What to consecrate to the Trinity

On Sunday, the Christian world celebrates an important holiday - the Day of the Holy Trinity. Each region has its own peculiarities of celebration, but plants play a key role everywhere.

On the Trinity it is customary to collect medicinal herbs: air, wormwood, thyme, pygma. According to legend, they acquire special power. Plants are usually consecrated in church and then brought home and stored. If someone is sick, they are treated with these herbs.


The fragrant stems of aira cover the floor in the house. It is forbidden to clean all three days in a row (from Sunday to Tuesday). According to legend, air attracts good spirits to the house, cleanses the house and strengthens the health of the inhabitants.

Air swampy Air swamp, he is a Tatar potion, he is also rootIt is often found in swampy coastal meadows, where its branching rhizomes intertwine, piercing the muddy soil.


Swimming or boating, we often touch its leaves, spreading from touch to them a peculiar, well-known spicy smell, which is always associated with grandmother’s house and the celebration of the Trinity.

However, we do not suspect that this plant has come a long way from China and Mongolia. It was brought to our lands by Tatar-Mongol conquerors, when their hordes rushed to the West. They brought with them the rhizomes of the air, believing that they cleanse and heal the reservoirs.

Crossing the rivers, they threw rhizomes into them, which were quickly accepted, why the thickets of aira spread along the path of nomads. In Western Europe, the Aires penetrated much later, in the XV-XVI centuries, from Turkey.

In the East, Air is a herb of wisdom, many legends have been written about it. It was believed that if a newborn is allowed to suck the root of air, he will be a sage, he will win in all endeavors. The girl will grow up to be a beautiful woman, about whom more than one poem will be written.

All nations respect and honor the Aires. It is one of the most popular plants of Tibetan, Chinese, Indian, Russian medicine. In Chinese medical treatises wrote: “His rhizome tastes burning, the action is warm, warming, strongly affects the stomach, intestines, a man gives strength for the night and rest during the day.”

Persians and Arabs potion It was used as an aphrodisiac - a means that increases attraction to the opposite sex. In China, the leaves of the aira are still attributed mystical properties, their bundles are placed by the bed, driving away evil spirits.


The specific aroma of the rhizome was the reason that the marsh air was widely used in the food industry. It served as a substitute for expensive imported spices: bay leaf, cinnamon and ginger.

Today, many appreciate the presence of aira in sweet dishes, fruit soups and salads, confectionery, bread. From it, tea is prepared, stimulating appetite, reducing heartburn and stimulating the activity of the gallbladder. In candied form, air is considered an expensive delicacy in Turkey.

In all parts of the plant tannins are found. In rhizome up to 5 percent essential oil, alkaloid calamine, resins, gum, starch, ascorbic acid, bitter glycoside acorin, choline, disterols and mucus.

Essential oil is a thick yellow liquid of a pleasant smell and a spicy bitter taste; its main components are pinene, camphor, Borneol, Camphen, Kalamen, sesquiterpene alcohol, the carrier of the smell is azarin aldehyde.

The taste of the rhizome is bitter-scorching, tart, spicy, strong, pleasantly spicy. Due to the presence of such a number of different substances, air finds application in folk and official medicine, pharmaceutical, perfumery, food industry, in cosmetics.

It has been established that drugs from ordinary aira have antispasmodic, vasodilating, antimicrobial, analgesic, astringent, enveloping, sedative, hemostatic, diuretic and tonic properties.

In official medicine, preparations with rhizome powder of aira are prescribed to patients for the treatment of peptic ulcer ("Vikaline" and "Vikair"), and with aira oil - for the prevention and therapy of renal stone disease ("Enatin", "Olimetine").

Application in folk medicine decoction of Tatar potion has a beneficial effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, treats diarrhea, flatulence, colic and even food poisoning. Useful infusion of aira to improve the separation of bile, liver and bile ducts.


Infusion of vodka is taken with symptoms of colds and infectious diseases, from cough. Air lowers the temperature, translates dry cough attacks into productive ones.

Powder from dried rhizomes invigorates, improves memory, cures seizures and neurasthenia. What does the crushed root do? They can powder long non-healing skin lesions.

Benefits of Aira
  1. Air marsh for male potency
    Air tones the reproductive system in men. The plant stimulates the production of ejaculate, the erection becomes longer and more stable. The root in the form of decoctions, tea and tinctures improves the composition of sperm and accelerates the fertilization process. Often becomes one of the components of the treatment of male infertility.

  2. For teeth and gums
    Tincture of aira root with propolis for teeth is one of the best remedies for constant pain. Gargling for 5-7 minutes with a decoction of rhizomes several times a day replaces dental treatment with painkillers. Air relieves inflammation of the gums, eliminates bad breath. Powder from the root of aira helps with purulent and ulcerative lesions, for example, stomatitis.

  3. For sight.
    In folk medicine, tincture from the root of aira and calendula is common for vision. The recipe is actually effective: herbs, thanks to nutrients, strengthen and nourish the retina, reduce eye pressure, relieve eye fatigue, normalize blood circulation and the composition of tear fluid.


  4. To quit smoking
    How to take air from smoking? The easiest option is to chew a small piece of rhizome when you want to die again. It replaces drugs designed to reduce cravings for smoking. A decoction of Tatar potion is also used in combination with mint.
  5. For weight loss
    The decoction of aira is a popular means for weight loss. Strengthen the effect helps mint, crutch bark and nettle. The drink is drunk before each main meal of half a glass. Also, teas and decoctions are indicated for tuberculosis, renal and liver diseases.
  6. In liver disease, cholecystitis
    Alcoholic tincture of aira is used, you need to drink 10–30 drops 3 times a day. The same tincture is recommended as a tonic that improves well-being, vision and hearing.
  7. Against hair loss
    Infusion of a mixture of crushed rhizomes of aira, burdock root, calendula flowers and hop cones (1 tablespoon) per 1 liter of water moisten hair at night (2-3 times a week).


The drugs we buy at the pharmacy are often harmful to health and lead to severe side effects. Fortunately, Mother Nature has provided us with plants and herbs, the application of which yields amazing results.

These 5 medicinal herbs with analgesic effect are much better than tablets. They are no worse than conventional drugs and have no side effects! Of course, if you take them in moderation. Share this useful article with your friends, take care of their health!


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