"Marriage Bal'zaminova" - the story of the movie
Genre: Comedy, Romance, screen
On the grounds of the trilogy by Alexander Ostrovsky "Festive sleep till noon", "For what you go, and find it," "Two dogs fight - third do not bother." Small Moscow official Balzaminov dreams of marrying - and certainly on the rich. Funny situations in which the matter are the hero, trying to find a bride, make up the story of one of the most popular Russian films.
The film stars George Vitsin, Lyudmila Shagalova, Lydia Smirnova, Ekaterina Savinova, Jeanne Prokhorenko, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Tamara Nosov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Rolan Bykov, Inna Makarova, Hope Rumyantsev, Tatiana Konyukhova, Nonna Mordjukova
Director: Konstantin Voinov
Script: Konstantin Voinov
Operator: George Kupriyanov
Composer: Boris Tchaikovsky
Artist: Felix Yasukevich
The film premiered: March 25, 1965
Vitsin, who played twenty blockhead Misha in 46 (!) Years, with a sad irony sighed: "Marriage embalmed." One of the secrets Voinov could understand only now. It is curious that both starred in Suzdal "ruble" Tarkovkskogo, "Marriage Bal'zaminova" and the film adaptation of Pushkin's story "The Shot". In addition to the stellar cast (Gurchenko Savinova, Makarova, Rumyantsev, hooks, Nosov, Smirnova, Mordjukova) Konstantin Warriors drew another powerful performer - a beautiful old Suzdal. Stunning views of not only old churches, shopping malls, real streets and houses (including a real "home balsa"), and clean atmosphere, openness and airiness. It is not felt that the primary source of DM were only funny scene in three theater walls.
Bright, juicy, kustodievskie paint. And in parallel - "color" the music of Boris Tchaikovsky, worked in the movie, but in "The Marriage Bal'zaminova" light hand fell upon the wonderful kaleidoscopic film miniatures. A bell chimes and strikes ... A small and microscopic episodes, polished to shine magic.
The final passage and pass triumphant matchmaker Smirnova was shot in the heat, Warriors, dissatisfied with something again and again forced sweating actress repeat this a simple scene. Felt these invisible "sweat, blood and tears" in the final result?
Warriors and his comrades managed to offend some invisible string in Russian souls, because the picture is so dear to us today.
Rare visitor Suzdal not ask about where the "house Bal'zaminova." More than forty years ago, held in Suzdal shooting "Marriage Bal'zaminova" and movie lovers all continue to look for memorable places. And most of the house, which is associated with the name of George Vitsin. He Suzdal still exists today. In the center, on the street of Old, at number 13.
He does not particularly different from the dozens of others. There's just pigeon, which was then built specifically for filming. But kept yard, in whose shadow he loved to lie on a cot Vitsin. Recently appeared on the famous house memorial plaque, which states that it was here in 1964 were shooting the popular film "The Marriage Bal'zaminova».
Filming "The Marriage Bal'zaminova" conducted in the summer of 1964. - Says the hostess, T.F.Sadkova. - My mom has entered into an agreement with the creative team to hire local area, yard and barn, which was placed props, and the top was attached ... dovecote. Pigeons capital filmmakers recruited from the local boys. And walked "on the roofs" pigeons together with the boys, while filming himself Misha Balzaminov (art.G.Vitsin). Had to watch famous actors during rehearsals and filming.
With L.Shagalovoy not have to talk to, very good relations have been established with Katya Savinova - it was easier. Lydia Smirnova somehow came into the house to drink tea. One of the scenes with her participation long shot near our house and in the yard. I remember after a double Lidia went to the horse, hugged her neck and said, "Oh, my dear, you and I have one destiny: horse chase, chase and actress ..." And how was your Vitsin continues memories hostess №13 . How to fall free time, he said to us in the garden, where the beds, fruit trees - on a cot to rest.
From the book Lydia Smironovoy "My Love". 2009.
For "The Marriage Bal'zaminova" Warriors chose the scene of the magnificent city of Suzdal. He was so pristine. At that time there were no tourist facilities, no "Interhotel", and no one there had not yet been removed. There was a lousy three-story hotel with one toilet on the floor, and the central area of the market, which sold Krynka with sour cream, milk, strawberries, blueberries. We went out on a small balcony of the hotel and take a look - the women came with the usual milk or melted, and maybe with cream. We lived in a hotel close - the three of us in one room. Soldiers with Vitsin and operator. Next we Shagalova and Konyukhova. Katya Savinova lived with someone at the bottom, in the neighborhood - Rumyantsev and Makarova. We cooked on tiles own food.
Shagalova Konstantin N. suggested to play mama hero. And this pretty, curly-haired, white-haired, with big blue eyes, "Valya Bortz" was an old woman. I remember Konstantin N. dropped a phrase that is a mouse, this nimble mouse. Its a wonderful person did wrinkled. Fallow, it becomes like a baked apple. Shagalova then small utjuzhkom those wrinkles smoothed.
The role of matchmaker for me was a revelation. And I began to work. At first we were looking makeup nose pulled up, a red wig, red eyes from my addiction to wine matchmaker. And how difficult it was to learn crinoline! Sit down, and the skirt is lifted up, closes you. Hair was putting us famous master, a true professional, Maria Ivanovna from Moscow Art Theater. It's amazing creative person, golden hands. She had the patience to spend on our heads for three hours every hair lick. And to me, and she came up with Mordyukova very funny hairstyle.
When I found the manner of speech of my character, I suddenly began to feel very comfortable. Long sought her gait. Finally found - duck, a little insinuating. And my matchmaker in the city all the warp, warp. Here betrothed, betrothed there, well, of course, earn, and a glass podnesut. How many fantasies of how many devices lepilsya this character! This is all, of course, helped found the Warriors.
By the way, "Marriage Bal'zaminova" - one of the ensemble films, and this is possible only when the experienced director.
We went to every shoot each other. Warriors wanted everyone to know what others are doing, that they live in this atmosphere. Us, except the shooting, when we lived in Suzdal, nothing interested in anything. And all went to the director, he united us in one family. It was a unity of views, tastes and ideas.
I must say that the city itself, these abandoned church in which to store the barrels of herring or there were some warehouses, these homes, oblique, fallen, and an infinite number of old women - all created an atmosphere of the film. Nowhere have I seen so many old women, but in Suzdal. There have been no production, only milk factory: making condensed milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter.
Were monasteries, where the juvenile criminals, they worked there.
We played right into the old trade rows. Hoisted signs with the letter "yat" in tea, shoe tents removed poles with wires, and everything else is left. Driver, a beggar, a dog - it was like in the XIX century. On the square shot the final scene, when Vitsin dancing to great music of Boris Tchaikovsky - famous polka. It is now often heard on the radio, recognizable and beloved. Dance, of course, came up with the Warriors. In his shirt unbuttoned, a wild heat, the Warriors showed Gaucher Vitsin how to dance.
He also showed Mordyukova how it should kiss Vitsin near the fence. Takes the shoulders Vitsin eagerly kisses:
- To make it up to me every day ...
And on the fence - again!
And Gosha shakes his head.
In Mordyukova it did not, she was angry. Soldiers insisted. It sounds the team:
- Seventeenth double again!
Will take thirty, but he gets his way. Mordjukova suddenly said:
- Oh, hell, I'll take it and just repeat the intonation, however, copy it!
And says:
- To make it up to me every day ...
Soldiers shouted:
- Nonnochka, cute, well done, great! Removed!
It's pretty brutal been on the set. There I ate the cake with jam, first it was fresh, then stale, I, too, was probably takes twelve - fifteen, and I ate it all and ate with pleasure smeared jam.
I swallowed fifteen pieces, I vomited, I was shaking, I again and again ate the cake and still Konstantin N. achieved the moment when it all completely arranged.
Today, when I speak and speak about "Marriage Bal'zaminova" or when I play matchmaker scene, I was always greeted with applause. All know and love this picture, and a director, as Schweitzer, said it was a classic.
This is really talented! In the play Balzaminov says: "If I were king" - and nothing more. Warriors had invented the whole scene. He said that this is his best painting. Unsuccessful movies, he always called himself too. No artist, which had not been failures. "Cap" he also considered successful. But he had a picture of "Wonderful nature" with Doroninoj - unsuccessful. And if he was criticized, he never got angry, understood everything. No self-esteem, and he did not exist.
"Marriage Bal'zaminova" was enthusiastically received by critics. "The film turned out good. Ridiculous. Sad. Modern ". "Warriors looked at a piece of fresh, present eyes." Yes, this was not the Ostrovsky - monumental, boring, accusatory, - which are used to seeing at the time and which is considered a benchmark Suslov.
On the grounds of the trilogy by Alexander Ostrovsky "Festive sleep till noon", "For what you go, and find it," "Two dogs fight - third do not bother." Small Moscow official Balzaminov dreams of marrying - and certainly on the rich. Funny situations in which the matter are the hero, trying to find a bride, make up the story of one of the most popular Russian films.
The film stars George Vitsin, Lyudmila Shagalova, Lydia Smirnova, Ekaterina Savinova, Jeanne Prokhorenko, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Tamara Nosov, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Rolan Bykov, Inna Makarova, Hope Rumyantsev, Tatiana Konyukhova, Nonna Mordjukova
Director: Konstantin Voinov
Script: Konstantin Voinov
Operator: George Kupriyanov
Composer: Boris Tchaikovsky
Artist: Felix Yasukevich
The film premiered: March 25, 1965

Vitsin, who played twenty blockhead Misha in 46 (!) Years, with a sad irony sighed: "Marriage embalmed." One of the secrets Voinov could understand only now. It is curious that both starred in Suzdal "ruble" Tarkovkskogo, "Marriage Bal'zaminova" and the film adaptation of Pushkin's story "The Shot". In addition to the stellar cast (Gurchenko Savinova, Makarova, Rumyantsev, hooks, Nosov, Smirnova, Mordjukova) Konstantin Warriors drew another powerful performer - a beautiful old Suzdal. Stunning views of not only old churches, shopping malls, real streets and houses (including a real "home balsa"), and clean atmosphere, openness and airiness. It is not felt that the primary source of DM were only funny scene in three theater walls.

Bright, juicy, kustodievskie paint. And in parallel - "color" the music of Boris Tchaikovsky, worked in the movie, but in "The Marriage Bal'zaminova" light hand fell upon the wonderful kaleidoscopic film miniatures. A bell chimes and strikes ... A small and microscopic episodes, polished to shine magic.
The final passage and pass triumphant matchmaker Smirnova was shot in the heat, Warriors, dissatisfied with something again and again forced sweating actress repeat this a simple scene. Felt these invisible "sweat, blood and tears" in the final result?
Warriors and his comrades managed to offend some invisible string in Russian souls, because the picture is so dear to us today.

Rare visitor Suzdal not ask about where the "house Bal'zaminova." More than forty years ago, held in Suzdal shooting "Marriage Bal'zaminova" and movie lovers all continue to look for memorable places. And most of the house, which is associated with the name of George Vitsin. He Suzdal still exists today. In the center, on the street of Old, at number 13.
He does not particularly different from the dozens of others. There's just pigeon, which was then built specifically for filming. But kept yard, in whose shadow he loved to lie on a cot Vitsin. Recently appeared on the famous house memorial plaque, which states that it was here in 1964 were shooting the popular film "The Marriage Bal'zaminova».

Filming "The Marriage Bal'zaminova" conducted in the summer of 1964. - Says the hostess, T.F.Sadkova. - My mom has entered into an agreement with the creative team to hire local area, yard and barn, which was placed props, and the top was attached ... dovecote. Pigeons capital filmmakers recruited from the local boys. And walked "on the roofs" pigeons together with the boys, while filming himself Misha Balzaminov (art.G.Vitsin). Had to watch famous actors during rehearsals and filming.

With L.Shagalovoy not have to talk to, very good relations have been established with Katya Savinova - it was easier. Lydia Smirnova somehow came into the house to drink tea. One of the scenes with her participation long shot near our house and in the yard. I remember after a double Lidia went to the horse, hugged her neck and said, "Oh, my dear, you and I have one destiny: horse chase, chase and actress ..." And how was your Vitsin continues memories hostess №13 . How to fall free time, he said to us in the garden, where the beds, fruit trees - on a cot to rest.

From the book Lydia Smironovoy "My Love". 2009.
For "The Marriage Bal'zaminova" Warriors chose the scene of the magnificent city of Suzdal. He was so pristine. At that time there were no tourist facilities, no "Interhotel", and no one there had not yet been removed. There was a lousy three-story hotel with one toilet on the floor, and the central area of the market, which sold Krynka with sour cream, milk, strawberries, blueberries. We went out on a small balcony of the hotel and take a look - the women came with the usual milk or melted, and maybe with cream. We lived in a hotel close - the three of us in one room. Soldiers with Vitsin and operator. Next we Shagalova and Konyukhova. Katya Savinova lived with someone at the bottom, in the neighborhood - Rumyantsev and Makarova. We cooked on tiles own food.

Shagalova Konstantin N. suggested to play mama hero. And this pretty, curly-haired, white-haired, with big blue eyes, "Valya Bortz" was an old woman. I remember Konstantin N. dropped a phrase that is a mouse, this nimble mouse. Its a wonderful person did wrinkled. Fallow, it becomes like a baked apple. Shagalova then small utjuzhkom those wrinkles smoothed.
The role of matchmaker for me was a revelation. And I began to work. At first we were looking makeup nose pulled up, a red wig, red eyes from my addiction to wine matchmaker. And how difficult it was to learn crinoline! Sit down, and the skirt is lifted up, closes you. Hair was putting us famous master, a true professional, Maria Ivanovna from Moscow Art Theater. It's amazing creative person, golden hands. She had the patience to spend on our heads for three hours every hair lick. And to me, and she came up with Mordyukova very funny hairstyle.

When I found the manner of speech of my character, I suddenly began to feel very comfortable. Long sought her gait. Finally found - duck, a little insinuating. And my matchmaker in the city all the warp, warp. Here betrothed, betrothed there, well, of course, earn, and a glass podnesut. How many fantasies of how many devices lepilsya this character! This is all, of course, helped found the Warriors.
By the way, "Marriage Bal'zaminova" - one of the ensemble films, and this is possible only when the experienced director.
We went to every shoot each other. Warriors wanted everyone to know what others are doing, that they live in this atmosphere. Us, except the shooting, when we lived in Suzdal, nothing interested in anything. And all went to the director, he united us in one family. It was a unity of views, tastes and ideas.

I must say that the city itself, these abandoned church in which to store the barrels of herring or there were some warehouses, these homes, oblique, fallen, and an infinite number of old women - all created an atmosphere of the film. Nowhere have I seen so many old women, but in Suzdal. There have been no production, only milk factory: making condensed milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter.
Were monasteries, where the juvenile criminals, they worked there.
We played right into the old trade rows. Hoisted signs with the letter "yat" in tea, shoe tents removed poles with wires, and everything else is left. Driver, a beggar, a dog - it was like in the XIX century. On the square shot the final scene, when Vitsin dancing to great music of Boris Tchaikovsky - famous polka. It is now often heard on the radio, recognizable and beloved. Dance, of course, came up with the Warriors. In his shirt unbuttoned, a wild heat, the Warriors showed Gaucher Vitsin how to dance.

He also showed Mordyukova how it should kiss Vitsin near the fence. Takes the shoulders Vitsin eagerly kisses:
- To make it up to me every day ...
And on the fence - again!
And Gosha shakes his head.
In Mordyukova it did not, she was angry. Soldiers insisted. It sounds the team:
- Seventeenth double again!
Will take thirty, but he gets his way. Mordjukova suddenly said:
- Oh, hell, I'll take it and just repeat the intonation, however, copy it!
And says:
- To make it up to me every day ...
Soldiers shouted:
- Nonnochka, cute, well done, great! Removed!

It's pretty brutal been on the set. There I ate the cake with jam, first it was fresh, then stale, I, too, was probably takes twelve - fifteen, and I ate it all and ate with pleasure smeared jam.
I swallowed fifteen pieces, I vomited, I was shaking, I again and again ate the cake and still Konstantin N. achieved the moment when it all completely arranged.
Today, when I speak and speak about "Marriage Bal'zaminova" or when I play matchmaker scene, I was always greeted with applause. All know and love this picture, and a director, as Schweitzer, said it was a classic.

This is really talented! In the play Balzaminov says: "If I were king" - and nothing more. Warriors had invented the whole scene. He said that this is his best painting. Unsuccessful movies, he always called himself too. No artist, which had not been failures. "Cap" he also considered successful. But he had a picture of "Wonderful nature" with Doroninoj - unsuccessful. And if he was criticized, he never got angry, understood everything. No self-esteem, and he did not exist.

"Marriage Bal'zaminova" was enthusiastically received by critics. "The film turned out good. Ridiculous. Sad. Modern ". "Warriors looked at a piece of fresh, present eyes." Yes, this was not the Ostrovsky - monumental, boring, accusatory, - which are used to seeing at the time and which is considered a benchmark Suslov.