Yoga for children — whether

Yoga today is very popular among adults, but among children it is spread quickly. Of course, children do not always understand how useful yoga is for them. So often parents inspire their offspring to the practice of yoga. Anyway, this does not detract from the real benefits provided by regular practice of yoga on the development and health of the child.
From a physical point of view, yoga classes for children develop a child's strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination, these abilities are laid in early childhood and will become a reliable Foundation for development in the future. If a child enjoys any kind of sport, yoga will help to reduce the risk of injury, and accelerate recovery. Overall, we can say that yoga lessons for children will have a very beneficial effect on a young body. Of course, it is very important that the child is engaged under proper guidance is necessary to ensure proper execution of the baby yoga poses, as well as to reduce or avoid risk of injury.
However, yoga is not just physical development. The main objective of yoga is communication with oneself and the surrounding world, the right of Association based on balance and harmony, love and trust. Thus, children who do yoga, get a chance to develop as an integrated, harmonious personality right from the beginning of his life. Naturally, this situation will have a positive impact on society as a whole.
Children's yoga practice will help to develop proper self-esteem, confidence in themselves and their abilities, increase creativity and enhance the imagination. If the child is in the group, he or she can meet interesting friends, and perhaps will continue to work together to do yoga in the future, helping and inspiring each other. It will also make a contribution to the social adaptation of the child, and improve communication skills.
For children have their own training programs. This is because not all yoga practices are available for people under the age of 18 years, and the reason for that is a certain stage in the physiological development of the organism. However, many practices successfully used in children's programs yoga.

Yoga for children — is it necessary? Interesting study in terms of children's yoga has shown that as a result of regular practice, the child learns to be himself in any situation. This is because yoga though often practiced in a group — not a competition, and individual development path. Of course, from a physical point of view, very easy to "fall victim to" compare themselves with others. However, a qualified instructor from yoga to teach children cooperation, unity and contemplation of the development of the self and other people (children in this case). Therefore, the proper approach in the classroom creates a harmonious atmosphere, devoid of the spirit of the competition in a negative sense. It is important to make it clear to the child the purpose of yoga practice is a kind of tool for personal development that is tailored to a specific person, and works better for that one person. The competition is not bad, not yet introduced negative personality assessment. Yoga teaches us to look at others in terms of their personal development that creates and/or strengthens the child's ability to appreciate the achievements of others, and, at the same time, to realize its own development path.
Despite the serious theoretical underpinnings of the yoga exercises are quite interesting to children, because the basic asanas or yoga postures mimic the various living beings, for example, bakasana — pose of the crane, makarasana — crocodile posture, vrischikam — pose of the Scorpion, Bhujangasana — Cobra pose, matsyasana — pose fish, etc. It is not only interesting and beneficial for the physical development of the child, but also develops his/her subconscious awareness that the person is unified with the world around him, to live in harmony.
When children learn yoga for beginners, they develop the ability to withstand stress, improve attention (concentration), and develop respect for elders (in this case, communicating with teachers of yoga and seeing their experience and quality). In addition, they also develop a healthy sense of self-esteem, because seeing your progress in yoga, they begin to realize that you already have achieved something in life.
If you are a parent and you have a baby, consider yoga lessons for children — perhaps this will make a significant contribution to the future of your child.
Source: /users/1077