6 of the rules of winning life

1. The right mirror. People around me - my mirrors. They reflect aspects of my own personality, often not perceived by me. For example, if someone is rude to me, then, I myself in the shower ready to get nasty. So no one to take offense.
2. The right to choose. I understand and realize that everything that happens in my life - is the result of my own choice, based on my feelings and sensations. So no one to make a claim. Author of his own destiny - I myself.
3. liability rules. I am ready to take responsibility for their choices and give up any self-justification - they are useless.
4. The right of error. I realize the error of their opinions and judgments. Attachment to a sense of self-righteousness, sooner or later leads to personal disaster. Who strongly believes in his image of the world, he does not see the real world.
5. The right of Conformity. I have exactly that, and just enough so that I fit, no more, no less, whether it concerns relations office or the money. So all my claims are meaningless. For when I change the attitude to what is happening - and changing circumstances.
6. Right Presence - "Here and Now". No past, because it is not. There is no future, because it still is not. Attachment to the past leads to depression, anxiety about the future creates anxiety. As long as I am alive - I am immortal. There is a reason to rejoice.