Yoga package for strengthening the back.

Eight useful asanas of yoga, after which your back will feel great. You can carry them as a package, or separately, when there will be free time.
Yoga - it's not just relaxation exercises and stretching. Yoga harmoniously develops and strengthens the whole body, there you will find enough postures (asanas), which are new call "power" and experienced practitioner will carry a balance or postures in traction.
In this article we offer the most popular posture of the type that will help you strengthen your back. Each of them is recommended to fix 30 seconds to 2-3 minutes. If you can not stay in position even half a minute, try a simpler version of it.
Try to avoid overexertion. There will be an important indicator of your breath: it is very important in all of these exercises, breathe evenly and relaxed, it is one of the main demands of yoga.
Pose stick on four limbs ("Chaturanga dandasana")
This famous pose is similar to the well-known "bar." It strengthens and tones the abdominal organs, wrists, triceps, legs, buttocks, back and abdominals. It relieves fatigue and lethargy. It is recommended that after a day spent in a sitting position.
Pay attention to the yogic recommendation to perform this pose:
in this position must have a sense of stretching the whole body between the top and heels. It is very important to urge the tailbone under him to straighten the lower back;
shoulders try to withdraw from the ears. Expand the chest;
Do not perform this exercise on a breath! Try to breathe;
do not lift the ass and do not bend at the waist;
girls can begin to master this pose, knees bent and lowered them to the floor;
should not do this asana during exacerbation of chronic disease, carpal tunnel syndrome and pregnancy.
Boat Pose ("Navasana")
Boat Pose strengthens the abdominal muscles, back and hips. It increases blood circulation in the stomach, improving digestion, relieves pain. Those who find it difficult to perform posture boats in the full version can sample a bit simplified version - with the legs bent at the knees.
Important recommendations for the implementation of this pose:
not rounding your lower back! Keep your back straight and pull it out. Try not to lean back;
do not lift the shoulders to the ears. Relax your shoulders, reduce shoulder blades;
do not hold your breath;
this position should not do during menstruation, pregnancy, bowel disease and exacerbation of acute low back pain.
Half Boat Pose ("Ardha navasana")
If you are by nature strongly caved loin (lumbar hyperlordosis), instead of the posture of the boat you better carry a half boat pose - Ardha navasanu.
This pose strengthens the abdominal muscles of the abdomen, back and thighs. Shallow, but even breath in this pose massages the internal organs, favorably affecting the liver, gallbladder and spleen. Ardha navasana help with sluggish digestion, poor kidney function, increased fatigue.
Important notes:
in this position it is important to position the waist. It must be firmly pressed to the floor, pay attention to it!
do not throw back his head!
if the stomach and legs begin to vibrate, do not stop to keep the posture;
do not hold your breath. Breathe evenly;
as well as a full boat pose, it is not recommended during menstruation, pregnancy, bowel disease and exacerbation of acute low back pain.
Pose stretching the front surface of the body ("Purvottanasana")
In this position, try to pull the whole body, keep it straight. Taz lift higher. Toes, try to reach out to the floor. It's pretty easy posture, but it is difficult to carry out if you have a very serfdom shoulder girdle.
Purvottanasana a good compensation when tilted forward. It helps with back pain, caused by the "sedentary" work to correct posture, in diseases of the lungs. This pose strengthens the wrists and ankles, provide good mobility of the shoulder joints and expands the chest. It strengthens the abdominal muscles and tones the neck. It stimulates the functioning of internal organs of the abdominal cavity.
The pose of the sage Vishwamitra ("Vishvamitrasana")
This posture can be a little more difficult by lifting the top leg.
Asana stretches and strengthens the muscles of the body side, outer thigh muscles and the deep gluteal muscles. Pose strengthens and tones the muscles of the hands of the abdominal organs.
Like other positions, in which the weight of the body falls on the wrist and hand, pose Visvamitra should not be performed when a wrist injury.
Locust Pose ("Shalabhasana")
Before doing the locust pose useful carefully pull back and waist. To do this, lying on his stomach, put your palms on the floor under the shoulders or slightly ahead, lift the upper body and stretch forward.
If this position is too complicated for you, you try to perform a variant with bent arms and hands under shoulders.
Locust Pose strengthens the back muscles, while developing flexibility of the spine. It reduces pain in the sacral and lumbar region, heals the bladder and prostate.
do not throw back his head! The neck should continue the line of the spine.
not dilute the foot to the side.
do not do this pose with headache, high temperature, in case of serious injuries of the spine, hernia and pregnancy.
Pose noble hero 3 ("Virabhadrasana 3")
Pose noble hero 3 strengthens the muscles of the waist, tones the abdominal organs gives strength and beautiful shape leg muscles. This asana is particularly recommended runners.
Strengthening the hamstrings, posture noble hero restores mobility after knee injuries and their ability to carry the load.
do not wring their neck, that is not to throw back his head.
Do not expand the thigh length legs up. The pelvis should be deployed to the floor.
As with all yoga poses, breathing evenly. Do not hold your breath!
in this position, try to imagine that you are pulling the leg back and arms forward.
If you find it difficult to hold a pose in the full version, try to bend the supporting leg. You can hang back with his hands over his knee.
Pose a closed bridge ("Seth bandhasana")
Preparatory, lightweight version of this pose looks like:
The full version of this pose is done with straight legs. It is also called the "Iron Bridge". If desired, in this position, you can turn to raise the legs straight up.
Pose the closed bridge is simple, but very useful. In her well-toned all parts of the spine. Strengthens neck, hip and back extensor muscles. Improves blood flow to organs such as the pineal and thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands, which has a positive impact on their work. Bridge Pose helps eliminate headaches and excessive nervous tension.
What is important:
neck in any embodiment of the fully relaxed. The head is in the center position;
should not perform this position in the neck injuries. If you have been injured knee or hip joints, perform this pose with caution.