What herbs can not be brought into the house on Trinity
In 2021, the bright Trinity holiday falls on June 20. As we look forward to an important day for all Christians, What do they do on Trinity?. Today's edition. "Site" It will tell you from which herbs you can make a green wreath or bouquet. And you will also learn what plants are better not to carry into the house and what actions should be abandoned.
On the eve of the Holy Trinity, the hostess cleans the houses and prepare delicious treats for the whole family. Cleaning the apartment on the day of the holiday is prohibited. Similarly, you can not work in the garden and do needlework. For example, do not embroidery, weave beads or knit.
In addition, weddings are not played on this day, but it is allowed to marry. Also, do not swim in lakes, rivers or seas. And, of course, on such a bright day you can not be angry, swear and quarrel.
Following the folk tradition, people collect various herbs, consecrate them in the church, and then put them near home icons. Consecrated plants become a kind of amulet. They protect the house from fire and all evil. And Trinity herbs have healing power. With their help, you can get rid of pressing problems.
But from what herbs can you make a bouquet or wreath? Not every plant is suitable for this. Incorrectly selected herbs can cause trouble, so be very careful. We will certainly help you in this!
What herbs can be carried into the house on Trinity
What herbs don't fit If you're going to make a Trinity bouquet or wreath, don't use it. bluehead flat, thistle and squirrel. In general, any plants with spines are prohibited. It is believed that they will lead to quarrels and disagreements. Plants that curl, as well as spruce branches can cause trouble and grief. And rosehip is a serious ailment.
Not suitable for a bouquet of all weeds and burdocks. It is also important that the grass is collected in a good place. Bypass the roads and the cemetery. Plants cannot be harvested near churches.
Along with other plants, you can not bring a willow to the church. Although this is a very light plant that brings good, breaking its branches on the Trinity is forbidden. Moreover, the faith has already given all its strength and grace on Palm Sunday.
What do they do on Trinity: from the editorial office, Spend a bright Trinity holiday with your family. If you have the opportunity, be sure to go to church for service. Remember that you can also pray at home. We share a useful article on this topic.
Tell me in the comments, how is it customary to spend Trinity Day in your family? Do you buy ready-made bouquets or make them with your own hands?
On the eve of the Holy Trinity, the hostess cleans the houses and prepare delicious treats for the whole family. Cleaning the apartment on the day of the holiday is prohibited. Similarly, you can not work in the garden and do needlework. For example, do not embroidery, weave beads or knit.

In addition, weddings are not played on this day, but it is allowed to marry. Also, do not swim in lakes, rivers or seas. And, of course, on such a bright day you can not be angry, swear and quarrel.
Following the folk tradition, people collect various herbs, consecrate them in the church, and then put them near home icons. Consecrated plants become a kind of amulet. They protect the house from fire and all evil. And Trinity herbs have healing power. With their help, you can get rid of pressing problems.
But from what herbs can you make a bouquet or wreath? Not every plant is suitable for this. Incorrectly selected herbs can cause trouble, so be very careful. We will certainly help you in this!
What herbs can be carried into the house on Trinity
- In the Trinity bouquet you can add a bright pygmy. In ancient times, people carried the leaves of this plant with them. They believed that tanning would save them from any spell and evil eye.
- Thyme (thyme) It is a symbol of peace of mind. He gives people special power. Once this grass was dried and put in pillows. It was believed that sleep would be stronger and healthier. Also, dried thyme was placed in incense worn by men. So they could control their temper.
- trinity cornice. Blessed flowers will serve you as a talisman: they drive away evil spirits from home. By the way, it is also believed that cornflowers can help single girls and women find their love.
- Noble Air popular in Russian, Chinese, Indian and Tibetan medicine. This plant has a strong warming property. It is especially beneficial for men’s health. Scattering the stems of aira on the floor, you will clean the house of negative energy, strengthen the health of all households, attract luck and wealth. You will also protect yourself from all evils and find peace of mind.
- Trinity is consecrated in the church peppermint. Then they can simply be added to the tea, which will calm and relax. By the way, these plants also scare away evil spirits and protect the house.
- Many folk traditions are associated with wormwood. For example, once dry grass was set on fire and fumigated with it a new home. Bundle of wormwood They clung to the door to bring good luck to the house. If a stranger puts a leaf of a plant in his shoe, he will not be afraid of fatigue. Of course, this plant can be added to the Trinity bouquet.
- Sweetheart - a charm of love. It is called the female herb, which was once used as a protection against spoilage and magic. The plant is added to various teas and decoctions: they cleanse the body. A fresh leaf of a lover can relieve a headache. It is enough to rub it slightly and apply it to the forehead.
What herbs don't fit If you're going to make a Trinity bouquet or wreath, don't use it. bluehead flat, thistle and squirrel. In general, any plants with spines are prohibited. It is believed that they will lead to quarrels and disagreements. Plants that curl, as well as spruce branches can cause trouble and grief. And rosehip is a serious ailment.
Not suitable for a bouquet of all weeds and burdocks. It is also important that the grass is collected in a good place. Bypass the roads and the cemetery. Plants cannot be harvested near churches.

Along with other plants, you can not bring a willow to the church. Although this is a very light plant that brings good, breaking its branches on the Trinity is forbidden. Moreover, the faith has already given all its strength and grace on Palm Sunday.
What do they do on Trinity: from the editorial office, Spend a bright Trinity holiday with your family. If you have the opportunity, be sure to go to church for service. Remember that you can also pray at home. We share a useful article on this topic.
Tell me in the comments, how is it customary to spend Trinity Day in your family? Do you buy ready-made bouquets or make them with your own hands?
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