How to celebrate Holy Trinity Day on June 12, 2022 according to all the rules
Trinity is one of the most important Orthodox holidays. On this day, believers celebrate the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. The Trinity is also called Pentecost, as the holiday is celebrated on the 50th day after the celebration of Easter. In 2022, the Orthodox Church celebrates Trinity Day on June 12, as Orthodox Christians celebrated Easter on April 24. Today the editors will tell you how to prepare for the holiday and how to celebrate it.
Peels Trinity Day in 2022, Jesus Christ in the New Testament foreshadowed the appearance of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. The Trinity is also called Pentecost. On the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles in the upper room of Zion: And there appeared to them dividing tongues, and they rested one in each of them. And all were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to proclaim. Thus the mystery of God was revealed to the believers – the existence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in one person.
The disciples of Jesus Christ decided to establish a feast in honor of the Holy Trinity. On this day they learned to prophesy and heal people. They spoke different languages to spread the word of God. The holiday was officially established in 381. This year, the second Ecumenical Council was convened in Constantinople, at which the doctrine of the Trinity was formulated. The holiday is still considered the birthday of the Church, as the apostles were able to preach about the great works of God throughout the world, being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Traditions of the Trinity A few days before the holiday, it is customary to put in order the housing and yard. On the Trinity you can not clean, sew, wash and do any homework. On Saturday in front of the Trinity, it is customary to commemorate deceased relatives and visit cemeteries. People come to the cemetery to clean the graves and decorate them with flowers.
So, 2 days before the holiday, it is necessary not only to make a general cleaning, but also to free your home from unnecessary things. On the eve of the holiday, the hostess bake homemade bread and prepare festive dishes. Any physical work on holiday is not considered a sin. But home care should not distract from the main essence of the holiday. It is forbidden to curse the Trinity and swear.
On Trinity Day, it is customary to attend worship in the temple. Traditionally, the service consists of the Divine Liturgy and the Great Supper. Field flowers and branches decorate the floors of the temple, houses where God is glorified. On this holiday, prayers are read: “To the Holy Spirit”, “To the Most Holy Trinity”, “To the Descent of the Holy Spirit”.
Pentecost is not a fast day, it is customary to arrange a feast and invite all your close friends and relatives to the celebration. In Russia, the Trinity was decided to marry. It is believed that if you get married on this day, and the wedding to play on Pokrov, the young will have a happy family life.
The weather on the Trinity used to determine what the harvest would be. If it rains on this day, the summer will be warm and we will enjoy a good harvest. A bad omen is the hot weather, which portends a dry summer.
Prayer to the Holy Spirit is the most famous prayer read on the Trinity: “To the King of Heaven, the Comforter, the Soul of Truth.” Who is everywhere and doing everything, the Treasure of the Good and of Life to the Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us of all impurity, and save, O God, our souls. Amen.
This prayer can be read at any time when a person is anxious, needs support or starts a new business. The priests say that the Holy Spirit is not only in the church, it is in every believing Christian. There is no faith without the Holy Spirit.
If you are anxious, in a moment of anxiety, recite a prayer to the Holy Spirit with fear and anxiety: “Holy Soul!” Fill the whole universe with yourself, and give life to all, but leave the wicked man. I humbly pray that you do not abhor the uncleanness of my soul, but come and dwell in me and cleanse me of all sinful defilement. May I help you to live the rest of my life in repentance and good works, and I will glorify you with the Father and the Son forever and ever. Amen.

Peels Trinity Day in 2022, Jesus Christ in the New Testament foreshadowed the appearance of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. The Trinity is also called Pentecost. On the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit appeared to the apostles in the upper room of Zion: And there appeared to them dividing tongues, and they rested one in each of them. And all were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in other tongues, as the Spirit gave them to proclaim. Thus the mystery of God was revealed to the believers – the existence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in one person.

The disciples of Jesus Christ decided to establish a feast in honor of the Holy Trinity. On this day they learned to prophesy and heal people. They spoke different languages to spread the word of God. The holiday was officially established in 381. This year, the second Ecumenical Council was convened in Constantinople, at which the doctrine of the Trinity was formulated. The holiday is still considered the birthday of the Church, as the apostles were able to preach about the great works of God throughout the world, being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Traditions of the Trinity A few days before the holiday, it is customary to put in order the housing and yard. On the Trinity you can not clean, sew, wash and do any homework. On Saturday in front of the Trinity, it is customary to commemorate deceased relatives and visit cemeteries. People come to the cemetery to clean the graves and decorate them with flowers.
So, 2 days before the holiday, it is necessary not only to make a general cleaning, but also to free your home from unnecessary things. On the eve of the holiday, the hostess bake homemade bread and prepare festive dishes. Any physical work on holiday is not considered a sin. But home care should not distract from the main essence of the holiday. It is forbidden to curse the Trinity and swear.

On Trinity Day, it is customary to attend worship in the temple. Traditionally, the service consists of the Divine Liturgy and the Great Supper. Field flowers and branches decorate the floors of the temple, houses where God is glorified. On this holiday, prayers are read: “To the Holy Spirit”, “To the Most Holy Trinity”, “To the Descent of the Holy Spirit”.

Pentecost is not a fast day, it is customary to arrange a feast and invite all your close friends and relatives to the celebration. In Russia, the Trinity was decided to marry. It is believed that if you get married on this day, and the wedding to play on Pokrov, the young will have a happy family life.
The weather on the Trinity used to determine what the harvest would be. If it rains on this day, the summer will be warm and we will enjoy a good harvest. A bad omen is the hot weather, which portends a dry summer.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit is the most famous prayer read on the Trinity: “To the King of Heaven, the Comforter, the Soul of Truth.” Who is everywhere and doing everything, the Treasure of the Good and of Life to the Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us of all impurity, and save, O God, our souls. Amen.
This prayer can be read at any time when a person is anxious, needs support or starts a new business. The priests say that the Holy Spirit is not only in the church, it is in every believing Christian. There is no faith without the Holy Spirit.
If you are anxious, in a moment of anxiety, recite a prayer to the Holy Spirit with fear and anxiety: “Holy Soul!” Fill the whole universe with yourself, and give life to all, but leave the wicked man. I humbly pray that you do not abhor the uncleanness of my soul, but come and dwell in me and cleanse me of all sinful defilement. May I help you to live the rest of my life in repentance and good works, and I will glorify you with the Father and the Son forever and ever. Amen.
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