These natural remedies will save even the most damaged hair
Healing potions for hair - thin, brittle, damaged
All women with any hair color, extracts from medicinal herbs for hair can significantly help to treat hair at any time of the year, protecting them from unnecessary breakage and damage. If the hair is subjected to smoothing, coloring, chemical procedures they need in addition to the extra special care. The more of these sessions was the more degraded the structure of hair. Moreover, a thorough needs care. And in this case, the herbal medicinal tinctures for hair can provide an invaluable service in the restoration of the shell of the hair shaft.
The main reasons for the bad condition of the hair can be:
- Unhealthy diet,
- Hormonal insufficiency,
- Backcombing,
- Hot drying,
- The use of low-quality detergents,
- The use of poor quality combs and brushes,
- Sun and dry wind,
-. Hats in winter
To prevent deterioration of the condition of hair, be sure to lovingly take care of them, make medical masks, body wraps, wraps, healing salves and tinctures for gargling.
Infusions hair, refined after staining
herbs and boiled water is used for cooking healthful infusions (1 liter).
Mint + daisy + horsetail
Green peppermint, horsetail and chamomile, oak bark (for stol.lozhke). Herbal mix well, pour hot boiling water and set aside aside for infusion solution (up to half an hour), then carefully strain through a sieve.
Use the infusion to rinse clean volos.nastoy chamomile
Tansy + calendula
The utensils for boiling measure out an equal amount of (for stol.lozhke) herbal tansy and calendula. Pour boiling water the grass, put on a little fire to half an hour. Remove from heat, infuse one hour previously covered with a lid. Currently the filtered solution to rinse clean hair.
Chamomile + birch
Gathering of birch leaves and lilies flower clusters (on stol.lozhke) pour hot boiled water and leave for two hours under a sealed lid. Strained solution is rubbed into the scalp clean. Finish by rinsing the hair procedure cool slightly acidified vodoy.nastoi from birch leaves
Juniper + sage
Mix the herbs (for stol.lozhke), pour boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour. Strained solution used to rinse clean already washed hair.
Olive oil + celandine
For procedures to use the tincture of celandine (0, 5 cups), which is mixed with one cup of olive oil. The oil solution is rubbed into the hair roots before washing for 10 minutes, then wash with detergent.
Chamomile + sage
Chamomile and sage color (for stol.lozhke) pour hot boiled water, put in a cool place (preferably dark) for infusion under a cover for 20 minutes. Filtered solution to rinse clean hair.
Mint + calendula
For therapeutic use the mixture leaves of peppermint and calendula flowers (on stol.lozhke). Mix the herbs, pour hot water and leave in a secluded place for insisting on forty minutes. Filtered solution to moisten the hair before washing, wrap them with cling film and a warm towel to keep warm. Rinse the usual detergent in half an hour.
Burdock + hops + + sage chamomile
Average hops, medicinal chamomile, burdock and sage folded into a container (for stol.lozhke). Cover with water, to simmer with the lid on low heat for ten minutes and infuse for half an hour. Filtered solution to moisten washed hair, wrap head with polyethylene and towel for one hour, then rinse with warm water without using detergents.
Infusions for hair damaged
Tincture mother and stepmother
Flower-leaf collection with the addition of the stems and even roots of plants fill one liter of hot water and leave for half an hour infusion. The filtered solution to moisten the cloth, which lubricate the skin from hair roots, carefully separating the hair parted in the middle.
This infusion will help to soften, disinfect and eliminate the inflammation of the skin of the head. It strengthens the hair, treats dandruff and dry hair volos.Nastoi recovery
Tincture "Herbal bouquet»
Preparing of the most affordable, at the same time the most useful herbs for hair: drug chamomile, nettle, the usual sage, oregano and leaf tea (on stol.lozhke). All mixed in a separate container, add 1, 5 sto.lozhki green tea and pour boiling water (1 liter). Boil for fifteen minutes under the lid closed, it is advisable not to open fire, and in a water bath. Strained solution to cool slightly, add the crumb black bread (300 grams) and carefully rubbed in the root hair zone. To keep the heat wrap hair and wrap a towel for half an hour. Rinse with soft water (you can add chayn.lozhku soda).
This infusion helps to strengthen hair after the "chemistry" and staining.
Hair Infusions - firming and smoothing
To the mixture is necessary to prepare: burdock leaves (can be dried and fresh cut) - 30 grams, heather - 20 grams, the leaves of green tea - 10 grams, water - 1, 5 liters
. To begin to fill a mug and heather in a separate bowl with hot water, boil for ten minutes on low heat, covered lid. Separately, pour boiling water (1 liter) of green tea leaves and leave for insisting on ten minutes. Mix the two solutions and used for rinsing hair washed clean. Head wrap a warm towel for half an hour, and then the hair is easy to comb.
The effect of the procedure is noticeable after repeated - three times a week for 15 days. Then make for the same length of time a break and repeat again if necessary.
Infusion for hair loss
Celandine + mug + nettles
The herbal celandine, nettle and burdock can also be added, and the roots of burdock (four stol.lozhki), mix, pour boiling water and put on a small fire for half an hour. Filtered solution to rinse hair after each shampooing. These procedures will help to strengthen hair. They cease to be brittle and fall out. infusion of nettle
To care for themselves, for their hair, using medicinal herbs and their healing power.
All women with any hair color, extracts from medicinal herbs for hair can significantly help to treat hair at any time of the year, protecting them from unnecessary breakage and damage. If the hair is subjected to smoothing, coloring, chemical procedures they need in addition to the extra special care. The more of these sessions was the more degraded the structure of hair. Moreover, a thorough needs care. And in this case, the herbal medicinal tinctures for hair can provide an invaluable service in the restoration of the shell of the hair shaft.

The main reasons for the bad condition of the hair can be:
- Unhealthy diet,
- Hormonal insufficiency,
- Backcombing,
- Hot drying,
- The use of low-quality detergents,
- The use of poor quality combs and brushes,
- Sun and dry wind,
-. Hats in winter
To prevent deterioration of the condition of hair, be sure to lovingly take care of them, make medical masks, body wraps, wraps, healing salves and tinctures for gargling.

Infusions hair, refined after staining
herbs and boiled water is used for cooking healthful infusions (1 liter).
Mint + daisy + horsetail
Green peppermint, horsetail and chamomile, oak bark (for stol.lozhke). Herbal mix well, pour hot boiling water and set aside aside for infusion solution (up to half an hour), then carefully strain through a sieve.
Use the infusion to rinse clean volos.nastoy chamomile
Tansy + calendula
The utensils for boiling measure out an equal amount of (for stol.lozhke) herbal tansy and calendula. Pour boiling water the grass, put on a little fire to half an hour. Remove from heat, infuse one hour previously covered with a lid. Currently the filtered solution to rinse clean hair.
Chamomile + birch
Gathering of birch leaves and lilies flower clusters (on stol.lozhke) pour hot boiled water and leave for two hours under a sealed lid. Strained solution is rubbed into the scalp clean. Finish by rinsing the hair procedure cool slightly acidified vodoy.nastoi from birch leaves
Juniper + sage
Mix the herbs (for stol.lozhke), pour boiling water, leave to infuse for half an hour. Strained solution used to rinse clean already washed hair.
Olive oil + celandine
For procedures to use the tincture of celandine (0, 5 cups), which is mixed with one cup of olive oil. The oil solution is rubbed into the hair roots before washing for 10 minutes, then wash with detergent.
Chamomile + sage
Chamomile and sage color (for stol.lozhke) pour hot boiled water, put in a cool place (preferably dark) for infusion under a cover for 20 minutes. Filtered solution to rinse clean hair.
Mint + calendula
For therapeutic use the mixture leaves of peppermint and calendula flowers (on stol.lozhke). Mix the herbs, pour hot water and leave in a secluded place for insisting on forty minutes. Filtered solution to moisten the hair before washing, wrap them with cling film and a warm towel to keep warm. Rinse the usual detergent in half an hour.
Burdock + hops + + sage chamomile
Average hops, medicinal chamomile, burdock and sage folded into a container (for stol.lozhke). Cover with water, to simmer with the lid on low heat for ten minutes and infuse for half an hour. Filtered solution to moisten washed hair, wrap head with polyethylene and towel for one hour, then rinse with warm water without using detergents.
Infusions for hair damaged
Tincture mother and stepmother
Flower-leaf collection with the addition of the stems and even roots of plants fill one liter of hot water and leave for half an hour infusion. The filtered solution to moisten the cloth, which lubricate the skin from hair roots, carefully separating the hair parted in the middle.
This infusion will help to soften, disinfect and eliminate the inflammation of the skin of the head. It strengthens the hair, treats dandruff and dry hair volos.Nastoi recovery
Tincture "Herbal bouquet»
Preparing of the most affordable, at the same time the most useful herbs for hair: drug chamomile, nettle, the usual sage, oregano and leaf tea (on stol.lozhke). All mixed in a separate container, add 1, 5 sto.lozhki green tea and pour boiling water (1 liter). Boil for fifteen minutes under the lid closed, it is advisable not to open fire, and in a water bath. Strained solution to cool slightly, add the crumb black bread (300 grams) and carefully rubbed in the root hair zone. To keep the heat wrap hair and wrap a towel for half an hour. Rinse with soft water (you can add chayn.lozhku soda).
This infusion helps to strengthen hair after the "chemistry" and staining.
Hair Infusions - firming and smoothing
To the mixture is necessary to prepare: burdock leaves (can be dried and fresh cut) - 30 grams, heather - 20 grams, the leaves of green tea - 10 grams, water - 1, 5 liters
. To begin to fill a mug and heather in a separate bowl with hot water, boil for ten minutes on low heat, covered lid. Separately, pour boiling water (1 liter) of green tea leaves and leave for insisting on ten minutes. Mix the two solutions and used for rinsing hair washed clean. Head wrap a warm towel for half an hour, and then the hair is easy to comb.
The effect of the procedure is noticeable after repeated - three times a week for 15 days. Then make for the same length of time a break and repeat again if necessary.
Infusion for hair loss
Celandine + mug + nettles
The herbal celandine, nettle and burdock can also be added, and the roots of burdock (four stol.lozhki), mix, pour boiling water and put on a small fire for half an hour. Filtered solution to rinse hair after each shampooing. These procedures will help to strengthen hair. They cease to be brittle and fall out. infusion of nettle
To care for themselves, for their hair, using medicinal herbs and their healing power.
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