Eggshell is a great fertilizer for plants

Eggshell — bargain many families the material is sent to landfill along with other household waste. Meanwhile, gaining a few pounds of the shell per year, you can improve the soil on his plot, to increase the yield of vegetables and to make blossom exuberant colors of the flower beds.
How useful eggshells for plants After synthesis in the organism of birds, the calcium carbonate, of which 93% is the shell, it becomes easily digestible for plants. This feature fundamentally distinguishes the shell from lime and chalk, which are known, are also calcium carbonate and is used for deoxidation of the soil in the garden plots and orchards. The remaining 7 percent is a "cocktail" of the 27 most useful to plants of trace elements, including silicon, sulfur and phosphorus.
How to assemble the shell In this case has its wisdom. If you collect from unwashed shell eggs, or eggshells with adhering to it slices of protein, it will soon begin to emit a bad smell. The typed material will be discarded. To avoid this, the shell from raw eggs should be washed with water or dry well. From boiled eggs to take only well behind them, clean inside the shell. The weight of the shell, which can be collected during the year, calculated by the formula: 10 g (average weight of the shell of one egg) x the number of eggs eaten by the family per month x 12 months — 10% of the ejected shell.

How to apply egg shells to use plant 1. Protection from moles. Potatoes will not suffer from the invasion of the mole, if in the hole when planting root vegetables add the pieces of shell — rodents don't like its sharp edges.
2. Plant protection against the "black legs". The powder of ground shell as a preventive measure sprinkled on the surface of the earth where you planted the seedling asters, tomatoes, etc. for therapeutic purposes, the powder is treated with soil after removing the black leg affected plants.
3. The deoxidation of the soil. With large stocks of shell it is added at the rate of 0.5 kg to 1 kg per square meter of land, depending on the degree of acidity of the soil. When the shell a bit, flour it pour directly into the hole when planting plants.
4. The fertilizer plants. Plants enriched with minerals and when you add the powder from the shell into the soil. However, it is possible to make a useful infusion on the shell principle five: shells of five eggs, pour five (200 ml) cups of boiling water and infuse for five days. If the infusion smells badly, do not rush to pour out, he just ready to eat. To feed such a beverage can be absolutely any plants.
How to cook the powder (flour) from the shell Dried egg shell ground in a meat grinder, a mortar or coffee grinder. Small enough "grinding" can be achieved, if you put a thin layer of shell on a hard surface and tap it with a hammer. When making the shell into the soil when digging in the winter, the shell is added in small pieces.
I hope my story about how useful eggshells for plants will encourage You not to throw it in further, and store for use on the site. Read also about the benefits of onion peel to plants and the use of banana peel for dressing.
Source: ayatskov1.ru