12 exercises of Kundalini yoga, recommended for women every day

Kundalini yoga is a whole world open for exploration and application in your life. It is a unique discipline, working with all your nervous and endocrine systems, suffers from women in the first place.
It clarifies and improves the operation of the mind. It quickens a sense of awareness and gives a huge energy You will be able to creatively bring to life.
From the magic of Kundalini Yoga, the wisdom of European tradition and vibration techniques was born the technique of immersion into the depths of female power. You touch her and begin acquaintance with their inner vastness.
If a woman lives from an excess of vitality, an excess of creativity, the most hopeless, at first glance, the situation will end with a joy that can't first happen not to resonate, not resolved until the end — will arise. Not from words, not from discontent, not... "Basta" but only from what you complete — make you a holiday make it a battle or a nightmare — that's your business. Try, create...
Here is your happiness and your strength, because only a strong, free, realized a beautiful woman!
ExercisePosture of the Cliff: Sit on your heels, hands lying loosely at the hips or knees, spine straight, be relaxed.
Stretching the Life Nerve: sit on the right heel and the left leg extend forward and bend to the left knee. Hold this position. Change legs. Option exercise: extend your left leg and pull your right foot to the groin. Lean to the left knee. Then change legs. Another variation: extend both legs forward and bend the knees. In all three options, use a deep slow breath and hold hands around the ankle of the outstretched leg.
Camel pose: sit on heels, clasp hands behind ankles and then raise your pelvis up and forward so that hips were perpendicular to the floor, head thrown back. Push the pelvis forward. Deep slow breathing. This exercise regulates the function of reproductive organs.
The shoulder stand: From a position lying on back raise legs 90°, then lift your torso and grab your lower back with your hands resting on your elbows. Keep the torso perpendicular to the floor and distribute the weight of the body on the neck and shoulders. The chin rests on the chest. Deep slow breathing. This exercise puts pressure on all the organs and stimulates the thyroid gland.
Archer pose: Stand firmly with forward and bent at the knee right leg, which move the body weight. Left leg straight and extended back, foot rests firmly on the floor. The right hand extended forward as if holding a bow, and the left bent at the elbow and pulled back, as if she holds the arrow and pulls the bowstring. Feel the tension in his chest. The gaze is directed straight ahead. Deep slow breathing. For 5 minutes on each side.
Child's pose: Sit on your heels. Put your head on the floor. Hands are relaxed and lie on the floor palms up.
Bow pose: Lie on your stomach. Hands grab ankles. Vignettes up so that your spine has become like an onion. Lift the hips and head as high as possible. Hold the posture with deep slow breathing.
Locust pose: Lie on your stomach. Squeeze your hands into fists and put them under the protruding parts of the pelvic bones. Keep your heels together. Chin on the floor. Lift your legs up off the floor and hold. Deep slow breathing.
Cow pose: get on all fours. Rotten back down and put your head up and back. Deep breath.
Cat pose: Standing on all fours, rotten back up and head down, if you want to get the top of the coccyx. Now you look like an aggressive cat. Hold the posture with deep slow breathing.
Posture Tension: Lie on your back. Lift your head, arms along the body, lift your legs off the floor for 15 see Breath of Fire (rapid diaphragmatic breathing through the nose) for 3 minutes.
Corpse pose: sit back on your back, arms along the body palms up.
Recomendationcamille is not later than 3 hours before bedtime. To perform the exercises in the morning before you get Breakfast is the most important thing for women. There are exercises, especially necessary to the woman, the pose Rocks, Pasimatymai, Camel pose, the shoulder stand and the Bow pose. Women good to sit in meditation in the pose of the Rock."Mantra Sat Us
SAT NAM – this is the main mantra in Kundalini yoga. SAT means "truth". US means "the name, identification, what we identificireba or what I call." SAT WE can be translated as “Truth is God's Name. The truth is my (your, our) identification”. This mantra is used as a greeting when we recognize the Truth in each of us, and as a personal mantra to Express or customize to your own manifestation of the Infinite.
Source: naturalworld.ru/praktika_uprajneniya-kundalini-yogi.htm