5 actions that from the middle peasants to become an outstanding leader

1. Find goal
This is something that unites all leaders. Have outstanding leaders have a clear goal, while middle peasants simply declared at work. target becomes fuel for passion and work ethic. These components equip leaders competitive advantage over those who are not aware of this relationship.
The best leaders share a common goal, spread values and vision of the organization are aligned. These three elements are building the foundation for a sustainable corporate culture. Managers who are not ways to bring people together around these three components, wreaked havoc in the company and eventually find themselves on the sidelines. Outstanding leaders build a culture in its design, and middle peasants allow culture to develop its own power.
Examples of many businesses are taught that the purpose of leading to profits, and not vice versa. Outstanding leaders understand this, and middle peasants - no. Leaders who are motivated by profit, can be successful in the course of the season, but eventually they come to that income can not be long-term and steady aim. The best leaders are not guided by profit, and goals and are rewarded for it. A strong unifying purpose withstand any shocks.
2. tied for first place people
Leaders are worth nothing without people. In other words, people can make you a leader or may crush you. You should respect people, win their trust and loyalty, otherwise you will not be a leader. You can think of people as a resource for exploitation, and can as individuals who wish to develop and improve. You can consider yourself a supervisor for the staff or one of the team whose job is to serve the employees to learn from them and make their lives better, under your leadership.
The best leaders do not cover people in the box, the best leaders freed people from the box. Ultimately, the task of a leader - not to get as many followers, and distribute leadership throughout the company. Leaders-middle peasants devote time scaling processes, systems and models, and outstanding leaders - scaling leadership.
3. Raise awareness
Great leaders know the strengths and weaknesses of yourself, organization, culture, subtext and emotions. For them, the involvement of, and involvement Listening is much more valuable than empty talk. For the best leaders sensitivity is more important than callousness. Humility is more important than pride. Leaders who fall into a stupor when their omniscience is divided on someone's disapproval, except that only cheating yourself.
Great leaders avoid the pitfalls and blind spots, that so often cater leaders-middle peasants. Leaders of choosing life in a bubble of their own thinking and do not understand the power of other opinions, complicate the lives of others. Ready for what is your position and opinion can be challenged - is a sign of strength, not weakness.
The most powerful and often overlooked aspect of learning - is to forget what he studied. Leaders who refuse to change their opinions, provide only one result - the lack of growth and development.
4. Avoid complications
Complexity - the enemy instead of each leader. Life is dedicated to the great leaders of the removal or simplification of the complex. At the same time, middle peasants doom themselves and those who follow them, live in complexity. The complexity of strangling innovation, slows down the development, progress and closes the door is bad for culture. The complexity of road maintenance and ineffective.
It's hard to argue with the fact that we live in a complex world, and many profit from complexity. However, great leaders understand that the opportunities and profits arise from complexity by simplifying and not add new complexity. Many attribute the statement "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" Albert Einstein, although it said Leonardo da Vinci, in any case - both prominent human right.
5. Engage private
Every once in my life heard "It's just business, nothing personal." Great leaders understand that there is nothing more personal than a guide. The best leaders understand - no contact, there will be no leadership. Middle peasants kept a distance between themselves and their subordinates. Great - look after and care for their people.
Leaders-middle peasants are perceived as more managers. Outstanding leaders are perceived as big people. The best leaders understand that the move to private, to show compassion and empathy - it is not a weakness, and incredible strength.
Marginal productivity is not achieved at the expense of ride on other people's backs, but due to the fact that you are helping others become successful. Treat people as if their job depends on your life.
The reality is that anyone can be a leader, but only a few become leaders outstanding. Will you continue to be celebrated just in the workplace or to become a good leader? Think about it!