and blood
- 2. Gymnastics health Dr. Sholokhov (based on exercise, Katsudzo Niche)
- 3. A. A. Mikulin "Active aging".- M: "sport", 1977.- 112 p.
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: uatrainings.com/stati/107-vibratsionnye-uprazhneniya-treniruem-myshtsy-chistim-sosudy.html
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