Why Women Love Margaret Thatcher's Style
When Margaret Hilda Thatcher became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom in 1979, many did not take her seriously. The first woman in such a high position. What can she do? It will be an easy target for opponents. In fact, irony Margaret Thatcher helped her enact unpopular reforms, restore greatness to the country, and earn her the nickname “Iron Lady.”
Thatcher had a record 11 years as prime minister. However, even today there are both admirers and those who hate her with all their heart. Thatcher’s passing in 2013 was mourned by some and celebrated by others. Even the statue of the woman decided to install on a 4-meter pedestal, so that it was more difficult for hooligans to get it.
Today's edition. "Site" It invites you to remember the activities of this legendary woman, her beliefs, as well as the reasons why many adore her even here. And not just for political activities.
GettyImages Iron Character When she came to power, the British economy was not at its best. Heavy industry, despite huge subsidies from the budget, brought only losses.
At the same time, workers constantly staged strikes, demanding more and more wage increases. Expanded to incredible sizes, social programs pumped out of the treasury last. To make ends meet, you had to take out huge loans abroad. Or print money over and over again.
The problems grew like a snowball. The once powerful country gradually turned into a backward middle peasant with dim prospects. When Margaret Thatcher came to power, she acted decisively. It easily sacrificed its popularity for the sake of economic recovery.
GettyImages Social programs and grants have been cut. Cut the bloated salaries of miners and workers of the local automotive industry. Anything that did not bring profit was closed (like mines) or given to privatization (like factories). There were massive protests across the country. Workers who lost high wages (or even jobs) rebelled.
Her level of support plummeted to 20 percent, but Thatcher stood her ground. After reducing unprofitable production, the economy began to grow gradually. It was also important that the Thatcher government create simple and clear rules for business and the banking sector. As a result, London gradually became the financial capital of the world.
But Thatcher's popularity wasn't just the result of successful reforms. Margaret was determined and consistent on every issue. It showed iron character and firmness not only in confrontations with trade unions, but also in the external arena.
Thatcher had good relations with the United States. She mercilessly criticized the Soviet leadership and sought changes in the USSR. Contrary to many skeptics, Margaret embarked on a costly military campaign to bring the Falkland Islands back to Britain. Even his opponents had to acknowledge his success.
GettyImages Style Margaret Thatcher And although the “iron lady” was criticized for lack of femininity, but such reproaches sounded simply ridiculous. Margaret Thatcher loved to look good and could easily exchange a couple of hours of sleep for a trip to the beauty salon. Or she could spend hours choosing the right outfit for an important event.
She created images that were then invariably associated in the minds of her countrymen. The classic silhouettes and strict lines were what she bet on. A jacket with an expressive shoulder line and a straight skirt slightly below the knees is a typical outfit of the legendary prime minister.
GettyImages It loved all shades of blue. Although this was due not only to stylistic preferences, but also to political games. The fact is that blue in the UK is considered a symbol of the Conservatives, to whose party Thatcher belonged.
Despite the busyness, Margaret only came out with perfect styling and neat makeup. Each image was worked out to the smallest detail. This also contributed to her popularity with the British.
GettyImages She adored long flowing dresses to the floor. She often preferred blouses with bows around her neck. If you watch her archival performances, you can see that she almost always wore pearls, as well as large earrings.
Favorite accessory was a compact bag-ridiculi. The “Iron Lady” also looked interesting when she tried on various hats and short gloves.
GettyImages This woman with iron will and elegant looks has written her name into history. It has risen from the bottom to the top and set the trend for women to participate in big politics.
And although there are many haters of Thatcher among the British themselves, it is undeniable that she was one of the most important statesmen of her time. Even farewell to her was held with royal honors.
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Thatcher had a record 11 years as prime minister. However, even today there are both admirers and those who hate her with all their heart. Thatcher’s passing in 2013 was mourned by some and celebrated by others. Even the statue of the woman decided to install on a 4-meter pedestal, so that it was more difficult for hooligans to get it.
Today's edition. "Site" It invites you to remember the activities of this legendary woman, her beliefs, as well as the reasons why many adore her even here. And not just for political activities.

GettyImages Iron Character When she came to power, the British economy was not at its best. Heavy industry, despite huge subsidies from the budget, brought only losses.
At the same time, workers constantly staged strikes, demanding more and more wage increases. Expanded to incredible sizes, social programs pumped out of the treasury last. To make ends meet, you had to take out huge loans abroad. Or print money over and over again.
The problems grew like a snowball. The once powerful country gradually turned into a backward middle peasant with dim prospects. When Margaret Thatcher came to power, she acted decisively. It easily sacrificed its popularity for the sake of economic recovery.

GettyImages Social programs and grants have been cut. Cut the bloated salaries of miners and workers of the local automotive industry. Anything that did not bring profit was closed (like mines) or given to privatization (like factories). There were massive protests across the country. Workers who lost high wages (or even jobs) rebelled.
Her level of support plummeted to 20 percent, but Thatcher stood her ground. After reducing unprofitable production, the economy began to grow gradually. It was also important that the Thatcher government create simple and clear rules for business and the banking sector. As a result, London gradually became the financial capital of the world.

But Thatcher's popularity wasn't just the result of successful reforms. Margaret was determined and consistent on every issue. It showed iron character and firmness not only in confrontations with trade unions, but also in the external arena.
Thatcher had good relations with the United States. She mercilessly criticized the Soviet leadership and sought changes in the USSR. Contrary to many skeptics, Margaret embarked on a costly military campaign to bring the Falkland Islands back to Britain. Even his opponents had to acknowledge his success.

GettyImages Style Margaret Thatcher And although the “iron lady” was criticized for lack of femininity, but such reproaches sounded simply ridiculous. Margaret Thatcher loved to look good and could easily exchange a couple of hours of sleep for a trip to the beauty salon. Or she could spend hours choosing the right outfit for an important event.
She created images that were then invariably associated in the minds of her countrymen. The classic silhouettes and strict lines were what she bet on. A jacket with an expressive shoulder line and a straight skirt slightly below the knees is a typical outfit of the legendary prime minister.

GettyImages It loved all shades of blue. Although this was due not only to stylistic preferences, but also to political games. The fact is that blue in the UK is considered a symbol of the Conservatives, to whose party Thatcher belonged.
Despite the busyness, Margaret only came out with perfect styling and neat makeup. Each image was worked out to the smallest detail. This also contributed to her popularity with the British.

GettyImages She adored long flowing dresses to the floor. She often preferred blouses with bows around her neck. If you watch her archival performances, you can see that she almost always wore pearls, as well as large earrings.
Favorite accessory was a compact bag-ridiculi. The “Iron Lady” also looked interesting when she tried on various hats and short gloves.

GettyImages This woman with iron will and elegant looks has written her name into history. It has risen from the bottom to the top and set the trend for women to participate in big politics.
And although there are many haters of Thatcher among the British themselves, it is undeniable that she was one of the most important statesmen of her time. Even farewell to her was held with royal honors.
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