Ancient Trinity prohibitions
On Pentecost you can not walk alone in nature and swim. Any body of water is a high-risk zone, so our ancestors believed! Today we will talk about the most ancient prohibitions on the Trinity, and also try to delve into the essence of the greatest church holiday.
Very soon there will be a beautiful Christian. Holy Trinity, which in 2020 falls on June 7. This is the 50th day after Easter, falling, as in other years, on Sunday. The Trinity is also called Pentecost.
I really like this bright and joyful summer holiday, and I always look forward to it with special trepidation. I love this day for the special atmosphere, for the excellent service in the church, for the beauty when Orthodox churches are decorated with greenery (freshly cut grass is usually placed on the floor, icons are decorated with flowers and young branches of trees), and for the harmonious state that I feel on the Trinity.
However, the Trinity is shrouded in an incredible number of traditions, rituals and beliefs, which are sometimes difficult to understand and understand what is true and what is not. So for advice on this issue, I turned to my friend Anna.
Ani’s husband is Father Alexei, whose services my whole family loves to attend, and Anya herself is a very bright and beautiful person. She gladly told me, How to Celebrate the Holy Trinity-Pentecost Dayand what you should not do on that day.
According to the Gospel, on the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles who gathered together with the Mother of God for prayer in the house on Mount Zion. This phenomenon had the appearance of tongues of flame, enveloped by the apostles, but they did not burn, but gave joy and peace.
Suddenly, they spoke in every possible language to bring the Word of God to the masses. Then the apostles baptized almost three thousand people, which means that the process began. nativity.
Traditionally, Pentecost commemorates the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Church literature says that in the evening before the Trinity the Holy Spirit descends to earth. It sanctifies and blesses everything around, it fills the soul of a person with goodness, love, faith, patience.
DepositPhotos Traditions and Bans on the Trinity
Since ancient times on this day for the first time after Easter, a prayer is read to the King of Heaven. According to the clergy, from this day morning and evening prayers begin with the reading of the Tri-Saint. In addition, the prayers of the Holy Trinity and the prayer of the Lord are read.
Don't forget to pray.
“Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.” (Repeat 3 times.)
“Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; O Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities. “Holy, visit and heal our infirmities for your sake.”
The priests also say that Trinity is not allowed. Follow common signs and superstitions, many of which give advice about what supposedly should not be done on the Trinity (bathing, going to the forest and in the field, working).
First of all, this day is necessary. Christianize Go to the temple, pray, take communion, try to be kind and attentive to your loved ones, spend free time with them.
Tell about this article to your friends and acquaintances in social networks. May there be more light and light around us!
Very soon there will be a beautiful Christian. Holy Trinity, which in 2020 falls on June 7. This is the 50th day after Easter, falling, as in other years, on Sunday. The Trinity is also called Pentecost.
I really like this bright and joyful summer holiday, and I always look forward to it with special trepidation. I love this day for the special atmosphere, for the excellent service in the church, for the beauty when Orthodox churches are decorated with greenery (freshly cut grass is usually placed on the floor, icons are decorated with flowers and young branches of trees), and for the harmonious state that I feel on the Trinity.

However, the Trinity is shrouded in an incredible number of traditions, rituals and beliefs, which are sometimes difficult to understand and understand what is true and what is not. So for advice on this issue, I turned to my friend Anna.
Ani’s husband is Father Alexei, whose services my whole family loves to attend, and Anya herself is a very bright and beautiful person. She gladly told me, How to Celebrate the Holy Trinity-Pentecost Dayand what you should not do on that day.

According to the Gospel, on the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles who gathered together with the Mother of God for prayer in the house on Mount Zion. This phenomenon had the appearance of tongues of flame, enveloped by the apostles, but they did not burn, but gave joy and peace.
Suddenly, they spoke in every possible language to bring the Word of God to the masses. Then the apostles baptized almost three thousand people, which means that the process began. nativity.
Traditionally, Pentecost commemorates the Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Church literature says that in the evening before the Trinity the Holy Spirit descends to earth. It sanctifies and blesses everything around, it fills the soul of a person with goodness, love, faith, patience.

DepositPhotos Traditions and Bans on the Trinity
- The main ban on the Trinity is connected with the land: in no case can you carry out any earthwork: dig, dig, plow, harrow, stick stakes, mow grass and even plant plants!
DepositPhotos - On this day, as well as on all other Orthodox holidays, it is impossible to sew, wash, clean.
DepositPhotos - Trees need to be treated carefully on this day. Young green birches, ash, willows - they are often used in Trinity rituals. On the Trinity, you can not cut and saw trees, break bitches, chop wood, usually birch branches are harvested the day before the holiday. How to explain this desire of the ancient believers temple decoration? Perhaps the branches of birches and other trees remind deep believers of the oak tree Mamra, where there was an oak tree, under which the Lord in the form of three angels of the Holy Trinity appeared to Abraham. This oak tree appears on the Trinity icons.
There's another version. The branches can symbolize the blooming Mount Sinai, where the Lord gave Moses the 10 commandments. The desire to recreate the atmosphere of these bright moments is natural for every believer. - On the Trinity, you can not walk weddings, and swatting, on the contrary, is encouraged - this is considered a good omen, joint life will be long and happy.
DepositPhotos - I also want to talk about beliefs. I agree. folk tradition, on the Trinity It is not recommended to swim in water. In ancient times, this was explained by the fact that during this period “mermaids walk”, which can drag a person to their kingdom. People on the holiday abstained from bathing and in the house – tried not to approach the water, even just to wash. The ban on washing and bathing in ancient times was also due to the fact that earlier people needed to make a lot of physical effort in order to perform ablution (for example, melt the bath). And to work physically on the days of great holidays the Church forbids!
However, church ministers argue that there is no reason not to allow swimming on the Trinity. Just do not replace a trip to church and prayer with a beach holiday, which will certainly be a sin.
DepositPhotos - On the Trinity it is customary to wish family and friends health and family well-being. The day before the holiday, on the parental Saturday, commemorate the dead relatives. It is necessary to visit the burial sites, clean up there.
DepositPhotos - And most importantly, on this day you can not keep negative thoughts and wish bad. It is necessary to forgive family and friends all offenses, to overcome them and leave in the past.
Since ancient times on this day for the first time after Easter, a prayer is read to the King of Heaven. According to the clergy, from this day morning and evening prayers begin with the reading of the Tri-Saint. In addition, the prayers of the Holy Trinity and the prayer of the Lord are read.
Don't forget to pray.
“Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.” (Repeat 3 times.)
“Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; O Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities. “Holy, visit and heal our infirmities for your sake.”

The priests also say that Trinity is not allowed. Follow common signs and superstitions, many of which give advice about what supposedly should not be done on the Trinity (bathing, going to the forest and in the field, working).
First of all, this day is necessary. Christianize Go to the temple, pray, take communion, try to be kind and attentive to your loved ones, spend free time with them.
Tell about this article to your friends and acquaintances in social networks. May there be more light and light around us!