Games in pools: 7 ideas for a fun-filled autumn walks
What do you associate the word "autumn"? Fallen leaves, rain, puddles. That's about the puddles today and we'll talk. For us adults, puddles is dirt, wash shoes, etc for kids puddles is yay! While there are still relatively warm days, don't deny your children the pleasure of playing in a puddle. From this study, like any other, it is possible to extract developmental time.
I'll give you some examples of how you can play in the puddle. So, put on rubber boots, take the bucket and spade (and mom — wipes) and go for a walk.
I want to say that in the first place with the child it is necessary to stipulate rules of conduct in a puddle. Yes, there are rules. Warn him before going out that he needs to do and what not to do. Different mom, different criteria are valid. One can easily see how the baby is buried deep in the dirt, sits in the land, etc., for another, even a drop of water on the pants is unacceptable. I will give here the rules.
Possible: to walk through puddles and dirt, digging into them with a stick and a shovel.
Do not: Rush through a puddle, to climb in her hands to splash around.
For violation of the prompt deportation to the land until the end of the walk.
If going to a group of children recite these rules and they. Each child is allocated a place at the puddles so that accidental spray from one reaches the other.
And don't leave anything to chance! If a child invented for himself lesson — well, if he doesn't know what to do — offer him the idea for the game. Otherwise, out of boredom he starts experimenting in the wrong direction in which we would like.
As soon as you see that the child ended the productive phase of the game, and he begins to indulge in, it is a signal to get out of the puddles. Switch his attention to something else — most likely to do this will be easy, because the child is already enough.
This must occur before the moment the baby gets going to save your nerves and kids and return home relatively dry and clean.
And under these liberal rules, passers-by often nedoumevala turn, and some make comments (like "Yes why do you want this dirt!") Kate, who is squatting in the middle of the puddle and shovel digging in her groove. Pedestrians don't understand that just at this moment she is engaged in these studies. And this is the first and favorite our game:
The construction of the channels. (For children from 2 years and above)
Game that requires a shovel or stick and puddles located on the ground (to dig). Ask the child to connect the two pools channel. Watch how the water from one puddle flows into the other. Or, conversely, build a dam on a water way. Make the river. Dig an artificial puddle and fill it with water. With a network of canals drain a puddle. Or swipe water from it to irrigate nearby fields.
What is the use?
Study of physical properties of water, practical application of the law of communicating vessels. Get a concept of irrigation: land drainage, river floods, construction of dams and reservoirs, etc.
Draw with the help of Luz (children from 2 years and above).
Need pools, located on a clean and dry pavement.
Wet boots in a puddle, and then draw traces. Compare footprints from different shoes: my mother's friends. Using fingerprints "lay" paths from one puddle to another. Older children can use the wet traces to draw the whole picture — flower, sun, house, tree, the Christmas tree.
What is the use?
Develop imagination and coordination.
Fishing. Especially carries no toddlers (2-3 years).
Going for a walk, take a spool of thread. And on the street look smooth and long stick and tie a piece of string to it. It will be a fishing rod. Instead of the hook to the second end of the string tie something heavy — a lump, a pebble or any toy from home. Children can have surprisingly long time to do is "dipping" his makeshift fishing rod in the puddle. When tired, you can set them a task — to throw the bait in a certain place or try to catch "fish" (to pick up a fishing rod cast into the pool of leaves).
What is the use?
Develop coordination, study the buoyancy of various materials.
Transfusion (children 2-3 years)
Need a bucket, a disposable Cup, plastic bottle, etc.
Kids love to pour and transfer water. Offer your child a shovel to fill a bucket. And then this water can be distributed to the other tanks to fill, empty and fill again :) to Play as the best in waterproof clothing, or having a spare set of clothes. But my children usually behave carefully, therefore, never any "accidents" have not happened.
What is the use?
Studying properties of water.
Competitions on marksmanship (children from 2 years and above).
For games need stones or chestnuts.
Be drawn on the land line and trying to get a pebble in a puddle. Start with close range. With each hit drawing a new line a little further the previous and try to beat his record throw. If children are playing a few, compete with each other.
What is the use?
Develop hand-eye coordination learning to compete (this is also necessary to learn!)
The boat pond (children from 2 years and above)
You need to prepare the boats. This may be a classic paper boats or some more complex models, made in the same technique of origami. Best of all the sheets of paper to take with you, and right on the street for all friends of the child to hold a master class on making such a boat. It will entertain children and will be useful for them. You can make boats out of foam. Blanks for these, too, can take with you and the kids in the yard let everyone collect your boat. And you can simply make little boats out of leaves.
Then all boats launched to sea. let the child pushes them in the right direction with a stick. Amplimite ship in a puddle on the perimeter. Go on a given route. Transport cargo from one coast to the other. Organize competitions which boat is the fastest.
What is the use?
Develop imagination and train fine motor skills when creating ships.
Life for children: how to create the bleak future of children5 behaviors that predict a child's future
The trip through the puddles (2-3 years).
You will need a car on a rope, a toy stroller or a Bicycle.
Take him for a walk bike and let him ride it through the puddles. Entertainment, and spattered pants and jacket then wash:) If you do not decide to take such extreme entertainment, you can just driving in puddles anything that has wheels — cars on the ropes, strollers. Walk around the yard and explore every puddle on the subject of its depth and travel opportunities.
What is the use?
The pleasure of walking. Excuse for long walks at a great distance. published
Author: Tatiana Pirozhenko
Source: vk.com/diary_moms?w=wall-62510357_487268
I'll give you some examples of how you can play in the puddle. So, put on rubber boots, take the bucket and spade (and mom — wipes) and go for a walk.

I want to say that in the first place with the child it is necessary to stipulate rules of conduct in a puddle. Yes, there are rules. Warn him before going out that he needs to do and what not to do. Different mom, different criteria are valid. One can easily see how the baby is buried deep in the dirt, sits in the land, etc., for another, even a drop of water on the pants is unacceptable. I will give here the rules.
Possible: to walk through puddles and dirt, digging into them with a stick and a shovel.
Do not: Rush through a puddle, to climb in her hands to splash around.
For violation of the prompt deportation to the land until the end of the walk.
If going to a group of children recite these rules and they. Each child is allocated a place at the puddles so that accidental spray from one reaches the other.
And don't leave anything to chance! If a child invented for himself lesson — well, if he doesn't know what to do — offer him the idea for the game. Otherwise, out of boredom he starts experimenting in the wrong direction in which we would like.
As soon as you see that the child ended the productive phase of the game, and he begins to indulge in, it is a signal to get out of the puddles. Switch his attention to something else — most likely to do this will be easy, because the child is already enough.
This must occur before the moment the baby gets going to save your nerves and kids and return home relatively dry and clean.
And under these liberal rules, passers-by often nedoumevala turn, and some make comments (like "Yes why do you want this dirt!") Kate, who is squatting in the middle of the puddle and shovel digging in her groove. Pedestrians don't understand that just at this moment she is engaged in these studies. And this is the first and favorite our game:
The construction of the channels. (For children from 2 years and above)
Game that requires a shovel or stick and puddles located on the ground (to dig). Ask the child to connect the two pools channel. Watch how the water from one puddle flows into the other. Or, conversely, build a dam on a water way. Make the river. Dig an artificial puddle and fill it with water. With a network of canals drain a puddle. Or swipe water from it to irrigate nearby fields.
What is the use?
Study of physical properties of water, practical application of the law of communicating vessels. Get a concept of irrigation: land drainage, river floods, construction of dams and reservoirs, etc.
Draw with the help of Luz (children from 2 years and above).
Need pools, located on a clean and dry pavement.
Wet boots in a puddle, and then draw traces. Compare footprints from different shoes: my mother's friends. Using fingerprints "lay" paths from one puddle to another. Older children can use the wet traces to draw the whole picture — flower, sun, house, tree, the Christmas tree.
What is the use?
Develop imagination and coordination.
Fishing. Especially carries no toddlers (2-3 years).
Going for a walk, take a spool of thread. And on the street look smooth and long stick and tie a piece of string to it. It will be a fishing rod. Instead of the hook to the second end of the string tie something heavy — a lump, a pebble or any toy from home. Children can have surprisingly long time to do is "dipping" his makeshift fishing rod in the puddle. When tired, you can set them a task — to throw the bait in a certain place or try to catch "fish" (to pick up a fishing rod cast into the pool of leaves).
What is the use?
Develop coordination, study the buoyancy of various materials.

Transfusion (children 2-3 years)
Need a bucket, a disposable Cup, plastic bottle, etc.
Kids love to pour and transfer water. Offer your child a shovel to fill a bucket. And then this water can be distributed to the other tanks to fill, empty and fill again :) to Play as the best in waterproof clothing, or having a spare set of clothes. But my children usually behave carefully, therefore, never any "accidents" have not happened.
What is the use?
Studying properties of water.
Competitions on marksmanship (children from 2 years and above).
For games need stones or chestnuts.
Be drawn on the land line and trying to get a pebble in a puddle. Start with close range. With each hit drawing a new line a little further the previous and try to beat his record throw. If children are playing a few, compete with each other.
What is the use?
Develop hand-eye coordination learning to compete (this is also necessary to learn!)

The boat pond (children from 2 years and above)
You need to prepare the boats. This may be a classic paper boats or some more complex models, made in the same technique of origami. Best of all the sheets of paper to take with you, and right on the street for all friends of the child to hold a master class on making such a boat. It will entertain children and will be useful for them. You can make boats out of foam. Blanks for these, too, can take with you and the kids in the yard let everyone collect your boat. And you can simply make little boats out of leaves.
Then all boats launched to sea. let the child pushes them in the right direction with a stick. Amplimite ship in a puddle on the perimeter. Go on a given route. Transport cargo from one coast to the other. Organize competitions which boat is the fastest.
What is the use?
Develop imagination and train fine motor skills when creating ships.
Life for children: how to create the bleak future of children5 behaviors that predict a child's future
The trip through the puddles (2-3 years).
You will need a car on a rope, a toy stroller or a Bicycle.
Take him for a walk bike and let him ride it through the puddles. Entertainment, and spattered pants and jacket then wash:) If you do not decide to take such extreme entertainment, you can just driving in puddles anything that has wheels — cars on the ropes, strollers. Walk around the yard and explore every puddle on the subject of its depth and travel opportunities.
What is the use?
The pleasure of walking. Excuse for long walks at a great distance. published
Author: Tatiana Pirozhenko
Source: vk.com/diary_moms?w=wall-62510357_487268