Legends. Experienced
Coward, Bobby and Morgunov. Why is a famous actor fell out with Gaidai
15 years ago on June 25 was not the experienced trio of magnificent gaydaevskih heroes.
"About Morgunov been a lot of ridiculous rumors and gossip. And forget what he brought to the art of Sergei Bondarchuk, knocked flat opposite the Kremlin for Bronevoi and was ready to help anyone, "- said" AIF "friend Vladimir Eugene Morgunov Zuckerman.
- Morgunov was a straightforward man, chopped plain truth in the face. Quarreled with the Ministry of Culture - because of this he was not given the next rank, and died Morgounov deserved, not the People's Artist. It is expunged from kinoslovarey refused to shoot. We remember Yevgeny Morgunov only on the role of the experienced, and because he has a filmography of more than 100 roles! Yes, he battered the role of gendarmes, fascists, policemen, some thugs. And he could play Churchill - have fotoproby Morgunov for this role. Shpalikov wrote for him the role of the poet Demian poor, but it did not grow together.
It is said that during the filming of the last movie gaydaevskogo where featured the famous trio - "Caucasian captive" - Gaidai so quarreled with Morgunov that drove him directly during the filming and since then have not talked to him.
- Their conflict occurred because of nonsense, - says Vladimir Zuckerman (according to one version, Morgunov ill behaved to view the captured fragments of the film, which for some reason brought their fans. - Ed.). - After that Gaidai shot in the "Caucasian captive" instead Morgunov only doubles - refrigerator has not carried it, driving on the mountain Ai-Petri, too, was understudy. Gaidai me he then said: "Bondarchuk brought me Morgunov tolerated. Why put up with? I do not want this man to me does not exist ».
After three Gaidai tried to "revive" the other directors - Eldar Ryazanov in "Give plaintive book" and Karelia in the "Seven Old Men and a Girl," but that was not it.
All in the family
- Eugene Morgunov was not a poor man - continues Vladimir Zuckerman. - He lived in a four room apartment on Krasnoproletarskaya street in the center of Moscow. He had a wonderful family - two children, his wife Natalia, who idolized him. They married in 1962. Prior to that, he lived with Morgunov ballerina Barbara Ryabtseva, who was 10 years his senior. Communication with Ryabtseva he did not stop even after marriage. When she was quite aged, caring for her, wore medicines, foods. Spouse is not jealous, it was a wise woman. (Incidentally, this Morgounov to some extent the same fate as George Vitsin. Vitsin at the time his wife has withdrawn from his teacher Nikolai Khmelev, People's Artist of the USSR. Vitsin was then 19 years old, and his beloved - '34.)
And was a great family man Morgunov. All dragged into the family. Came to the director of the shop "Ocean" in the period of shortages and said: "5 jars of caviar, 5 - red caviar and 10 cans of crab." Director wondered: "Why so many?" Morgunov shrugged his shoulders: "We Vitsin 4 days birthday." - "Do you know, a week ago came Vitsin and said the same thing about you ...»
About Morgunov now say a lot of bad things - saying that he had connections with the crime; that he envied more relevant colleagues, because his name was on a serious role seldom and own scenarios in which he wanted to resurrect the three "Coward - Goonies - Experienced" wrapped; that a lot of drinks and bust, Brawler; which may, for no reason at all to send a man to the known address. But few remember that sometimes he was ready to break the cake to help someone. Once the New Year Morgounov Star team gathered and went to Butyrskaya - there sat the son of his friend, journalist Henry Sechkina. The actors gave a free concert, and only guy moved in double chamber of the terrible conditions - in the crowded chamber detainees could only stand and slept in shifts of 2 hours. Morgunov with Yakubovich went somewhere in the Far East disembarrass man from prison. He was always so - as something to Professor VGIK, the famous director Sergei Gerasimov then walked over to anyone not yet known student Yevgeny Morgunov asking: "Sergei Apollinarievich look soldier!" Gerasimov dismissively: "What soldier? Set is finished! "-" Well, look, listen, let him read anything. It's 5 minutes! "Gerasimov mercy, listened to - and took the soldier without examination. This soldier was Sergey Bondarchuk.
The armor is Morgounov knocked flat opposite the Kremlin. Someone's children helped to organize in kindergarten, who is trying to place in the hospital, someone brought food. Once Oleg took Anofrieva law. Morgunov learned about it and says Anofrieva: "Let's go to the head of traffic police. He is currently 50 years old, congratulate and resolve the issue. " Anofriev refused: "What are you, Jack, do not." But Morgounov insisted. And they came to the head of traffic police in Moscow, in his waiting room were already the mountain flowers. Morgunov snatched from the vase is the best bouquet and walked into the office. After 15 minutes, the rights were in the hands of Anofrieva.
Vitsin forbade his daughter Natasha free to come to the circus to Nikulin, only on tickets already purchased. Morgunov same pass-subscribed for 2 persons, then paint on yedinichku and held 12 people in the lodge management.
Pet wives
Morgunov loved teasing friends, colleagues and passers-by.
- Once he got hold of somewhere red "crust", went on the tram, checking tickets, - says Vladimir Zuckerman. - At the stop sometimes take his horn trolley and said first that fell "on, hold what you stand ?!" That, of course, kept thinking that Morgunov - the driver. A Morgounov crossed to the other side and watched. At this time, the real driver already knew that something was wrong, out of the cab and scolded "the Mother," the one who grabbed the horn.
When Morgunov was still young, handsome, his wife loved generals. Once at a banquet a few ladies stuck to him: "Well, Jack, well, cut off a small piece of cake." - "I do not want to!" - "Oh, please!" Then he cut off a small piece, left him, and the rest of the cake took and carried away.
Loved teasing cops. One goes to the "Lada" specially spun into oncoming traffic, it is, of course, stopped. Then Morgounov policeman shouted: "Attention!" He saluted. Morgunov asked: "Well, violated?" - "Violated." - "At ease! I decided to check out your vigilance. " And went on. On another occasion, when the policeman stopped Morgunov, lowers the glass and says, "Come here, my dear! On, shake hands Morgunov, go out the back and Vitsin Nikulin. Shooting! "Guardsman even dropped the baton from the hands.
He Hochma, pun, play the fool, but he was incredibly intelligent and well-read man. Could play without music of Brahms, Chopin, Shostakovich. When I was a presentation of the Museum of the three actors, I dictated the address and Morgunov Nikulin: "Coming into the street Gen. Berzarina ..." Nikulin asked, "And who is this Berzarin?" And then Morgounov began to tell the whole biography of General - where he was born, on the whom he was married, where he studied on what fronts fought.
Before the tour, he first studied the history of the city, which was supposed to go. Cemetery, markets and regional museums - the first three places where he went, getting acquainted with the local sights. Once after a concert in Kemerovo machine that sent for actors, was late. All are to be interested in each other, "Who are we lucky?" Morgunov, without asking anything, suddenly pointed to the first man from a car parked at the concert stage: "But the driver!" The man embarrassed: "Well, of course'll take. What conversation? "" Chauffeur "was a KGB colonel of the department for combating organized crime in the higher echelons of power.
Once Morgounov arrived in Gorky region, called immediately to the administration: "you greetings from Alexei Kosygin. This Morgunov, folk artist, member of the Bundestag. After me will come to you on a tour Vitsin and Nikulin, I'll take care. Tomorrow at 10 am, please, that there are no complications, brought three spetspayki - me, Vitsin and Nikulin. I will report to you about who should. " At 10 am really brought soldering. And in the Far East Morgunov for participation in a concert presented the fish kilograms 8. He shook his head: "I have no right to take from you such an expensive gift, knowing that my friends and Vitsin Nikulin such fish will not." He even gave two fish. Nikulin then complained: "I wish we had brought a piece."
Yevgeny Morgunov liked to eat, loved the sweet, though all this, he was not. In his youth, he began diabetes, and of slim, handsome with a luxurious head of hair, he has become a big bald man.
- In fact, the food he could control himself, - said Vladimir Zuckerman. - In the wake Utesova glasses and did not drink, he said: "I have come to say goodbye to a friend, and not to drink and eat." And spent the whole evening, not a single gram drank, ate nothing. VGIK classmate Morgunov somehow draw a picture of the future. Morgunov was depicted solid complete man. Everyone laughed, but after a while it really became so - weighed 132 kg. At the end of his life diabetes completely knocked down and broke the death of his son so much that he began to lose weight again (youngest son Nicholas Morgunov was killed in 1998 in a car accident. My father will survive him only a year, moving this year's two heart attacks and stroke. - Ed .).
He had a diabetic foot, he limped out onto the stage in the shoe and slipper, said that on the set fell from his horse, injured his leg. It was all very sad, leg ached terribly, but nothing can be done.
15 years ago on June 25 was not the experienced trio of magnificent gaydaevskih heroes.
"About Morgunov been a lot of ridiculous rumors and gossip. And forget what he brought to the art of Sergei Bondarchuk, knocked flat opposite the Kremlin for Bronevoi and was ready to help anyone, "- said" AIF "friend Vladimir Eugene Morgunov Zuckerman.

- Morgunov was a straightforward man, chopped plain truth in the face. Quarreled with the Ministry of Culture - because of this he was not given the next rank, and died Morgounov deserved, not the People's Artist. It is expunged from kinoslovarey refused to shoot. We remember Yevgeny Morgunov only on the role of the experienced, and because he has a filmography of more than 100 roles! Yes, he battered the role of gendarmes, fascists, policemen, some thugs. And he could play Churchill - have fotoproby Morgunov for this role. Shpalikov wrote for him the role of the poet Demian poor, but it did not grow together.
It is said that during the filming of the last movie gaydaevskogo where featured the famous trio - "Caucasian captive" - Gaidai so quarreled with Morgunov that drove him directly during the filming and since then have not talked to him.
- Their conflict occurred because of nonsense, - says Vladimir Zuckerman (according to one version, Morgunov ill behaved to view the captured fragments of the film, which for some reason brought their fans. - Ed.). - After that Gaidai shot in the "Caucasian captive" instead Morgunov only doubles - refrigerator has not carried it, driving on the mountain Ai-Petri, too, was understudy. Gaidai me he then said: "Bondarchuk brought me Morgunov tolerated. Why put up with? I do not want this man to me does not exist ».
After three Gaidai tried to "revive" the other directors - Eldar Ryazanov in "Give plaintive book" and Karelia in the "Seven Old Men and a Girl," but that was not it.
All in the family
- Eugene Morgunov was not a poor man - continues Vladimir Zuckerman. - He lived in a four room apartment on Krasnoproletarskaya street in the center of Moscow. He had a wonderful family - two children, his wife Natalia, who idolized him. They married in 1962. Prior to that, he lived with Morgunov ballerina Barbara Ryabtseva, who was 10 years his senior. Communication with Ryabtseva he did not stop even after marriage. When she was quite aged, caring for her, wore medicines, foods. Spouse is not jealous, it was a wise woman. (Incidentally, this Morgounov to some extent the same fate as George Vitsin. Vitsin at the time his wife has withdrawn from his teacher Nikolai Khmelev, People's Artist of the USSR. Vitsin was then 19 years old, and his beloved - '34.)
And was a great family man Morgunov. All dragged into the family. Came to the director of the shop "Ocean" in the period of shortages and said: "5 jars of caviar, 5 - red caviar and 10 cans of crab." Director wondered: "Why so many?" Morgunov shrugged his shoulders: "We Vitsin 4 days birthday." - "Do you know, a week ago came Vitsin and said the same thing about you ...»
About Morgunov now say a lot of bad things - saying that he had connections with the crime; that he envied more relevant colleagues, because his name was on a serious role seldom and own scenarios in which he wanted to resurrect the three "Coward - Goonies - Experienced" wrapped; that a lot of drinks and bust, Brawler; which may, for no reason at all to send a man to the known address. But few remember that sometimes he was ready to break the cake to help someone. Once the New Year Morgounov Star team gathered and went to Butyrskaya - there sat the son of his friend, journalist Henry Sechkina. The actors gave a free concert, and only guy moved in double chamber of the terrible conditions - in the crowded chamber detainees could only stand and slept in shifts of 2 hours. Morgunov with Yakubovich went somewhere in the Far East disembarrass man from prison. He was always so - as something to Professor VGIK, the famous director Sergei Gerasimov then walked over to anyone not yet known student Yevgeny Morgunov asking: "Sergei Apollinarievich look soldier!" Gerasimov dismissively: "What soldier? Set is finished! "-" Well, look, listen, let him read anything. It's 5 minutes! "Gerasimov mercy, listened to - and took the soldier without examination. This soldier was Sergey Bondarchuk.
The armor is Morgounov knocked flat opposite the Kremlin. Someone's children helped to organize in kindergarten, who is trying to place in the hospital, someone brought food. Once Oleg took Anofrieva law. Morgunov learned about it and says Anofrieva: "Let's go to the head of traffic police. He is currently 50 years old, congratulate and resolve the issue. " Anofriev refused: "What are you, Jack, do not." But Morgounov insisted. And they came to the head of traffic police in Moscow, in his waiting room were already the mountain flowers. Morgunov snatched from the vase is the best bouquet and walked into the office. After 15 minutes, the rights were in the hands of Anofrieva.
Vitsin forbade his daughter Natasha free to come to the circus to Nikulin, only on tickets already purchased. Morgunov same pass-subscribed for 2 persons, then paint on yedinichku and held 12 people in the lodge management.
Pet wives
Morgunov loved teasing friends, colleagues and passers-by.
- Once he got hold of somewhere red "crust", went on the tram, checking tickets, - says Vladimir Zuckerman. - At the stop sometimes take his horn trolley and said first that fell "on, hold what you stand ?!" That, of course, kept thinking that Morgunov - the driver. A Morgounov crossed to the other side and watched. At this time, the real driver already knew that something was wrong, out of the cab and scolded "the Mother," the one who grabbed the horn.
When Morgunov was still young, handsome, his wife loved generals. Once at a banquet a few ladies stuck to him: "Well, Jack, well, cut off a small piece of cake." - "I do not want to!" - "Oh, please!" Then he cut off a small piece, left him, and the rest of the cake took and carried away.
Loved teasing cops. One goes to the "Lada" specially spun into oncoming traffic, it is, of course, stopped. Then Morgounov policeman shouted: "Attention!" He saluted. Morgunov asked: "Well, violated?" - "Violated." - "At ease! I decided to check out your vigilance. " And went on. On another occasion, when the policeman stopped Morgunov, lowers the glass and says, "Come here, my dear! On, shake hands Morgunov, go out the back and Vitsin Nikulin. Shooting! "Guardsman even dropped the baton from the hands.
He Hochma, pun, play the fool, but he was incredibly intelligent and well-read man. Could play without music of Brahms, Chopin, Shostakovich. When I was a presentation of the Museum of the three actors, I dictated the address and Morgunov Nikulin: "Coming into the street Gen. Berzarina ..." Nikulin asked, "And who is this Berzarin?" And then Morgounov began to tell the whole biography of General - where he was born, on the whom he was married, where he studied on what fronts fought.
Before the tour, he first studied the history of the city, which was supposed to go. Cemetery, markets and regional museums - the first three places where he went, getting acquainted with the local sights. Once after a concert in Kemerovo machine that sent for actors, was late. All are to be interested in each other, "Who are we lucky?" Morgunov, without asking anything, suddenly pointed to the first man from a car parked at the concert stage: "But the driver!" The man embarrassed: "Well, of course'll take. What conversation? "" Chauffeur "was a KGB colonel of the department for combating organized crime in the higher echelons of power.
Once Morgounov arrived in Gorky region, called immediately to the administration: "you greetings from Alexei Kosygin. This Morgunov, folk artist, member of the Bundestag. After me will come to you on a tour Vitsin and Nikulin, I'll take care. Tomorrow at 10 am, please, that there are no complications, brought three spetspayki - me, Vitsin and Nikulin. I will report to you about who should. " At 10 am really brought soldering. And in the Far East Morgunov for participation in a concert presented the fish kilograms 8. He shook his head: "I have no right to take from you such an expensive gift, knowing that my friends and Vitsin Nikulin such fish will not." He even gave two fish. Nikulin then complained: "I wish we had brought a piece."
Yevgeny Morgunov liked to eat, loved the sweet, though all this, he was not. In his youth, he began diabetes, and of slim, handsome with a luxurious head of hair, he has become a big bald man.
- In fact, the food he could control himself, - said Vladimir Zuckerman. - In the wake Utesova glasses and did not drink, he said: "I have come to say goodbye to a friend, and not to drink and eat." And spent the whole evening, not a single gram drank, ate nothing. VGIK classmate Morgunov somehow draw a picture of the future. Morgunov was depicted solid complete man. Everyone laughed, but after a while it really became so - weighed 132 kg. At the end of his life diabetes completely knocked down and broke the death of his son so much that he began to lose weight again (youngest son Nicholas Morgunov was killed in 1998 in a car accident. My father will survive him only a year, moving this year's two heart attacks and stroke. - Ed .).
He had a diabetic foot, he limped out onto the stage in the shoe and slipper, said that on the set fell from his horse, injured his leg. It was all very sad, leg ached terribly, but nothing can be done.