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Silent Star Georgiy Vitsin

VIA 23pikchi. Photos and letters.

1. Serious Clown Soviet cinema, bibliophile and sculptor, a yogi and sage. The essence of humor, in his own words, he knew only eighty years: "Laughter - this is a great ... Laugh - a natural need for a normal person. No sense of humor - a disease of abnormal ... man. "

2. Vitsin Georgy - People's Artist of the USSR (1990), born April 23, 1917 in Petrograd (according to other sources in Terioki in Finland, which at that time was part of the Russian Empire) between the two revolutions. When the future artist was eight months old, his parents moved to Moscow.
His mother Maria Matveevna changed many professions, it is one bore the care of the house, as her husband returned from the war severely ill patient: he was gassed and spent a short time. When she went to work usher in the Hall of Columns, often began to take with you to work son. There's something he was introduced to the art. It was there that he became one stage witnessed the failure of his favorite writer Mikhail Zoshchenko. First, his stories read Vladimir Henkin entertainer. The audience bursting bellies with laughter. Then declared the author. Zoschenko read his Humoresque as poetry, sing-song, ("How to read the Ascension" - recalled Vitsin) ... and left the scene in silence to the sound of their own shoes.

On the one hand, Ghosh was too nervous, shy boy, and the other - it all amused. On the lessons they have with a friend in the same risible, giggling at first, and then, infecting each other, the transition to laughter. And they are, to the great joy, kicked out of class. I must say that Vitsin studied in school for one three, only drawing was four. But on the school stage play very well, so the amateur director advised to enroll in any college theater.

3. And he entered the high school studio name Shchepkina at the Maly Theater. But a year later was dismissed with the phrase: "For the flippant attitude to the educational process." Autumn Vitsin retake ekzamny and entered the Theater School. Vakhtangov, where he studied from 1934 to 1935, and then moved to the Moscow Art Theatre II, where he studied with S. Birman, Blagonravov, V. Tatarinova.Sleduyuschey autumn applied for and enrolled immediately in three high school, but chose Vakhtangov " pike. " After a year and went from there, and finally settled in drama school at the Second Moscow Art Theater, where, and was enrolled at the end of ucheby.Akter occupied a prominent position in the company. About him gladly wrote theater criticism, and no one then could not imagine that the actor with a brilliant stage career can permanently leave the theater for cinema. Mikhail Chekhov compared somehow very Vitsin. And not just anybody, and famous actress Serafima Birman, one of the most stringent theater educators. Vitsin then already served Theatre Yermolova and brilliantly played a horny old man, impotent in Fletcher's play "The Taming of the tamer." On this performance the audience brought down the shaft, and specifically "to Vitsin." Learned at the box office, if he played today, and only bought tickets. True, there were dissatisfied. Once backstage was irate general, looked at the performance with a 16-year-old daughter, and demanded to reduce the "obscene lyrics." The funny thing is that before the play has already copied twice, but its piquancy is not lost.
First, even before all the filmmakers on a special talent George noticed his future wife, Tamara Fedorovna, when I came to settle Theatre Yermolova.

4. It is not of this world

In his younger years Vitsin George was sexually irresistible. In the artistic bohemia of those years there was talk about how he was still young actor who has withdrawn his wife nearby Khmelev than the cast of completely disheartened. However, this relationship did not last long. In the 50s Vitsin met a young theater artist and props Tamara, and they were married.
About how became acquainted, says Tamara Vitsina: "I did not choose it. I chose it. And I just waited for it to happen. The first time I saw him in the lobby at the pictures in the Theater. Yermolova. Came to be made out to work, and all the artists went on tour. Expecting administrator, I asked permission from the watchman see at least for their portraits. Go around, look one portrait, two, three ... Reached the Vitsin and suddenly stopped. The neck is long, like a horse ... But I was always interested in his eyes. Look: in form - the usual, and the words ... I once again spared all lobby. And again it stopped. Until now, I can not express what I understand ... But, when the theater came, I already hard at work in the sham. Everything was good, but only it was quite a different street. I do not remember how many times per season we have seen, but I think a little bit. He was, as they say, not of this world. Rehearsed, played, did not distinguish day. All the most important thing in my life happens at Christmas or Easter. Starting with the fact that on Christmas morning at six I was born. On the stove at my grandmother. And since then me winter is not cold and not hot in summer. And in the spring, at Easter, and even in the twenty-three years, I was at all nice. So, I came out of his fake theater in props. My girlfriend there together with cakes and Easter. We sat, laughed and had already climbed to leave. Suddenly the door opens and he comes with a painted egg in his hand. And he says: "Girls, I came we exchanged Easter greetings." Here we kissed three times, looked into each other's eyes met. The main thing happened. A twenty-nine I had already given birth Natasha ... ».

With his wife Tamara

5. Vitsin always treated with great reverence theater. Even after a final farewell to the stage and went to the cinema. No such thing, "actor", he said. There are actors, and he comes on stage in live communication with the audience. In the trunk of his theatrical experience found Vitsin blanks for many film roles. Sexy old man, he was troubled general's daughter, has turned into the film Sir Andrew J. Freed "Twelfth Night." The British press has always jealously tracking for any adaptations of Shakespeare, this picture caressed, and the role of the "Russian actor Vypina, just seized on the specifics of English humor", though with an error in the name, but mentioned in the transmission of BBC BBC. In the movie Vitsin came late. He was already over thirty. He explained this "nelyubopytstvom directors." "The nose I had a long, skinny figure so awkward, that's not noticed».
But here's the paradox, was in a movie for the same quality: a long nose and a lean figure

The first film director George Vitsin became great Eisenstein. However, Sergei Mikhailovich was hardly aware that a huge crowd "Ivan the Terrible" stars as guardsmen future comedy star of the Soviet cinema.

6. This same film career began with the role of arhisereznoy - Nikolai Gogol in the movie Kozintsev "Belinsky" ... The director of the film "Belinsky" Grigori Kozintsev saw the photo Vitsin, exclaimed: "Thinness! Nose as Gogol! Similarly Gogol. Approach. " Vitsin in the form of a classic was so convincing that after a couple of months received an invitation to "Gogol - 2" - a picture of Alexandrov "Man of Music."

7. One of the first major role, which auditioned Vitsin was Gadfly in the same film. But fate took him from the role of the romantic hero and into the arms of comedy. In the hallway of his studio assistant saw from the group of the film "A substitute." On the role of a young football player Wasi Vesnushkin Vitsin ideal. What was the surprise of the director, when it became clear that the "young actor" is not 25 years old, as it seemed to the eye, and almost 37!
"Vnevozrastnoy phenomenon" Vitsin deserves a separate discussion. He was under 40 when he played with the same conviction of 70-year-old man in the film "Maksim Perepelitsa" and 17-year-old hero of the play Rozov "Good luck!". Of course, nature has tried, but the actor has made every effort to not lose her gifts.

YOUR psychophysical cast machine Vitsin always kept in excellent shape. Before shooting the same "Benchwarmers" a month daily training at the stadium to "banish fat." A boxing match at the rehearsal Vitsin so broke that seriously attacked Paul Kadochnikova. Kadochnikov, takes up boxing professionally, react automatically. As a result Vitsin woke up with a crack in the edge, but the site did not go away, and continued shooting, tightening the chest with a towel.

George Vitsin in the movie "A substitute" 1954

8. In the comedy "She loves you" scenario involves a complex trick episode waterskiing. Filming had to double, but the director decided to take Vitsin "on the weak." Together with screenwriter they fabricated a letter from some "fans Clara", in which she reported that he would personally observe how the bravest actor worn waterskiing. At the end of the letter was a clear allusion to the possibility of a close personal acquaintance. Vitsin letter read, agreed to appear, the whole episode has worked brilliantly, but in the end said joyful director: "But the name of the girl could come up with more interesting».

She loves you (Simon Derevyansky, Raphael Suslovich) 1956

9. My favorite role - Balzaminov

It is one thing to play 37 25-year-old, and quite another - to deceive the viewer as much as more than 20 short years, but without any newfangled computer graphics. It happened in the painting "The Marriage Bal'zaminova." This film was planned in 1955, and the only candidate for the role of ignoramus Misha Bal'zaminova was Vitsin Gosh, a longtime friend of the director Voinov to work together in the theater-studio Khmelev. But something did not work out, and the script was put in a very long box. After 10 years, the opportunity to return to the project, and the Warriors offered a major role ... again Vitsin. And it was Georgii Mikhailovich then neither more nor less, and without the two years fifty dollars. He flatly refused, but the Warriors insisted: "This is your passport to 48, and there is no view and 30. Grim remove another five years, and then the light, and so on. D., And so on. N.

10. Unlike most colleagues on the shop floor, sincerely believes that "the place of the actor in the cupboard," Vitsin their health responsibly and treated tenderly. Did not smoke. Eight years lasted sculpin under the stairs and a lifetime received nicotine reflex. Once in the new year decided to drink and understand - if I want to hang myself in the morning, it is best not to drink!

But most importantly - YOGA. In those days, when we have no one really did not know what it is, Vitsin systematically and regularly engaged on the ancient Indian system. Required cleansing of the body, proper nutrition, high resistance to stress conditions, daily exercise and meditation, and on schedule, and regardless of the circumstances. Many directors were tearing their hair out when after the command "Action!" Vitsin looked at his watch and politely but firmly said, "Excuse me, I have seven minutes to stand on one leg and sit in the lotus position».
Ignoring the tense atmosphere, waste aside, working out his bounce back and quietly returned to work. By this obsession with a healthy lifestyle partners treated differently. Some indifferent, others are skeptical, and some spoke quite sharply. For example, Nonna Mordjukova that after the episode kiss merchant Belotelova with balsa Vitsin said: "Do not you a man? Do not drink, do not smoke, do not stick to the women. You're a corpse! »

11. Coward, Bobby and Experienced.


13. Leonid Gaidai

First Gaidai read in "Pravda" poetic feuilleton about poachers, then came up with three character mask and began looking for actors. Pant immediately chose Vitsin and Coward found Goonies, seeing as something wonderful clown in the circus Yuri Nikulin. Seasoned, represented by Yevgeny Morgunov, Gaidai betrothed director of "Mosfilm" Ivan Pyryev. Fourth hero - Barbosa - portrayed dog Brekhov that spoiled actors a lot of blood, stubbornly unwilling to perform the frame ideas Gaidai. One after another bungle double Morgunov in the hearts promised to strangle harmful dog at the end of filming. In the next take, intelligent animal ... the actor grabbed a leg!

14. "Dog Mongrel" was only one of the five stories of the comic anthology "Quite seriously," on which the studio "Mosfilm" not much hope pinned. But dumb eccentric Short Gaidai was a resounding success with the public. Tricks and music, frantic pace and filigree installation and, most importantly, new heroes, who became instant folklore characters, tales and anecdotes. Made after "Bootleggers" exacerbated the situation of universal love and popularity. From across the country were bags of letters in which Hyde issued an ultimatum demanding shoot a new movie about Coward, Bobby and Experienced. In the meantime essence of the case, the three full complement temporarily migrated to the film by Eldar Ryazanov "Give plaintive book" where remember dashing fight in the restaurant

15. The phenomenal success of the "unholy trinity" had an impact even on the immutable laws of the Soviet planned economy. Light industry for once reacted to the potential demand and quickly arranged the production of products with a "triple" symbols: T-shirts, masks, toys, calendars. One such calendar caught the eye of artists "Soyuzmultfilm", and Coward, Bobby and Experienced reincarnated in the terrible forest robbers from the movie "The Bremen Town Musicians".

16. viewer perceives them as a single entity, something like a comic Snake Gorynycha three heads, and even invented a name - ViNiMor (the first letters of the names). But what sorts of people make up this trio! Clown of God, a man-holiday Yury Nikulin (for it was the beginning of films Gaidai film career), calm, quiet, contemplative closed Vitsin - an artist with a great theatrical schooling and solid kinoopytom and noisy, interfering in everything, often cheeky fellowship Yevgeny Morgunov, that neither before nor after the role of the experienced anything equivalent, unfortunately, did not play.

17. While working on "Operation" Y ... "Gaidai thinking about the end of the adventure of his characters. Uneasy relations were established with the director Morgunov. The capricious another "Bootleggers" and against the background of "All-Union popularity" was a lot of themselves and allow to set, and beyond. So in his painting "Business people" (the stories of O. Henry) Gaidai Byvaly not taken, although Nikulin, and there Vitsin played a great role, though separately.

On the set of "Operation" Y ... »

18. However, the audience demanded, pushing the bosses, and the script found a suitable ...

Prisoner of the Caucasus

19. When Nikulin read the script "Caucasian captive", the first ... flatly refused to appear in "this nonsense." But Gaidai persuaded him and the rest of the script is only the main canvas on which everyone is entitled to string so many inventions, tricks and gags as he can invent. And in order to stimulate the imagination of their "collaborators" for each idea the director promised to put a couple of bottles of champagne inventor. According to oral tradition filmmakers, Nikulin earned 24 bottles, Morgunov - 18, and Vitsin ... - 1, because he did not like champagne. In fact, Georgy was no less prolific than his colleagues. It is to him we owe shouting "Look out!" Flies out the door coward trick with a cucumber and a slingshot, a handkerchief Varley, who was frightened coward, and finally, the famous scene of the slogan "Stand to Death!" When the heroes are building a living wall before rushing machine. Generally tricks invented so spontaneously, that then it was difficult to pinpoint - who invented. For example, a huge syringe remaining after injection in the ass from experienced, Nikulin came up, but the fact that the syringe will swing - find Vitsin.

20. "Prisoner of the Caucasus" - a favorite of Russian cinema from 1967 to the present day. In the year of release the film took 1st place at the box office, gathered at the screens 76, 5 million viewers. Unfortunately, the trio became the apotheosis of its end.
Gaidai concluded that exploit these character types without samopovtorov impossible. In addition, during the shooting of "captive" he had a major scandal with Morgunov. Evgeny appeared on a platform surrounded by a bevy of admirers and rice began to make comments to the director, causing an enthusiastic reaction from the environment. Gaidai abruptly ordered the director to remove all extraneous to the site, Morgunov bit between their teeth. Gaidai too freaked and in front of the actor pulled out of the shooting script with him all the remaining episodes. Even once met Vitsin, and Morgunov Nikulin on the screen, but not in Gaidai, and in the film Karelov "Seven Old Men and a Girl."

21. The 70th was his time. In our country, popular movie actor is often determined by the amount of "catch phrase" elucidated them from the screen to the people. "Money in the morning - evening chairs!" ("12 chairs"), "Romantizmu gone, no one to drink" ("There can be no"
