Great trio

COWARD wife led the teacher
- Vladimir, like themselves Coward, Bobby and Experienced happened with their wives?
- Judging from the stamp in the passport, each had one. But ... you know what the fatal otchebuchit number of young George Vitsin? Zoom wife from his teacher, the Patriarch of Moscow Art Theater Khmeleva Nicholas, who played most of Ivan the Terrible! Incidentally, Khmelev after that did not relate to less talented pupils. He shows loyalty. And soon he rescued his wife from Michael Yanshina - Ljalju legendary Black.

Actress Dina Topoleva (Khmeleva) was older Vitsin. For several years they have lived in a civil marriage, then left. But a long time Vitsin helped her with money, food, medicines.
The official's wife Tamara Fedorovna Vitsin Michurina - niece of the famous Soviet breeder. She worked in theater costume designer, makeup, props. Once Easter Vitsin looked into the dressing room, where she sat with her friend. "Girls, I came we exchanged Easter greetings!" Thrice kissed each, gave the painted eggs. And soon I went to the registry office to Michurina.

"Fools marry young - he loved to repeat the later actor. - Smart had not married. And I - poludurok, 35 years married ».
The amazing paradox later in the film "Marriage Bal'zaminova" 10 beauties actresses of Soviet cinema themselves tried to seduce him. It is useless. They even wanted podpoit, treated to brandy. He calmly took the cup, gargle and spit out: "I drink brandy! Very useful for the throat. " And then Mordjukova said bitterly: "No one of us, he, babonki not get!»
Vitsin And then there was a man in sight. In the 48 years to play "Marriage Bal'zaminova" 27-year-old Misha! I could not resist Mordjukova, pinned Ženíšek screen: "Do not drink, do not smoke, do not stick to the women! You're not a man, you - a corpse! "" No, I - Yogi! »
- Is he really as a yogi, became indifferent to female beauty?
- How do you say ... Perhaps novels were. But history is silent about it. Georgy was all very secretive. No journalist, for example, was not at his house. I looked. But only in its absence. Somehow, taking to the museum exhibits and information Tamara Fedorovna asked: "What about cheating?" She smiled: "He cheated on me, and I told him." Literally.

Experienced awarded son Gina Lollobrigida?
- A similar fate Morgunov, - continues the story of the director of the Museum of the three actors. - Evgeny long lived a civil marriage with his Vavoy - ballerina Barbara Vyaltseva. That, too, was much older. Then he officially married Natalya Nikolaevna. She graduated from two institutions - MATI (Aviation Technology) and VGIK. Film critic, among other things.
So Yevgeny Morgunov do not remember even his most ardent admirers

Interests youth Morgunov - the case of bygone days. VGIK in their courses were mostly girls, future stars of Soviet cinema. The men at war. In the famous "Young Guard" too young beauties enough. It is a pity that there were castrated him.
- How castrated ?!
- Actually, circumcision done. Morgunov got big role - a traitor Stakhovich. When the film was removed, it was found that the underground Stakhovich betrayed. I had almost all of the frames with cut Morgunov. His general cut in many films. That seditious plots of directors, the nature of hairy actor. One of the enemies of revenge Morgunov very original.
He urged kinochinovnik in his office young actresses for sexual services in exchange for the role. Morgunov at the right time made his way up the fire escape to the window and took a picture of the entire Cabinet sex ...
Comes into the office, plops down on a chair, "So what? How are we going to talk? "" Nahal! Get out of here! »
- I can get out, but you yourself will then ask for a long time to come back.
Bringing the head of white-hot, Morgunov carelessly throws on the table stack of photos. The officer turned pale: "I offer you friendship, let me call you" you ", by name».
The story is told Boris Sichkin, "Buba Kastorsky" each Morgunov.

Natalia never jealous Morgunov.
He married, settled down, Evgeny if priudaryal for women, it is more for the outrageous. Claim that Gina Lollobrigida growing boy from him. When our actor at the film festival presented itself Catherine Deneuve, he said: "I do not have Catherine Deneuve, Catherine I even hours!" "Oh, what a joker!" - Smiled the star.
In France, Lyme Vajkule asked to take her to the famous variety show "Lido».
Morgunov not blink: "We'll go to the" Lido ", only after, not before ...»
There are many stories. And you can not tell where the truth and fiction. Many in the Soviet Union, for example, believed that the famous TV presenter Svetlana Morgunov - his wife.
Happy time, because as long as the family is together. Sons Anthony and Nicholas. File photo Natalya Morgunova.
... Once I looked up to me after the pair. And I left with bath diplomat personal belongings. "Then he'll take ..." Cap, bed sheet, shirt and two slippers. Women. The two on the left leg. Maybe, for there were jokes.
After 10 days Evgeniy Aleksandrovich died. Now, a diplomat with women's slippers - a museum exhibit.

... The Goonies acquainted with the bride horse
- Yuri Nikulin and private life different from fellow comedians - laughter Zuckerman. - There are no civil marriages. Married 23 May 1950. All joking, they say, they say, to marry in May - for life to suffer. And he could not doterpet week until June. Tatyana Pokrovskaya finished Agricultural Academy named after Timiryazev. The story of their meeting is just fantastic.
Clown Pencil with assistants picked up a new horse in the circus. Helpers asked to entertain housewives thick konyashki Lapot - girls from the Agricultural Academy. "What do you do in the circus, so skinny and lanky?" - I asked Tanya Nikulin.
- Come back tomorrow, you will see - he blurted out.

She came. And I saw a terrible picture. Pencil in the course room invited wishing to learn to ride. Called "spectator" Nikulin, decoy duck. Horse arena suffered, lanky assistant came under hoof. By bloodied Nikulin called "fast".
In Sklife took a call from a circus, do not believe, nurse Lydia Ivanovna Nikulin. His own mother! Can you imagine her condition! The diagnosis - a "two broken ribs and a concussion." The first victim in Sklif to come Pencil. Behind him - a girl Tanya with homemade cookies. At discharge, the doctor said: "Buy a horse kilogram of sugar. Would strike just over a centimeter, I would not treat you ».
When Tanya favorite aunt said, she met with the artist, she asked, from what he theater. Hearing that Jura clown Aunt little faint not fall. Last time she had seen the clown living in 1913 - he was terribly drunk, lying in the sawdust with a painted mug ...
Nikulin, and Tatiana not toiled at home or in a circus, although married in May.

I had to make a bride. Only then we were married. She was married to a clown, Tatiana went to work in the circus. At first, the boy got a role in a pantomime, then became a partner of her husband. Hence he retired.
Nikulin lived for 47 years with one wife. A unique case in the actor's medium. All between them, but they quickly reconciled. Once out of the car, I bumped the crowd of fans. For autographs. His wife hurried: "Come on, Yuri." "Look at what! - I exclaimed one of the ladies. - I popolzovavshis itself, give to others. " Monogamous!
- But, you see, most of the rumors were current just about hobbies Monogamous Nikulin.
My wife and I CLOWN pencil, felt for each other affection

- His affair with Natasha Varley, Lyudmila Gurchenko, especially my wife and pencils - a myth. Just working, friendly relations. While Tatiana and jealous Gurchenko, but maybe for some other reason. They starred together with Hermann in the "20 Days Without War».
Surrounded BEAUTIES: his future wife Alexei Batalov Githany (left) and his wife Tatiana
About Nikulin hobby rider Githany Leontenkov, yes, I hear from Leonid Babushkin. The one with the 50s worked as a photographer in a circus, a lot of things seen and filmed. Later Gitana left the circus, became the wife of another Nikulinskiy Alexei Batalov. Our Great actor.

Psychic Vic subjugated Nikulin
- Home Nikulin secret - his relationship with a psychic. Stas Sadalsky told that the director of the circus on the colored in recent years, showed up a certain woman, plays the same role as the famous nurse in the life of a dying Brezhnev.
- Victoria Viklyuk? Yes, there was a tightrope walker, acrobat, she worked with her husband in the Perche. Number frankly weak. I do not even want to remember.
CIRCUS, and only: white boots Victoria Viklyuk - "evil genius" of Yuri Nikulin

- Are you her himself had seen?
- Good morning, come! I was with her familiar. Viklyuk even me to Yuri Vladimirovich is not permitted! Three hours once stayed in the waiting room, promising to give something for the museum. And hand ... my photo without Nikulin. I almost went nuts. On its 70th anniversary, I came to the circus with a bouquet. Hero of the day in the office was not. "Dumped on the table and the flowers fall off!" - Commanded Viklyuk. Rudeness is the real ...
- How could you weak acrobat, director of the museum, do not admit to the main exhibit?
- So it all chased away like dogs.
- There is some mystery, Volodya ...
- You see, when we, men, fall in love, it becomes a complete fool. And there is nothing you can not be helped. She was able to subdue Nikulin also as a psychic. Became secretary, personal physician. To massage, diet soup cooked, gave pills. Worldwide drove about him.
With the great clown Nikulin's wife Tatiana, Victoria Viklyuk and Tamara Semyonovna Rumyantsev

She did something so possessed. My friend Tolia Shibanov, chief photographer of the Ministry of Culture, once sent her to hell. "I myself Nikulin set up a meeting!" Viklyuk just made a pass at him, not even touched ... And once burly Toll wilted. Later he told me that he was sick for a week ribcage. A late Toll served in the Navy, I had a bit of wrestling.
- So, Yuri Vladimirovich was 70. A secretary-psychic?
- 47.
- Why silent wife?
- He was a very famous person. I did not want to inflate the scandal, to wash dirty linen in public. Well, where in 70 years to divorce? I was told that Maksim Viklyuchke even given eye.
It affects not only the family, but the whole team. Somehow Viklyuk took the monkey at the national actor Aziz Askarian. The monkey died. Then he fought with the chief accountant. Scandals, screaming at all. Circus held in suspense, everything solved itself. Nobody wanted to go against Yuri Vladimirovich. Friends, many have turned away from him at that time.
Yuri: Victoria Viklyuk and beloved granddaughter Masha. Many believe that his concern for the maitre Viklyuk rendered him a disservice

When it became unbearable, the whole circus howled Nikulin waved his hand: "Do what you want!" And one went to Paris for 4 days. The people cheered, immediately quick at the general meeting resolved to dismiss Viklyuk with her husband.
And six months later killed the initiator of the meeting - the commercial director Mike Sedov. He was shot. The murderer, by the way, has not yet been found. It was then that Yuri and appointed commercial director of the Circus on Tsvetnoy native son, Maxim. Eldar Ryazanov frankly asked him: "How come you can substitute your own son?" "How can I substitute another's son ?!" - said Yuri.
- What is with Viklyuk?
- Lives in Sevastopol, a pensioner. He says that Nikulin to 85 years old would have lived, if it did not then fired from the circus. Now you can say anything without checking. We all had great light and dark stripes in life. Viklyuk can be regarded as a dark stripe in the biography Nikulin.
VICTORIA VIKLYUK: pass in Moscow mayor's office stayed in her memory

"Oh, this trio sang and danced ...»
Together they have played only six films, among them: "Dog Mongrel and unusual cross" (1961), "Bootleggers" (1961), "Operation" Y "and other adventures Shurik" (1965), "Prisoner of the Caucasus and the new adventures Shurik "(1966). Just seven years. And the children in the kindergartens still playing Nikulin, Morgunov Vitsin and ...
"Seven Old Men and a Girl" (1968) was the last picture of Yuri Nikulin together, George and Yevgeny Morgunov Vitsin. Leonid Gaidai considered that "the three of them have been exhausted." The actors themselves did not think so and for many years worked together on the stage.

Vitsin was the oldest of them, born in 1917. Nikulin - in 1921. Morgunov - in 1927. Nikulin first left at the age of 75 years (1997). Second - Morgunov at the age of 72 years (1999). The last - Vitsin the age of 84 (2001) ...
Most of the movie was filmed in Vitsin - 108 films. The second plodovistosti - Morgunov - 68 paintings. Nikulin starred in 38 films. Vitsin Nikulin and for their work were awarded the title of People's Artists of the USSR. Morgunov was only an Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
Vitsin among other things was a great theater actor, voiced her unique voice and cartoons dubbed foreign films.
Morgunov addition to filming in a movie as an artist, filmmaker and actor has been the theater. Nikulin went War, then worked as a circus clown and television presenter was "White parrot» ...
Vitsin Morgunov and completed their sinful way on earth in poverty and diseases, forgotten by all. They accompanied their last journey, only those few who have been honored and loved. Nikulin was buried with state honors, as has always been the favorite of the authorities. And rightly so ...
Vitsin buried at the cemetery Vagankovsky, Morgunov - Kuntsevo. Nikulin - the Novodevichy ...
And this is how they look like monuments on the graves. To each his due, so to speak ... Alas, not always in this world people have that have earned during his lifetime. And about the other and can not speak ...