Famous people who have passed away in 2013
Time flows like water, and each year brings us many bitter losses. No exception, and 2013. Actors, musicians, politicians - for many of them it was the last. We invite you to recall the famous people who have left us this year and once again reflect how much our life is short.
12 photos under the cut
1. Mikhail Kalashnikov - 23 December 2013 - '94
Famous small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov died in Izhevsk. More than a month he was in intensive care with a diagnosis of "gastric bleeding," and earlier this year undergoing treatment in Moscow. His condition causes fear of doctors.
In 2012, Mikhail Kalashnikov's health began to deteriorate due to old age. According to the assistant Nicholas Shklyaeva Kalashnikov, the designer felt worse in March 2012, and then stopped working. In December, he was hospitalized in the Republican Clinical Diagnostic Center (RKDTS) Udmurtia, the planned examination, where he died.
Condolences to the family and friends of Mikhail Kalashnikov expressed Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. It is reported that the funeral of the legendary gunsmith will oversee the head of Udmurtia Alexander Volkov.
The position will be buried at the Federal Military Memorial Cemetery.
2. Nelson Mandela - December 5, 2013 - 95 years
Former South African President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela, died at his home in Johannesburg after a long illness. Human rights activist and former president suffered a lung infection.
In early June, Mandela was admitted to hospital with a relapse of the disease. In November, the South African government has confirmed that he is in stable critical condition. In early September, it was reported that 95-year-old Nelson Mandela discharged from hospital and will continue the treatment at home. Before his death, Mandela has long been in a vegetative state - he stopped to learn and understand the family, did not speak and did not take it. Doctors offered family disconnected from life support devices, however, have refused to relatives.
On the death of Mandela declared South African President Jacob Zuma. Zuma said: "He quietly went about 20 hours and 50 minutes on December 5 in the presence of relatives. Our nation has lost a great son. " The funeral took place in the ancestral village of Qunu 15 December 2013.
3. Yuri Yakovlev - 30 November 2013 - 85 years
USSR People's Artist Yuri Yakovlev died in hospital at the age of 85 years on the night of November 30 in the hospital where he was taken after fainting.
In recent years, Yakovlev did not starred in a movie (the final film roles became aged Hippolyte in the continuation of "Twist of Fate"), the theater played only in the multi-layered "Havens". In just a few weeks before his death on November 5, last appeared in public, to attend the award fund "Artist».
A friend of the family Yakovlev said that the actor became ill a week before death. Yuri Yakovlev went to the show and on the street collapsed. The actor stood alone, came home and did not call the doctor. A few days later he lost consciousness a second time, and this time without the "emergency" has not done.
The best doctors were trying to save the actor, but did not succeed. Yuri Yakovlev died without regaining consciousness on the night of November 30, 2013 in a Moscow hospital after a long illness. According to some reports, the cause of death was a heart attack or pulmonary edema.
Farewell was held at the Vakhtangov Theater. The funeral of the actor held in Moscow on December 3 at the Novodevichy cemetery.
4. Paul Walker - November 30, 2013 - 40 years
Star of "Fast and the Furious," an American actor and model Paul Walker died in a car crash in California. Walker got in an accident in the city of Santa Clarita, where he arrived to attend the auto show, the aim of which was to raise funds for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines. At the time of the accident, he was driving in a car Porsche Carrera GT a friend who was at the wheel. The driver at some point lost control of the car, which has planned, he grazed a lamppost, and then crashed into a tree and caught fire. Walker and his friend were killed on the spot. Paul Walker was buried Dec. 14, 2013 in Glendale (California).
At the same time fans of the film "Fast and Furious" claim that the famous actor alive, and the story of his supposed death could be a PR move for the promotion of the seventh film of the famous franchise. According to those who do not believe in the official version of the death of the actor, the whole story of the alleged death of 40-year-old Walker was just a publicity move for the promotion of the new film "Fast and Furious 7", which was put into distribution in June next year. < br />
Fans of "Fast and the Furious" find all the new evidence that Paul Walker is alive and well. The fact is that in the case of the death of Paul Walker found many inconsistencies - the front and rear license plate numbers do not match, in the post-mortem photos of Paul Walker had a wound on his face, and the official version of the body badly burned, there were other strange facts.
5. Michael Gorshenev - July 19, 2013 - 39 years
The leader of the punk band "The King and the Clown" Michael Gorsheneva died on the night of 18 to 19 July 2013 in the house number 5 on the Ozerkovskaya avenue of St. Petersburg. The body of the musician at his home found a wife. Policemen inspecting the corpse found near him a syringe and spoon, which indicates the reception Gorshenevym drugs. Earlier, the media appeared information that the leader of the "King and the Clown" have had problems with drugs. However, the actor claimed that he could get rid of addiction.
Later, one of the band members said that Gorshenev died of acute heart failure. Doctors have found that the heart of the musician stopped because of severe intoxication. His blood found two ppm. This suggests that he had a short time to drink alcohol, equal to the number of a few liters of beer. "This is a huge burden on the heart," - noted narcologist Viktor Grigoryev.
A memorial service for Michael Gorsheneva held on Monday, 22 July 2013, at the sports complex "Jubilee" in St. Petersburg. The body was cremated and the ashes were planning to dispel, as Michael was against any rites of burial, but the ashes were buried on August 1 on the main avenue of the Theological cemetery in St. Petersburg.
6. James Gandolfini - June 19, 2013 - '51
American actor, star of TV series "The Sopranos," died on July 19 in Rome. While on vacation with a 13-year-old son Michael in Italy, about 22 pm local time Gandolfini unconscious in the bathroom of a hotel room. Michael called out for help, was called ambulance, to the hospital to deliver Gandolfini Policlinico Umberto I. Already in the car he had been held resuscitation procedure, which lasted for 40 minutes after arrival at the hospital.
After unsuccessful attempts to resuscitation James Gandolfini was declared dead at about 23:20 on June 19. According to Professor Claudio Modin, the actor's heart stopped. June 21 autopsy was performed, set the official cause of death Gandolfini - myocardial infarction.
Gandolfini's death caused a wide resonance in the world media, and many colleagues actor just could not believe what had happened. June 26 Broadway theaters all lights went out for a minute, to honor the memory of the departed artist. June 27 last farewell to Gandolfini New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine, which is visited by almost all the key cast of "The Sopranos."
7. Alexei Balabanov - May 18, 2013 - '54
Russian film director Balabanov died on 55-year life of a heart attack while working on another script in the resort "Dune" in the village Solar Leningrad region.
As told RIA Novosti director close, he had an attack and fell into a swoon. Mother tried to help Balabanov, but to no avail, he died without regaining consciousness. He was 54 years old. A friend of the director told "Interfax" agency that Balabanov has long been diagnosed with severe chronic disease, which was known only to the people closest. Later, medical examination to establish the cause of death by director Alexei Balabanov. According to the doctors, he died of acute heart failure.
Memorial service at "Lenfilm" at the behest of the director was not carried out. The funeral service was held May 21 in Prince Vladimir Cathedral. Alexei Balabanov was buried the same day in the Smolensk cemetery.
8. Margaret Thatcher - April 8, 2013 - 87 years
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in recent years was seriously ill. December 21, 2012, she underwent surgery to remove the bladder tumor. Thatcher died early morning of April 8, 2013 at the age of 87 at the "Ritz" in the center of London, where he lived after the end of 2012, she was released from the hospital. The cause of death was a stroke.
The funeral service was held at St Paul's Cathedral in London with full military honors. Back in 2005, Thatcher made a detailed plan for his funeral, and preparing for them was conducted in 2007 - all the events in which participates queen, planned well in advance. At their funerals, according to the plan, "Iron Lady" wanted to see Queen Elizabeth II, the royal family, as well as major political figures of the era of Thatcherism, including former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev (unable to attend for health reasons). After the funeral service took place the cremation and the ashes, according to the will of the deceased, he was buried next to her husband Dennis in the cemetery of a military hospital of London's Chelsea. The funeral took place on April 17 at a cost of £ 6 million.
Opponents Thatcher, whom too much, roughly celebrated and organized street parties in honor of the death of the former prime minister. This performs the song "Ding-dong, the witch is dead» («Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead») from the movie "The Wizard of Oz" was released in theaters in 1939. In the April days in 2013 the song became popular again and took in the official UK charts consolidated second place.
9. Valery Zolotukhin - 30 March 2013 - '71
People's Artist of Russia Valery Zolotukhin did not work since December 2012, has since been hospitalized several times as a result of the survey was diagnosed glioblastoma. March 5 actor was hospitalized in the intensive care unit RRC Radiology. March 14 it became known that the doctors brought him into an artificial (medication) to whom.
On the morning of March 30 the 71-year-old actor died from complications of a brain tumor. Farewell to Valery Zolotukhin was held on April 2 at the Taganka Theater, April 4 in Barnaul in the Altai Youth Theatre; On April 5, the actor was buried according to his will, built on the territory of his savings on the Temple of the Holy Virgin in the village of Istok Quick Altai, where he was born.
10. Boris Berezovsky - March 23, 2013 - 67 years
Fugitive Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, the last few years living in Britain, died in a London suburb. Berezovsky's body was found March 23, 2013 lying on his back on the floor inside a locked bathroom in a house belonging to his ex-wife Galina. According to news agencies, the death occurred on the same day at 11 am local time.
March 23 in the house Berezovsky in London working police arrived on the reports of his death. According to the police department of the Thames, promulgated March 26 to the autopsy, Berezovsky has died as a result of hanging, with signs of a struggle were found. According to the newspaper The Guardian, the autopsy also found that Berezovsky was a broken rib.
March 28 in London began coroner's inquest into the death of Berezovsky. During the hearing, Detective Mark Bissell announced that the neck of the deceased at the time of discovery of the body guard was tied knot of fabric. At one end of the matter has been tightened around the neck of the corpse, and the other is attached to the bar shower curtain. However, the police did not rule out involvement in the death of Berezovsky, "a third party". A number of independent observers emphasize that no post-mortem photos Berezovsky has not been published anywhere else.
11. Andrei Panin - March 6, 2013 - 50 years
The body of 50-year-old actor found around 11 am on March 7 in his apartment at Balaklava Avenue, in the south of Moscow. Forensic experts who examined the body came to the conclusion that to get such a wound can not be accidental, and that the actor had been killed.
Panin found lying on the floor in his apartment, and was considered at first experts, he fell from his own height and hit his head. The first preliminary cause of death was loss of blood, but the day after the mysterious death of Panin forensic experts concluded that before the death of the actor was severely beaten, his face was disfigured, and his knees were found bruises. According to sources from sudmedbyuro, Panin most likely resisted and wounded killer. Strange sounds and moans heard and neighbors do not give them enough attention.
Farewell to the artist was held on March 12 in the school Chekhov Moscow Art Theater Studio, later in the church of the Resurrection in Bryusov Lane held the funeral. Panin was buried at the cemetery in Moscow Troekurov. In April of 2013. Panin was posthumously awarded the "Nika" in the category "Best Actor".
12. Hugo Chavez - March 5, 2013 - 58 years
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died from the effects of cancer. On the death of Chavez announced Venezuela's Vice President Nicolas Maduro on national television. The immediate cause of death was a massive heart attack.
March 8, Nicolas Maduro said that Chavez will be embalmed body, but on March 14, the Venezuelan government after consultations with Russian experts have refused it. Comandante is buried in the Museum of the Revolution in Caracas. Chavez's coffin placed in a marble sarcophagus, and is mounted on a pedestal in the shape of a flower, surrounded by water.
12 photos under the cut

1. Mikhail Kalashnikov - 23 December 2013 - '94
Famous small arms designer Mikhail Kalashnikov died in Izhevsk. More than a month he was in intensive care with a diagnosis of "gastric bleeding," and earlier this year undergoing treatment in Moscow. His condition causes fear of doctors.
In 2012, Mikhail Kalashnikov's health began to deteriorate due to old age. According to the assistant Nicholas Shklyaeva Kalashnikov, the designer felt worse in March 2012, and then stopped working. In December, he was hospitalized in the Republican Clinical Diagnostic Center (RKDTS) Udmurtia, the planned examination, where he died.
Condolences to the family and friends of Mikhail Kalashnikov expressed Russia's President Vladimir Putin and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. It is reported that the funeral of the legendary gunsmith will oversee the head of Udmurtia Alexander Volkov.
The position will be buried at the Federal Military Memorial Cemetery.

2. Nelson Mandela - December 5, 2013 - 95 years
Former South African President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Nelson Mandela, died at his home in Johannesburg after a long illness. Human rights activist and former president suffered a lung infection.
In early June, Mandela was admitted to hospital with a relapse of the disease. In November, the South African government has confirmed that he is in stable critical condition. In early September, it was reported that 95-year-old Nelson Mandela discharged from hospital and will continue the treatment at home. Before his death, Mandela has long been in a vegetative state - he stopped to learn and understand the family, did not speak and did not take it. Doctors offered family disconnected from life support devices, however, have refused to relatives.
On the death of Mandela declared South African President Jacob Zuma. Zuma said: "He quietly went about 20 hours and 50 minutes on December 5 in the presence of relatives. Our nation has lost a great son. " The funeral took place in the ancestral village of Qunu 15 December 2013.

3. Yuri Yakovlev - 30 November 2013 - 85 years
USSR People's Artist Yuri Yakovlev died in hospital at the age of 85 years on the night of November 30 in the hospital where he was taken after fainting.
In recent years, Yakovlev did not starred in a movie (the final film roles became aged Hippolyte in the continuation of "Twist of Fate"), the theater played only in the multi-layered "Havens". In just a few weeks before his death on November 5, last appeared in public, to attend the award fund "Artist».
A friend of the family Yakovlev said that the actor became ill a week before death. Yuri Yakovlev went to the show and on the street collapsed. The actor stood alone, came home and did not call the doctor. A few days later he lost consciousness a second time, and this time without the "emergency" has not done.
The best doctors were trying to save the actor, but did not succeed. Yuri Yakovlev died without regaining consciousness on the night of November 30, 2013 in a Moscow hospital after a long illness. According to some reports, the cause of death was a heart attack or pulmonary edema.
Farewell was held at the Vakhtangov Theater. The funeral of the actor held in Moscow on December 3 at the Novodevichy cemetery.

4. Paul Walker - November 30, 2013 - 40 years
Star of "Fast and the Furious," an American actor and model Paul Walker died in a car crash in California. Walker got in an accident in the city of Santa Clarita, where he arrived to attend the auto show, the aim of which was to raise funds for the victims of the typhoon in the Philippines. At the time of the accident, he was driving in a car Porsche Carrera GT a friend who was at the wheel. The driver at some point lost control of the car, which has planned, he grazed a lamppost, and then crashed into a tree and caught fire. Walker and his friend were killed on the spot. Paul Walker was buried Dec. 14, 2013 in Glendale (California).
At the same time fans of the film "Fast and Furious" claim that the famous actor alive, and the story of his supposed death could be a PR move for the promotion of the seventh film of the famous franchise. According to those who do not believe in the official version of the death of the actor, the whole story of the alleged death of 40-year-old Walker was just a publicity move for the promotion of the new film "Fast and Furious 7", which was put into distribution in June next year. < br />
Fans of "Fast and the Furious" find all the new evidence that Paul Walker is alive and well. The fact is that in the case of the death of Paul Walker found many inconsistencies - the front and rear license plate numbers do not match, in the post-mortem photos of Paul Walker had a wound on his face, and the official version of the body badly burned, there were other strange facts.

5. Michael Gorshenev - July 19, 2013 - 39 years
The leader of the punk band "The King and the Clown" Michael Gorsheneva died on the night of 18 to 19 July 2013 in the house number 5 on the Ozerkovskaya avenue of St. Petersburg. The body of the musician at his home found a wife. Policemen inspecting the corpse found near him a syringe and spoon, which indicates the reception Gorshenevym drugs. Earlier, the media appeared information that the leader of the "King and the Clown" have had problems with drugs. However, the actor claimed that he could get rid of addiction.
Later, one of the band members said that Gorshenev died of acute heart failure. Doctors have found that the heart of the musician stopped because of severe intoxication. His blood found two ppm. This suggests that he had a short time to drink alcohol, equal to the number of a few liters of beer. "This is a huge burden on the heart," - noted narcologist Viktor Grigoryev.
A memorial service for Michael Gorsheneva held on Monday, 22 July 2013, at the sports complex "Jubilee" in St. Petersburg. The body was cremated and the ashes were planning to dispel, as Michael was against any rites of burial, but the ashes were buried on August 1 on the main avenue of the Theological cemetery in St. Petersburg.

6. James Gandolfini - June 19, 2013 - '51
American actor, star of TV series "The Sopranos," died on July 19 in Rome. While on vacation with a 13-year-old son Michael in Italy, about 22 pm local time Gandolfini unconscious in the bathroom of a hotel room. Michael called out for help, was called ambulance, to the hospital to deliver Gandolfini Policlinico Umberto I. Already in the car he had been held resuscitation procedure, which lasted for 40 minutes after arrival at the hospital.
After unsuccessful attempts to resuscitation James Gandolfini was declared dead at about 23:20 on June 19. According to Professor Claudio Modin, the actor's heart stopped. June 21 autopsy was performed, set the official cause of death Gandolfini - myocardial infarction.
Gandolfini's death caused a wide resonance in the world media, and many colleagues actor just could not believe what had happened. June 26 Broadway theaters all lights went out for a minute, to honor the memory of the departed artist. June 27 last farewell to Gandolfini New York's Cathedral of St. John the Divine, which is visited by almost all the key cast of "The Sopranos."

7. Alexei Balabanov - May 18, 2013 - '54
Russian film director Balabanov died on 55-year life of a heart attack while working on another script in the resort "Dune" in the village Solar Leningrad region.
As told RIA Novosti director close, he had an attack and fell into a swoon. Mother tried to help Balabanov, but to no avail, he died without regaining consciousness. He was 54 years old. A friend of the director told "Interfax" agency that Balabanov has long been diagnosed with severe chronic disease, which was known only to the people closest. Later, medical examination to establish the cause of death by director Alexei Balabanov. According to the doctors, he died of acute heart failure.
Memorial service at "Lenfilm" at the behest of the director was not carried out. The funeral service was held May 21 in Prince Vladimir Cathedral. Alexei Balabanov was buried the same day in the Smolensk cemetery.

8. Margaret Thatcher - April 8, 2013 - 87 years
Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in recent years was seriously ill. December 21, 2012, she underwent surgery to remove the bladder tumor. Thatcher died early morning of April 8, 2013 at the age of 87 at the "Ritz" in the center of London, where he lived after the end of 2012, she was released from the hospital. The cause of death was a stroke.
The funeral service was held at St Paul's Cathedral in London with full military honors. Back in 2005, Thatcher made a detailed plan for his funeral, and preparing for them was conducted in 2007 - all the events in which participates queen, planned well in advance. At their funerals, according to the plan, "Iron Lady" wanted to see Queen Elizabeth II, the royal family, as well as major political figures of the era of Thatcherism, including former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev (unable to attend for health reasons). After the funeral service took place the cremation and the ashes, according to the will of the deceased, he was buried next to her husband Dennis in the cemetery of a military hospital of London's Chelsea. The funeral took place on April 17 at a cost of £ 6 million.
Opponents Thatcher, whom too much, roughly celebrated and organized street parties in honor of the death of the former prime minister. This performs the song "Ding-dong, the witch is dead» («Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead») from the movie "The Wizard of Oz" was released in theaters in 1939. In the April days in 2013 the song became popular again and took in the official UK charts consolidated second place.

9. Valery Zolotukhin - 30 March 2013 - '71
People's Artist of Russia Valery Zolotukhin did not work since December 2012, has since been hospitalized several times as a result of the survey was diagnosed glioblastoma. March 5 actor was hospitalized in the intensive care unit RRC Radiology. March 14 it became known that the doctors brought him into an artificial (medication) to whom.
On the morning of March 30 the 71-year-old actor died from complications of a brain tumor. Farewell to Valery Zolotukhin was held on April 2 at the Taganka Theater, April 4 in Barnaul in the Altai Youth Theatre; On April 5, the actor was buried according to his will, built on the territory of his savings on the Temple of the Holy Virgin in the village of Istok Quick Altai, where he was born.

10. Boris Berezovsky - March 23, 2013 - 67 years
Fugitive Russian oligarch Boris Berezovsky, the last few years living in Britain, died in a London suburb. Berezovsky's body was found March 23, 2013 lying on his back on the floor inside a locked bathroom in a house belonging to his ex-wife Galina. According to news agencies, the death occurred on the same day at 11 am local time.
March 23 in the house Berezovsky in London working police arrived on the reports of his death. According to the police department of the Thames, promulgated March 26 to the autopsy, Berezovsky has died as a result of hanging, with signs of a struggle were found. According to the newspaper The Guardian, the autopsy also found that Berezovsky was a broken rib.
March 28 in London began coroner's inquest into the death of Berezovsky. During the hearing, Detective Mark Bissell announced that the neck of the deceased at the time of discovery of the body guard was tied knot of fabric. At one end of the matter has been tightened around the neck of the corpse, and the other is attached to the bar shower curtain. However, the police did not rule out involvement in the death of Berezovsky, "a third party". A number of independent observers emphasize that no post-mortem photos Berezovsky has not been published anywhere else.

11. Andrei Panin - March 6, 2013 - 50 years
The body of 50-year-old actor found around 11 am on March 7 in his apartment at Balaklava Avenue, in the south of Moscow. Forensic experts who examined the body came to the conclusion that to get such a wound can not be accidental, and that the actor had been killed.
Panin found lying on the floor in his apartment, and was considered at first experts, he fell from his own height and hit his head. The first preliminary cause of death was loss of blood, but the day after the mysterious death of Panin forensic experts concluded that before the death of the actor was severely beaten, his face was disfigured, and his knees were found bruises. According to sources from sudmedbyuro, Panin most likely resisted and wounded killer. Strange sounds and moans heard and neighbors do not give them enough attention.
Farewell to the artist was held on March 12 in the school Chekhov Moscow Art Theater Studio, later in the church of the Resurrection in Bryusov Lane held the funeral. Panin was buried at the cemetery in Moscow Troekurov. In April of 2013. Panin was posthumously awarded the "Nika" in the category "Best Actor".

12. Hugo Chavez - March 5, 2013 - 58 years
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez died from the effects of cancer. On the death of Chavez announced Venezuela's Vice President Nicolas Maduro on national television. The immediate cause of death was a massive heart attack.
March 8, Nicolas Maduro said that Chavez will be embalmed body, but on March 14, the Venezuelan government after consultations with Russian experts have refused it. Comandante is buried in the Museum of the Revolution in Caracas. Chavez's coffin placed in a marble sarcophagus, and is mounted on a pedestal in the shape of a flower, surrounded by water.
