Urban Legends of the USSR (28 photos)
Several people who went to the legend from the time of Sovestskogo Union. Young people hardly heard, but the 80s generation will remember
1. Barrel with kvass.
Barrel with kvass overturned (in the accident, normally) - and at the bottom there were giant maggots (option: Tapeworms, another option - the corpse).
2. Foreigners pests.
Foreign tourists give Soviet children candy (Option: gum), infected with tuberculosis or syphilis (version: stuffed needles or pieces of razor blades, another exotic option: whalebone).
3. Aliens black marketeers selling jeans, infected with syphilis.
And they sell them to unsuspecting fellow citizens.
In dogonku to jeans - there is not syphilis, and a bag of fleas (lice).
4. Black night rinsed syphilitic member in a glass with soda machine.
5. History of the Pioneer Day Parade on Red Square.
Like the pioneers are systems at a measured pace, and foreigners throw them provocative gum under your feet to break the de order.
6. Rat and kindergarten.
Rat (option: half dead, after eating rat poison, which hunted mice and rats) fell into the cauldron, which was preparing semolina for children in kindergarten.
Moszaz. Legends about the gasman (option: plumbers) killers walked across the country.
7. The story of how the boy playing with scissors, and put yourself them both eyes.
While mom in horror ran through the apartment with a blind boy in her arms, the girl drowned in the bathtub.
My mother saw this and rushed out of the window from the tenth floor.
Pope rushed home and saw a dead mother on the pavement, a blind boy and a dead girl, a boy shot a gun and shot himself.
Everyone died.
8. The history of the manufacture of non-standard food.
The sausage is added toilet paper, and vodka (optional: butter) is made from oil (option: driven sawdust).
The soldier added bromine tea - to AWOL did not run for deffki, and vodka (sometimes: in beer) add diphenhydramine - to drink less, and cuts off faster.
The beer is added to laundry detergent - for better foaming.
9. Stories Unusual findings with sausage (option: pies).
Human fingers, teeth, paws of rats or rat tails.
10. The prisoners built a helicopter from chainsaws and fled from the area.
11. Machinery locators - who went through the streets and checked for prohibited Video cassettes.
12. As alleged struggled with viewing at home ideologically harmful "Rambo" and "Nine and a half weeks."
Cut off the electricity in the house, and without electricity from the tape recorder is not taken out.
We walked in the right flat and made out, actually. By the way, in Moscow said "Vidak", in the province - "Vidic».
13. There is a huge underground factories, which make any fucking secret technique.
There also can be attributed to the legend about tanks moving across the ocean floor, and about an underwater atomic bombs in the Atlantic.
14. Policeman jumped in front of the motorcade, which drove a member of the Political Bureau (Secretary General himself) - and was shot by guards. More soft option - a drunkard went to urinate behind the car - and the car was with as collectors - and poor-aklasha shot, mistaking him for a robber.
15. Missiles or large-caliber machine guns, covered with "teeth" on the bumper KGBshnyh "Gulls»
16. "Red film».
Like, there was a special "red" film, which is charged in the camera and take pictures of people.
People dressed and all naked on film obtained.
17. In Omsk was a special school for the study of English.
Once they went to a demonstration under the Nazi flag in SSovskoy form.
It turns out the whole school was part of the Nazi underground organization. All were immediately arrested.
Teachers sent to prison, the students in the colony for minors.
18. Historical.
Fanny Kaplan was not shot in 1918 - at the request of Lenin - and kept her in prison for her to see with their own eyes the happy life of the people under the Soviet regime - and that she lived so Makar almost until the end of the 60s.
19. The pharmacy per kilogram of dried mosquitoes gave some scarce nishtyaki. And more money hundred rubles.
20. Mosquitoes drank all the blood - in the construction of the BAM is entirely bloodless corpses.
21. Antennas with mercury.
Take any "voice", but the KGB of mercury finds.
One radio amateur 10 years collecting the mercury drop by drop (it was necessary to collect a lot of - almost a liter), put together a miracle antenna and became her catch all the existing TV and radio channels. But such an antenna itself deadened talks aircraft dispatchers, so ham arrested, and all the mercury poured ...
22. In every Soviet city was immured in the wall of the building construction workers (optional: stroybatovtsami) superintendent.
23. The uranium mines.
Sentenced to death, in fact, sent to the uranium mines, and someone familiar they must then meet - without teeth of patients.
24. "Meat business».
One man bought a kilo jar of herring.
House opened it, and there red caviar. He went out and bought another 10 cans and all was red caviar.
The well-known story in the time of Andropov. "Voices" energetically promoting it - that's what started the famous "fish business».
25. Alla Borisovna Pugachev, who accidentally ran over his daughter's future Aguilera and grief hanged herself.
26. Chinese Carpet glow in the dark silhouette of lying in the coffin of Mao Zedong - vytkanym phosphoric special thread, ... the day is not visible.
27. The country has long discussed the fact that the TV host Leontief - CIA agent.
28. A similar story was with Maslyakov.
When KVN stopped in the 70 to go, the country walked a legend that Maslyukova planted for 15 years because he and Baku (Baku it) KVN team were involved in some kind of scam with the currency and gold.
29. An integral part of a pack of cigarettes "Space" were the small squares with some figures. If all those numbers in order to gather and someone there to show, then they give the bike "Kama».
30. In the early '80s shook the whole country.
All discussed an article in the newspaper about some summer resident doctor who stole a neighbor's girl cut feet and hands, and held in the basement.
There's sort of the neighbors something to do with his dog he's avenged.
The resonance of the article was great.
31. Bandits lost cards place in the cinema.
The loser would sit behind the losing place and during a session with an awl in the heart killed unlucky spectator.
32. Muscovites have argued that there is a number (say) 777-13-13, call that, you can get into party-mode phone party, where everyone can talk to everyone, however, through continuous short beeps.
33. Withdrawn edition of the children's magazine "Murzilka" (option: "Fun").
A bully (option: a group of students, interns, worked in the magazine) night remade typesetting of the journal in which the poems come-puzzle "in a young man dripping from the end of the morning?" (The tap), "back and forth, back - and you I am pleased! "(swing)," perturbed him in hand, squeeze it tight, and it would be hard, like a turnip "(Snow), and other works of interesting properties. Always was a man who had seen a familiar magazine circulation of hooligan.
34. Somewhere between St. Petersburg and Novgorod two young tractor working on the field.
Suddenly one tractor failed.
They put it in the hole - and then cache the German WWII era, with "full stuffing" - weapons, uniforms, food.
Guys nadegustirovalis schnapps and decided to pin - put form, helmets, took guns and went to the village.
And there in the club - a collection of the collective farm. Well they lay down there with cries of "Hyundai hoch", and so on. They built the wall, and - as expected - "Communists and commissars - out!".
All stand and silent. Those repeated closures and twitch. Pops out of action whether collective farm chairman, whether the local party bosses and give point to the countrymen - "the Communist, this too ..»
In general, a tractor brought the whole crowd from the club and drove into the field. Show on the tractor and the team "Arbeit!". True the people when I saw tractors on time "pranksters" deciphered.
Cops arrived and GB took the tractor and nachalnika- "traitor." Young - "hooligan" and something small for date (almost bailed back to the farm passed), the chief - the article "treason" with all the consequences.
35. Some students teh.vuza invented machine for printing money.
It was in the 70 (towards the end). They decided to make on this matter, and pushed the Georgians (why they - HZ, but - "a song").
Those arrived, were checked - have blank paper size steward, to fill in the receiver, the car something pogudela and spat on the other hand has painted quite a hundred. Those tested her - authenticity.
Jellies warned that one session - 10 bills, no more - the machine can overheat and die. Which showed that 10 and pouring sput sold. Georgians brought her to him and began to twist - 9 attendants came out, and all the apparatus as they did not put there, "blanks", nothing gave. We understand - and there was tape on the 10 attendants AND ALL !!!
When the inventors of buyers and swept, the jelly something there gave conditional (more of a crime was not) but the Georgians - the full, for counterfeiting, almost tower.
36 sailors who went in foreign traffic and pr.schastlivchiki stranded on the "real" West could buy simple cigarette packs in the usual (Marlboro, Camel and so forth.), But it was still possible to buy almost indistinguishable packets (marked with 3 black stars called) marijuana cigarettes! And some of their baggage through customs, and some were treated here in the homeland!
37. The famous commentator Nikolai Ozerov for the whole country live yelled "Blow, blow yet! Go-ol !!!
H_y, Rod ... "Vasily Utkin has proved that it is the bike, but the legend still lives.
38. Went to the legend that in the mid-sixties, the Beatles came to St. Petersburg as a tourist destination, and gave a concert on the underground station (optional - in one of the courtyards). Ostensibly hence the famous song Back in the USSR.
History has repeatedly heard, even from the "eyewitnesses».
39. A descendant of merchant Yeliseyev, who lived in the United States, told Soviet authorities that before his departure from Russia Eliseev hid his treasure in Petrograd store. Of course, the return of the heir to the treasure had been refused, but soon after that, if you remember, a long time Yeliseyev was closed allegedly for restoration.
They rolled over everything, even the floors up, but found nothing.
Then the younger Elisha turned to the Soviets again, offering a certain percentage of the show where the hidden treasure. Do nothing, was invited to come.
Heir arrived, saw the ruined store, smiled and pointed to the chandelier, "Shoot».
A huge chandelier was removed, and it turned out that topped with a thin layer of bronze chandelier was cast in pure gold high grade. The store opened soon, but this chandelier is no longer seen.
40. The Japanese bought up all the glasses as glass packed in wooden boxes!
Glasses melted, and boxes of furniture.
We sold them a forest, purified from the trunks and branches of the needles - we were asked to supply the Japanese with twigs and needles - "we are making clothes».
41. The name of the American rock band «Kiss» - an abbreviation: Kinder SS - SS children.
42. Japanese inserted into his small tape Brake force indicators, which will be triggered if you try to remove the back cover.
Like, protection from reverse engineering. In this, the Leningrad variant, was that the Japanese audio equipment are special fotomikroskhemy that light up, if you try to parse the tape produced in Japan - for example, remove the back cover.
43. "Demis Roussos is dead, and Boney M was shot."
However, they always somehow came together to form a tandem.
Boney M went on tour in South Africa. Suddenly, their bus was stopped by racists brought all and immediately shot.
We are seriously worried.
One of the most enduring legends of that time: Demis Roussos died.
Just died and all.
It was believed, apparently, that the death of folk songs about a souvenir - a huge loss.
44. Soviet-Finnish border is controlled by a special radar.
Which show any living creature to move.
To deceive them - should be on the way to scatter the leaves of foil.
So do the smugglers, who are from Finland backpacks full of tights.
45. When they began to build the Olympic facilities for the Olympics in 1980, the Soviet Union for the Finns - Finnish builders and tourists - has introduced a simplified visa regime - and Leningrad there was quite a lot of Finnish tourists.
And as in Finland Prohibition (which in itself is a Soviet urban legend), the Finns, of course, above all in the cultural capital of the USSR booze - in this case in black. There was a triangle in the center of the city: "Beer" - "Snack" - "Vodka Room" - the triangle was for Finnish tourists such as Bermuda.
Bus with the Finns in the morning came to the "Beer" - and in the evening the driver climbs into the "Wineries" lifeless body upivshihsya Chukhontsev. Well, one Finn zakoreshilsya in alcohol consumption with our local drunks and kindness gave him his shoes and jacket.
A Statement alkashovskie took his jacket and boots.
When the bus driver, "collected his," he collecting body, the habit is focused primarily on the shoe, which is markedly different from the Soviet shoe. As a result, our Leningrad alcoholic, opened his eyes and found that around not say in Russian, and that he was drunk on the case left his native Union.
A similar surprise awaited and Finn.
Draw conclusions severe "narushetelyam border" do not have - at the checkpoint "Torfyanovka" there was an exchange on our drunk wino Finnish - in the best tradition of the film "Dead Season" and Western spy kinoboevikov.
46. The story of how a girl or young woman through a friend managed to buy expensive imported swimsuit (or may even she gave her friend a foreigner that more sophisticated), she put it - all so beautiful, compelling, vacationers escorted her eyes when She comes into the sea.
And when he goes - swimsuit woman suddenly becomes transparent, and all its charms visible, and she feels a terrible sense of shame and humiliation.
And there is nothing on imported cloth covet - wear something that all Soviet girls wear! =)
47. In the Soviet leaders kept his private life to himself, tradition always draw from his wife started Gorbachev, probably because the latter became the general secretary.
But sometime in the early 80's in the "Time" unexpectedly showed Leonid Brezhnev and his wife.
And all because the country started walking a rumor that "our way" Leon I. divorced and married to singer Lyudmila Zykina.
48. The box of matches, sandwiched into a fist, the impact force increases at times.
49. Damage to the escalator - and people sink into a gulf, where they are ground with giant gears.
50. Within the "Ostankino", found a bulldozer.
Do not break the building?
So he stayed there.
1. Barrel with kvass.
Barrel with kvass overturned (in the accident, normally) - and at the bottom there were giant maggots (option: Tapeworms, another option - the corpse).

2. Foreigners pests.
Foreign tourists give Soviet children candy (Option: gum), infected with tuberculosis or syphilis (version: stuffed needles or pieces of razor blades, another exotic option: whalebone).

3. Aliens black marketeers selling jeans, infected with syphilis.
And they sell them to unsuspecting fellow citizens.
In dogonku to jeans - there is not syphilis, and a bag of fleas (lice).
4. Black night rinsed syphilitic member in a glass with soda machine.

5. History of the Pioneer Day Parade on Red Square.
Like the pioneers are systems at a measured pace, and foreigners throw them provocative gum under your feet to break the de order.

6. Rat and kindergarten.
Rat (option: half dead, after eating rat poison, which hunted mice and rats) fell into the cauldron, which was preparing semolina for children in kindergarten.
Moszaz. Legends about the gasman (option: plumbers) killers walked across the country.
7. The story of how the boy playing with scissors, and put yourself them both eyes.
While mom in horror ran through the apartment with a blind boy in her arms, the girl drowned in the bathtub.
My mother saw this and rushed out of the window from the tenth floor.
Pope rushed home and saw a dead mother on the pavement, a blind boy and a dead girl, a boy shot a gun and shot himself.
Everyone died.
8. The history of the manufacture of non-standard food.
The sausage is added toilet paper, and vodka (optional: butter) is made from oil (option: driven sawdust).
The soldier added bromine tea - to AWOL did not run for deffki, and vodka (sometimes: in beer) add diphenhydramine - to drink less, and cuts off faster.
The beer is added to laundry detergent - for better foaming.
9. Stories Unusual findings with sausage (option: pies).
Human fingers, teeth, paws of rats or rat tails.
10. The prisoners built a helicopter from chainsaws and fled from the area.
11. Machinery locators - who went through the streets and checked for prohibited Video cassettes.

12. As alleged struggled with viewing at home ideologically harmful "Rambo" and "Nine and a half weeks."
Cut off the electricity in the house, and without electricity from the tape recorder is not taken out.
We walked in the right flat and made out, actually. By the way, in Moscow said "Vidak", in the province - "Vidic».
13. There is a huge underground factories, which make any fucking secret technique.
There also can be attributed to the legend about tanks moving across the ocean floor, and about an underwater atomic bombs in the Atlantic.
14. Policeman jumped in front of the motorcade, which drove a member of the Political Bureau (Secretary General himself) - and was shot by guards. More soft option - a drunkard went to urinate behind the car - and the car was with as collectors - and poor-aklasha shot, mistaking him for a robber.
15. Missiles or large-caliber machine guns, covered with "teeth" on the bumper KGBshnyh "Gulls»

16. "Red film».
Like, there was a special "red" film, which is charged in the camera and take pictures of people.
People dressed and all naked on film obtained.
17. In Omsk was a special school for the study of English.
Once they went to a demonstration under the Nazi flag in SSovskoy form.
It turns out the whole school was part of the Nazi underground organization. All were immediately arrested.
Teachers sent to prison, the students in the colony for minors.
18. Historical.
Fanny Kaplan was not shot in 1918 - at the request of Lenin - and kept her in prison for her to see with their own eyes the happy life of the people under the Soviet regime - and that she lived so Makar almost until the end of the 60s.

19. The pharmacy per kilogram of dried mosquitoes gave some scarce nishtyaki. And more money hundred rubles.
20. Mosquitoes drank all the blood - in the construction of the BAM is entirely bloodless corpses.
21. Antennas with mercury.
Take any "voice", but the KGB of mercury finds.
One radio amateur 10 years collecting the mercury drop by drop (it was necessary to collect a lot of - almost a liter), put together a miracle antenna and became her catch all the existing TV and radio channels. But such an antenna itself deadened talks aircraft dispatchers, so ham arrested, and all the mercury poured ...
22. In every Soviet city was immured in the wall of the building construction workers (optional: stroybatovtsami) superintendent.
23. The uranium mines.
Sentenced to death, in fact, sent to the uranium mines, and someone familiar they must then meet - without teeth of patients.
24. "Meat business».
One man bought a kilo jar of herring.
House opened it, and there red caviar. He went out and bought another 10 cans and all was red caviar.
The well-known story in the time of Andropov. "Voices" energetically promoting it - that's what started the famous "fish business».
25. Alla Borisovna Pugachev, who accidentally ran over his daughter's future Aguilera and grief hanged herself.

26. Chinese Carpet glow in the dark silhouette of lying in the coffin of Mao Zedong - vytkanym phosphoric special thread, ... the day is not visible.
27. The country has long discussed the fact that the TV host Leontief - CIA agent.

28. A similar story was with Maslyakov.
When KVN stopped in the 70 to go, the country walked a legend that Maslyukova planted for 15 years because he and Baku (Baku it) KVN team were involved in some kind of scam with the currency and gold.

29. An integral part of a pack of cigarettes "Space" were the small squares with some figures. If all those numbers in order to gather and someone there to show, then they give the bike "Kama».
30. In the early '80s shook the whole country.
All discussed an article in the newspaper about some summer resident doctor who stole a neighbor's girl cut feet and hands, and held in the basement.
There's sort of the neighbors something to do with his dog he's avenged.
The resonance of the article was great.
31. Bandits lost cards place in the cinema.
The loser would sit behind the losing place and during a session with an awl in the heart killed unlucky spectator.
32. Muscovites have argued that there is a number (say) 777-13-13, call that, you can get into party-mode phone party, where everyone can talk to everyone, however, through continuous short beeps.
33. Withdrawn edition of the children's magazine "Murzilka" (option: "Fun").
A bully (option: a group of students, interns, worked in the magazine) night remade typesetting of the journal in which the poems come-puzzle "in a young man dripping from the end of the morning?" (The tap), "back and forth, back - and you I am pleased! "(swing)," perturbed him in hand, squeeze it tight, and it would be hard, like a turnip "(Snow), and other works of interesting properties. Always was a man who had seen a familiar magazine circulation of hooligan.

34. Somewhere between St. Petersburg and Novgorod two young tractor working on the field.
Suddenly one tractor failed.
They put it in the hole - and then cache the German WWII era, with "full stuffing" - weapons, uniforms, food.
Guys nadegustirovalis schnapps and decided to pin - put form, helmets, took guns and went to the village.
And there in the club - a collection of the collective farm. Well they lay down there with cries of "Hyundai hoch", and so on. They built the wall, and - as expected - "Communists and commissars - out!".
All stand and silent. Those repeated closures and twitch. Pops out of action whether collective farm chairman, whether the local party bosses and give point to the countrymen - "the Communist, this too ..»
In general, a tractor brought the whole crowd from the club and drove into the field. Show on the tractor and the team "Arbeit!". True the people when I saw tractors on time "pranksters" deciphered.
Cops arrived and GB took the tractor and nachalnika- "traitor." Young - "hooligan" and something small for date (almost bailed back to the farm passed), the chief - the article "treason" with all the consequences.
35. Some students teh.vuza invented machine for printing money.
It was in the 70 (towards the end). They decided to make on this matter, and pushed the Georgians (why they - HZ, but - "a song").
Those arrived, were checked - have blank paper size steward, to fill in the receiver, the car something pogudela and spat on the other hand has painted quite a hundred. Those tested her - authenticity.
Jellies warned that one session - 10 bills, no more - the machine can overheat and die. Which showed that 10 and pouring sput sold. Georgians brought her to him and began to twist - 9 attendants came out, and all the apparatus as they did not put there, "blanks", nothing gave. We understand - and there was tape on the 10 attendants AND ALL !!!
When the inventors of buyers and swept, the jelly something there gave conditional (more of a crime was not) but the Georgians - the full, for counterfeiting, almost tower.

36 sailors who went in foreign traffic and pr.schastlivchiki stranded on the "real" West could buy simple cigarette packs in the usual (Marlboro, Camel and so forth.), But it was still possible to buy almost indistinguishable packets (marked with 3 black stars called) marijuana cigarettes! And some of their baggage through customs, and some were treated here in the homeland!
37. The famous commentator Nikolai Ozerov for the whole country live yelled "Blow, blow yet! Go-ol !!!
H_y, Rod ... "Vasily Utkin has proved that it is the bike, but the legend still lives.

38. Went to the legend that in the mid-sixties, the Beatles came to St. Petersburg as a tourist destination, and gave a concert on the underground station (optional - in one of the courtyards). Ostensibly hence the famous song Back in the USSR.
History has repeatedly heard, even from the "eyewitnesses».

39. A descendant of merchant Yeliseyev, who lived in the United States, told Soviet authorities that before his departure from Russia Eliseev hid his treasure in Petrograd store. Of course, the return of the heir to the treasure had been refused, but soon after that, if you remember, a long time Yeliseyev was closed allegedly for restoration.
They rolled over everything, even the floors up, but found nothing.
Then the younger Elisha turned to the Soviets again, offering a certain percentage of the show where the hidden treasure. Do nothing, was invited to come.
Heir arrived, saw the ruined store, smiled and pointed to the chandelier, "Shoot».
A huge chandelier was removed, and it turned out that topped with a thin layer of bronze chandelier was cast in pure gold high grade. The store opened soon, but this chandelier is no longer seen.

40. The Japanese bought up all the glasses as glass packed in wooden boxes!
Glasses melted, and boxes of furniture.
We sold them a forest, purified from the trunks and branches of the needles - we were asked to supply the Japanese with twigs and needles - "we are making clothes».

41. The name of the American rock band «Kiss» - an abbreviation: Kinder SS - SS children.

42. Japanese inserted into his small tape Brake force indicators, which will be triggered if you try to remove the back cover.
Like, protection from reverse engineering. In this, the Leningrad variant, was that the Japanese audio equipment are special fotomikroskhemy that light up, if you try to parse the tape produced in Japan - for example, remove the back cover.

43. "Demis Roussos is dead, and Boney M was shot."
However, they always somehow came together to form a tandem.
Boney M went on tour in South Africa. Suddenly, their bus was stopped by racists brought all and immediately shot.
We are seriously worried.
One of the most enduring legends of that time: Demis Roussos died.
Just died and all.
It was believed, apparently, that the death of folk songs about a souvenir - a huge loss.

44. Soviet-Finnish border is controlled by a special radar.
Which show any living creature to move.
To deceive them - should be on the way to scatter the leaves of foil.
So do the smugglers, who are from Finland backpacks full of tights.

45. When they began to build the Olympic facilities for the Olympics in 1980, the Soviet Union for the Finns - Finnish builders and tourists - has introduced a simplified visa regime - and Leningrad there was quite a lot of Finnish tourists.
And as in Finland Prohibition (which in itself is a Soviet urban legend), the Finns, of course, above all in the cultural capital of the USSR booze - in this case in black. There was a triangle in the center of the city: "Beer" - "Snack" - "Vodka Room" - the triangle was for Finnish tourists such as Bermuda.
Bus with the Finns in the morning came to the "Beer" - and in the evening the driver climbs into the "Wineries" lifeless body upivshihsya Chukhontsev. Well, one Finn zakoreshilsya in alcohol consumption with our local drunks and kindness gave him his shoes and jacket.
A Statement alkashovskie took his jacket and boots.
When the bus driver, "collected his," he collecting body, the habit is focused primarily on the shoe, which is markedly different from the Soviet shoe. As a result, our Leningrad alcoholic, opened his eyes and found that around not say in Russian, and that he was drunk on the case left his native Union.
A similar surprise awaited and Finn.
Draw conclusions severe "narushetelyam border" do not have - at the checkpoint "Torfyanovka" there was an exchange on our drunk wino Finnish - in the best tradition of the film "Dead Season" and Western spy kinoboevikov.
46. The story of how a girl or young woman through a friend managed to buy expensive imported swimsuit (or may even she gave her friend a foreigner that more sophisticated), she put it - all so beautiful, compelling, vacationers escorted her eyes when She comes into the sea.
And when he goes - swimsuit woman suddenly becomes transparent, and all its charms visible, and she feels a terrible sense of shame and humiliation.
And there is nothing on imported cloth covet - wear something that all Soviet girls wear! =)
47. In the Soviet leaders kept his private life to himself, tradition always draw from his wife started Gorbachev, probably because the latter became the general secretary.
But sometime in the early 80's in the "Time" unexpectedly showed Leonid Brezhnev and his wife.
And all because the country started walking a rumor that "our way" Leon I. divorced and married to singer Lyudmila Zykina.

48. The box of matches, sandwiched into a fist, the impact force increases at times.

49. Damage to the escalator - and people sink into a gulf, where they are ground with giant gears.

50. Within the "Ostankino", found a bulldozer.
Do not break the building?
So he stayed there.