What herbs can not be carried into the house

In 2020, Holy Trinity Day falls on June 7. Nana Trinity Housewives bring cleanliness to the house and prepare various dishes, and also decorate the housing with fresh branches of plants and fragrant herbs. This is due to the pagan holiday Green Christmas, with which Christian beliefs are closely intertwined. It is believed that on this day comes summer and everything around is green in full force.

According to folk tradition, it is customary to collect and sanctify grass and bouquets of wild flowers in the temple, and then put them in the house near the icons. They used to believe that Trinity consecrated herbs They protect the house from fire, do not allow to start in the house of evil spirits.

The herbs collected on the Trinity can be used to get rid of various problems. The power of healing plants these days increases and acquires special properties.

I decided for myself that this year I will bring to the church not an armful of grass, but a beautiful bouquet that I want to make with my own hands. The grandmother at the temple said, “If someone gets sick, they are treated with these herbs!” He added that not all plants are suitable for this. Some, even more so, categorically can not be carried into the house.

Today's edition. "Site" I will tell you, dear reader, what herbs you can and can not. collect.

What herbs can be included in the Trinity bouquet for consecration
  1. Thyme (thyme)
    This plant gives people strength and peace of mind. In the old days, thyme was dried and put in pillows - for a sound sleep. Women sewed dried thyme with incense and gave to her husband: it was believed that he soothes violent temper.

  2. airir
    All nations respect and honor the Aires. It is one of the most popular plants of Tibetan, Chinese, Indian, Russian medicine. In Chinese medical treatises wrote: “His rhizome tastes burning, the action is warm, warming, strongly affects the digestive tract, gives a man strength for night and rest during the day.” The stems of the marsh aira were scattered on the floor in all rooms. It attracts good spirits to the house, cleanses the house and strengthens the health of the inhabitants, brings luck, wealth, mental balance and reliably protects from troubles.

  3. Pigs
    Pigma is considered a herb-amulet. Our ancestors believed that if you wear its leaves, you will not be afraid of any love spells and evil eye.

  4. Vasils
    The easiest thing is to buy a bouquet of cornflowers for Trinity. It's season time! Not only will such a bouquet look very beautiful in the house, but it also works as a talisman. It drives away all evil. And young and single girls so generally need cornflowers to carry always with you to finally get acquainted with your betrothed.

  5. Mint and melissa
    It smells good, and then you can make tea. Very convenient grass to go with her to the Trinity church. And the smell of mint and melissa scares away evil spirits and evil spirits. Tea based on these herbs calms the nervous system and normalizes the work of the digestive tract.

  6. Lover
    The lover was sewn from the backside into the hem of the wedding dress (so that the spouse passionately loved his soul mate) and worn as a talisman from any kind of witchcraft and spoilage. This plant was traditionally considered a talisman of love, a female herb. Drinks and teas from a lubricant are a great cleanser. Fresh leaves can relieve the headache, applying a slightly rubbed leaf to the forehead.

  7. Wormwood
    Smoke dry wormwood advised to fumigate the dwelling before the house, and then attached a bunch of grass above the front door so that the house did not get dashing and unclean forces. And the traveler who hides a leaf of wormwood in his shoe will not know fatigue. If you look through a bundle of wormwood at the flames of the fire lit in honor of the summer solstice, then the whole year will be good vision.

However, under no circumstances should bouquet The blue head is flat (it is also a blue thorn, blue thistle), thistle and villi! People also believe that plants with thorns - to quarrels in the family. The curly plants and branches ate to the one who flew to heaven in the house, and the berries of rosehip to long ailments.

“Burdocks, all kinds of weeds and bare dried-up branches will not work either!” the village elder told me. Also, you do not need to tear plants near the road or near the cemetery or church.

The Trinity Editorial Board has always been one of my favorite holidays, from a very early age. I was always looking forward to this day and constantly asked my grandmother if 50 days had passed since Easter. This holiday was always filled with joy and gave warmth.

I suggest you know what prayers to say on the Trinity. You can choose any or read everything, you can go to church or pray at home before the icon of the Trinity. What matters is not the place, but your thoughts when you say a prayer.

My grandmother even has her own tradition: she and her friend, who has been in retirement for 5 years, gather the day before the holiday at one of them at home and knit bouquets on Trinity. And their enterprising neighbor has been selling these at the temple for the third year.

Tell us in the comments if you are buying ready-made trinity Or you pick herbs yourself.

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